well they sure as hell aren't to the right and the opposite of right is left. It also depends on issues. Like the war in afghanistan I would say he's no different than Bush.As a matter of fact predator attacks have increased under Obama,but on domestic issues I don't know how anyone could possibly think that he's not trying to steer America to the left.
But I thought we were talking about the media :?
we are talking about the media but you continually use obama as your reasoning that the media leans left ...
the opposite of right is indeed left however, we are talking about a political spectrum and in that context ... there are degrees of right and degrees of left ... and there is also a centre ...
the left would argue that the corporatization of america is more holistically supported by the right ... as it's usually the right that wants corporations to have little oversight by gov't and are always in favour of deregulation ... it is also the right who is not in favour of environmental regulations, something the left supports ... so, when we are talking about a mainstream media that essentially cowtails to corporate america - there is no part of the left that sees the mainstream media as friendly ...
where is the mainstream media on iraq and afghanistan now, where are they on human right abuses around the world, where are they on climate change? ... these are all key issues that concern the left and they have very little face time in the mainstream media ...
the mainstream media promotes a corporate agenda ... it's really that simple ... any news that may or may not get thrown in the mix is purely superficial in nature ...
Ok.. I can see why you would think that.. I guess im looking at it through more of a political side of things. Also I would have to dissagree with you to some extent on the issues you listed. In other words I consider my self to be a conservative/independent/libertarian and I want a clean enviorment but at the same time I don't want the EPA coming in to my home or my life telling me I have to use a certain kind of lightbulb or im going to get fined.
As far as a "corporate agenda" Im not really sure what you mean by that..Im all for the gov making sure that corporations sren't hurting consumers but not at the cost of doing the opposite
Kuypers is another person you should read about. He has done some interesting studies. He wrote a pretty interesting book about the media and 9/11 coverage and shortly after. Good stuff.
I dont know, in the end perception is reality and if you perceive a bias you will find one.
thats quite an interesting read actually, it seems the news leans left rather than the media though, considering it didn't include opinion pieces
this is at least a better study than the example previously given ...
i will add again tho that it really depends on how one describes being left ... i mean the NAACP is about civil liberties but hardly anyone i know who is left in my mind would consider them a reputable source for opinions ...
having said that - if people think obama is left ... then the media definitely leans that way ... but really, he is far more centrist than left ...
I'll have to read the article later, but thanks for posting. I agree with the posts above, though, that in order to answer this question (Does the media lean to the left?) we need to define "media" and "left".
Firstly, let's put this part to rest - the Democrats are not "left", they are merely more liberal version of the republican party. In sum we basically have two parties one of which is the right and one that is to the right but leans towards center... we do not have any real "left" major parties.
Secondly, the entire US media is corporate own and privately run.. how do you explain if they are so "left" that their entire motive is profit driven, to mis-inform the public via non-reporting, frame debate of citizens and shifted bias to make everyone good, happy patriotic citizens? This may not be your understanding of the media as a whole, but tons of legitimate studies have shown this is what our media as a whole does in practice. So how do you account for this? How would the whole media being "left" veer everyone's opinions in a different direction? If the media were really working the way you proclaim, we'd read and hear nothing but "leftist" propaganda which would undermine all the things you claim they are doing.
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
Ok.. I can see why you would think that.. I guess im looking at it through more of a political side of things. Also I would have to dissagree with you to some extent on the issues you listed. In other words I consider my self to be a conservative/independent/libertarian and I want a clean enviorment but at the same time I don't want the EPA coming in to my home or my life telling me I have to use a certain kind of lightbulb or im going to get fined.
As far as a "corporate agenda" Im not really sure what you mean by that..Im all for the gov making sure that corporations sren't hurting consumers but not at the cost of doing the opposite
the problems in america start and end with the big corporations ... their ability to influence gov't policy whether they be dems or repubs ... your reference to the EPA is great example ... the EPA is not independent and operates soley in the interests of the ruling party and the corporations they serve ...
believe it or not, the left are not interested in gov't telling people what they can or cannot do but are rather interested in a gov't that considers the whole of society rather than specific interests ...
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
scb.. Your going to have to sit down and actually watch the news on diffferent networks to see what Im talking about. For example. Watch special report on fox. Its not op ed like Beck,Hannity,or O'reilly and then watch one of the other networks.
Did you not go to the newsbusters link ? Here's another link http://www.aim.org/
the problems in america start and end with the big corporations ... their ability to influence gov't policy whether they be dems or repubs ...
and that my friend is what we conservatives call cronie capitalism or corprotism. And we want nothing to do with it. It hurts our country and it gives capitalism a bad name.
But this is exactly what the media is and is owned and run by yet you don't acknowledge it. Simply because some news channels veer their bias, doesn't mean that's really their agenda. The agenda of the media is not to imform and hasn't been for a long time, it's to profit, spread the gospel of corporate America and frame public debate (ie tell people roughly what they can and can't discuss in open forum).
[and that my friend is what we conservatives call cronie capitalism or corprotism. And we want nothing to do with it. It hurts our country and it gives capitalism a bad name.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
scb.. Your going to have to sit down and actually watch the news on diffferent networks to see what Im talking about. For example. Watch special report on fox. Its not op ed like Beck,Hannity,or O'reilly and then watch one of the other networks.
Did you not go to the newsbusters link ? Here's another link http://www.aim.org/
Thanks for the other link; I'll have to check it out later.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but by your statement above it seems like you're saying anything left of the most conservative network is necessarily left/liberal. Is that right?
the problems in america start and end with the big corporations ... their ability to influence gov't policy whether they be dems or repubs ...
and that my friend is what we conservatives call cronie capitalism or corprotism. And we want nothing to do with it. It hurts our country and it gives capitalism a bad name.
But when conservatives so vehemently support capitalism in this country, aren't they supporting the form of capitalism that actually exists here?
and that my friend is what we conservatives call cronie capitalism or corprotism. And we want nothing to do with it. It hurts our country and it gives capitalism a bad name.
absolutely ... not to derail in anyway but this is what i've been trying to say in the climate change threads with you ... i understand you are against cap and trade which us lefties are too ... where we differ there is you seem to think that cap and trade is some hippie scheme when in fact it is brought on by the same fat cats who gave us the shit we have now ...
we could probably agree more on the crux of an issue ... if you would only see the same issue from the side of us lefties ... healthcare is a great example ... although lefties believe in socialized health care ... we don't believe in gov't run programs that's purpose is to line the pockets of special interests like big pharma or related industries ...
You're naming a few left leaning news channels, did all of them do this? Was FOX news or other right leaning channels doing the same? The answer is of course not. If our whole media was "left" (which Obama and dems really aren't), every news medium would be as you are describing and that simply isn't nor has ever been the case. You don't seem to grasp the difference between a single news source being biased compared everything being biased in the same direction. Fox news is an example of a right wing biased news forum, but solely because they lean to the right, it doesn't mean the entire US media (books, tv, papers, magazines, etc) is shifted that way, but that is what you are claiming.
I see your point.But I dissagree. For example take the last presidential election.All the networks were either for Obama or Hillary. They hardly if ever had anything good to say about Sara Palin or Mcain or any other republican candidate for that matter. Take General Electric. You could say that's Obama's Halliburton. GE which Ownes NBC,MSNBC.GE CEO Jeff Immelt sits on Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and GE owns MSNBC, the network famously friendly to Obama.”
Not only that just look at which networks cover or report on certain stories. For example Fox News was the only network for weeks that talked about Obama's ties with Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The Acorn story is another example. I could keep going, but I would be here all day..
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
i could say that talk radio is right wing. would you not agree with me. Rush gets how many listeners?
But when conservatives so vehemently support capitalism in this country, aren't they supporting the form of capitalism that actually exists here?
Huh? :? How's that? Are they supporting some kind of non-existant utopia or something? Regardles of what they intend to support, though, their actions/votes DO support the status quo of capitalism.
the primary proof the media does not lean left is the war in Iraq ... where was the media to ask the tough questions and to dig up the truth which would have spared so many innocent lives? ... they gave Bush a free pass and look at the result ...
This is hilarious! You surely can't even believe what you've typed here.
All we heard when Bush was President was how bad the war was going, etc. Every day there would be a new death total.
You could hear a pin drop these days. Nothing is ever said about it.
(I'm not saying it's evidence that the media leans left because I'm not sure I believe that, but just saying your example is a bad one).
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
the primary proof the media does not lean left is the war in Iraq ... where was the media to ask the tough questions and to dig up the truth which would have spared so many innocent lives? ... they gave Bush a free pass and look at the result ...
This is hilarious! You surely can't even believe what you've typed here.
All we heard when Bush was President was how bad the war was going, etc. Every day there would be a new death total.
You could hear a pin drop these days. Nothing is ever said about it.
(I'm not saying it's evidence that the media leans left because I'm not sure I believe that, but just saying your example is a bad one).
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
You're missing the point. Yes, there are some media that veers to the left and some to the right in their biases, but as a whole, the whole media for our nation is not skewed to the left, it's actual far from it.. it's big business interests and nothing more. Solely because MSNBC or CNN veers left does not mean the whole media is skewed that ways just as FOX's right does not represent the whole media. Those are singular examples of specific stations. If you want to read some good books about media and ownership in our nation and how it is skewed, read this Media Monopoly by Ben Bagdikian: http://benbagdikian.net/
Please man.. I hear democrats refer to Hillary Clinton's healtcare as Hillarycare all the time. You shouldn't let petty semantics cloud your brain. The facts are every single news entity except fox leans left and you have MSNBC that is way left and out right nasty somtimes.
I see your point.But I dissagree. For example take the last presidential election.All the networks were either for Obama or Hillary. They hardly if ever had anything good to say about Sara Palin or Mcain or any other republican candidate for that matter. Take General Electric. You could say that's Obama's Halliburton. GE which Ownes NBC,MSNBC.GE CEO Jeff Immelt sits on Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and GE owns MSNBC, the network famously friendly to Obama.”
Not only that just look at which networks cover or report on certain stories. For example Fox News was the only network for weeks that talked about Obama's ties with Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The Acorn story is another example. I could keep going, but I would be here all day..
Don't forget during the campaign they found it more important to cover what Palin was wearing over Biden saying we were going to be attacked again if Obama is elected. Naahhh, that doesn't lean to the left at all. Or how about just recently Media Matters doctored footage of Glenn and Pat, then today on Becks radio show they shredded them for it. loved it!
You're naming a few left leaning news channels, did all of them do this? Was FOX news or other right leaning channels doing the same? The answer is of course not. If our whole media was "left" (which Obama and dems really aren't), every news medium would be as you are describing and that simply isn't nor has ever been the case. You don't seem to grasp the difference between a single news source being biased compared everything being biased in the same direction. Fox news is an example of a right wing biased news forum, but solely because they lean to the right, it doesn't mean the entire US media (books, tv, papers, magazines, etc) is shifted that way, but that is what you are claiming.
I see your point.But I dissagree. For example take the last presidential election.All the networks were either for Obama or Hillary. They hardly if ever had anything good to say about Sara Palin or Mcain or any other republican candidate for that matter. Take General Electric. You could say that's Obama's Halliburton. GE which Ownes NBC,MSNBC.GE CEO Jeff Immelt sits on Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and GE owns MSNBC, the network famously friendly to Obama.”
Not only that just look at which networks cover or report on certain stories. For example Fox News was the only network for weeks that talked about Obama's ties with Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The Acorn story is another example. I could keep going, but I would be here all day..
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
It's not there fault, that's how our universities teach them these days.
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
Ummm, all you need to do is turn your tv on msnbc from 6 pm till 10 pm. I think those time are about right. Not really sure though, can never watch it for more then 30 minutes. I either laugh hysterically or feel like vomiting.
How come the whole media is called "left" by some when all you're doing is name 1 show or station? When someone can explain this in detail, I'd love to hear a reason.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
Ummm, all you need to do is turn your tv on msnbc from 6 pm till 10 pm. I think those time are about right. Not really sure though, can never watch it for more then 30 minutes. I either laugh hysterically or feel like vomiting.
Assuming this 4 hours on one station really is left-leaning (and that's a big assumption in my book), how does 4 hours on one network represent the entirety of the mainstream media?
Other right leaning channels and just where are these channels ? ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,HLN,MSNBC ALL LEAN TO THE LEFT... With all due respect man you and others are completly nuts if you dont think that the majority of the media whether it be television or print media ( news papers) aren't left leaning.
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
scb.. Your going to have to sit down and actually watch the news on diffferent networks to see what Im talking about. For example. Watch special report on fox. Its not op ed like Beck,Hannity,or O'reilly and then watch one of the other networks.
Did you not go to the newsbusters link ? Here's another link http://www.aim.org/
Sorry - I forgot to check out this link until now. But I'm still at a loss as to how this website demonstrates that the mainstream media leans left.
This group describes themselves as "a non-profit, grassroots citizens watchdog of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage." Their motto is "For fairness, balance, and accuracy in news reporting." But one of their primary projects is "the American Journalism Center (AJC), an internship training program for aspiring conservative student journalists." And their editor is founder and president of America's Survival: http://www.usasurvival.org/. And their top headlines are: "Giving Socialism a Bad Name: Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is demonstrating, once again, that socialism doesn’t work," "Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason," and "Leftist “Historian” Howard Zinn Lied About Red Ties." So where is the fairness, balance, and accuracy? And how does this conservative website demonstrate that the media leans left?
People on the far left and right each think that the all other media caters to their opponents views. But these people typically get most of their news from networks that cater to them (i.e. Fox, MSNBC, NPR, Rush, etc.). Therefore, when a standard media outlet such as ABC or CBS presents the news in a non-biased fashion, it appears very slanted to the normal viewer that watches Fox New / MSNBC predominantly.
Also, humans that work for news networks possess their own opinions and views, and although a good journalist should not let their own views govern how the new is reported, it does happen from time to time. It is easy for each side to find these isolated incidents and then paint a network as biased or corrupt.
That is just the world we live in until Skynet becomes self-aware.
People on the far left and right each think that the all other media caters to their opponents views. But these people typically get most of their news from networks that cater to them (i.e. Fox, MSNBC, NPR, Rush, etc.). Therefore, when a standard media outlet such as ABC or CBS presents the news in a non-biased fashion, it appears very slanted to the normal viewer that watches Fox New / MSNBC predominantly.
Also, humans that work for news networks possess their own opinions and views, and although a good journalist should not let their own views govern how the new is reported, it does happen from time to time. It is easy for each side to find these isolated incidents and then paint a network as biased or corrupt.
That is just the world we live in until Skynet becomes self-aware.
So I'm curious how NPR is leftist (assuming that's what you're saying). It's the only news I listen to regularly and I've really tried to pinpoint why people say this, but to no avail. This morning, for instance, they had a story about Iraqis not wanting the U.S. to withdraw our troops. Doesn't seem leftist to me.
People on the far left and right each think that the all other media caters to their opponents views. But these people typically get most of their news from networks that cater to them (i.e. Fox, MSNBC, NPR, Rush, etc.). Therefore, when a standard media outlet such as ABC or CBS presents the news in a non-biased fashion, it appears very slanted to the normal viewer that watches Fox New / MSNBC predominantly.
Also, humans that work for news networks possess their own opinions and views, and although a good journalist should not let their own views govern how the new is reported, it does happen from time to time. It is easy for each side to find these isolated incidents and then paint a network as biased or corrupt.
That is just the world we live in until Skynet becomes self-aware.
So I'm curious how NPR is leftist (assuming that's what you're saying). It's the only news I listen to regularly and I've really tried to pinpoint why people say this, but to no avail. This morning, for instance, they had a story about Iraqis not wanting the U.S. to withdraw our troops. Doesn't seem leftist to me.
media is motivated by the corporations that own it, and the state those corporations influence.
there will be no consistencies until you recognize those truths.
So I'm curious how NPR is leftist (assuming that's what you're saying). It's the only news I listen to regularly and I've really tried to pinpoint why people say this, but to no avail. This morning, for instance, they had a story about Iraqis not wanting the U.S. to withdraw our troops. Doesn't seem leftist to me.
media is motivated by the corporations that own it, and the state those corporations influence.
there will be no consistencies until you recognize those truths.
Yeah... uh huh... I get that. Is that meant to somehow answer my question? :?
So I'm curious how NPR is leftist (assuming that's what you're saying). It's the only news I listen to regularly and I've really tried to pinpoint why people say this, but to no avail. This morning, for instance, they had a story about Iraqis not wanting the U.S. to withdraw our troops. Doesn't seem leftist to me.
media is motivated by the corporations that own it, and the state those corporations influence.
there will be no consistencies until you recognize those truths.
Yeah... uh huh... I get that. Is that meant to somehow answer my question? :?
Does it really though? What I saw of it recently seemed surprisingly conservative to me. :?
Ok.. I can see why you would think that.. I guess im looking at it through more of a political side of things. Also I would have to dissagree with you to some extent on the issues you listed. In other words I consider my self to be a conservative/independent/libertarian and I want a clean enviorment but at the same time I don't want the EPA coming in to my home or my life telling me I have to use a certain kind of lightbulb or im going to get fined.
As far as a "corporate agenda" Im not really sure what you mean by that..Im all for the gov making sure that corporations sren't hurting consumers but not at the cost of doing the opposite
I'll have to read the article later, but thanks for posting. I agree with the posts above, though, that in order to answer this question (Does the media lean to the left?) we need to define "media" and "left".
Secondly, the entire US media is corporate own and privately run.. how do you explain if they are so "left" that their entire motive is profit driven, to mis-inform the public via non-reporting, frame debate of citizens and shifted bias to make everyone good, happy patriotic citizens? This may not be your understanding of the media as a whole, but tons of legitimate studies have shown this is what our media as a whole does in practice. So how do you account for this? How would the whole media being "left" veer everyone's opinions in a different direction? If the media were really working the way you proclaim, we'd read and hear nothing but "leftist" propaganda which would undermine all the things you claim they are doing.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I've asked you to please explicitly show me how these media outlets all lean to the left. I'll ask again. Please explicitly demonstrate how these media outlets truly lean to the left. You say we're nuts if we don't see it, but you haven't shown it. This is your chance.
the problems in america start and end with the big corporations ... their ability to influence gov't policy whether they be dems or repubs ... your reference to the EPA is great example ... the EPA is not independent and operates soley in the interests of the ruling party and the corporations they serve ...
believe it or not, the left are not interested in gov't telling people what they can or cannot do but are rather interested in a gov't that considers the whole of society rather than specific interests ...
scb.. Your going to have to sit down and actually watch the news on diffferent networks to see what Im talking about. For example. Watch special report on fox. Its not op ed like Beck,Hannity,or O'reilly and then watch one of the other networks.
Did you not go to the newsbusters link ? Here's another link
and that my friend is what we conservatives call cronie capitalism or corprotism. And we want nothing to do with it. It hurts our country and it gives capitalism a bad name.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Yes, I went to the link and I replied:
http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.ph ... 5#p3144255
Thanks for the other link; I'll have to check it out later.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but by your statement above it seems like you're saying anything left of the most conservative network is necessarily left/liberal. Is that right?
But when conservatives so vehemently support capitalism in this country, aren't they supporting the form of capitalism that actually exists here?
absolutely ... not to derail in anyway but this is what i've been trying to say in the climate change threads with you ... i understand you are against cap and trade which us lefties are too ... where we differ there is you seem to think that cap and trade is some hippie scheme when in fact it is brought on by the same fat cats who gave us the shit we have now ...
we could probably agree more on the crux of an issue ... if you would only see the same issue from the side of us lefties ... healthcare is a great example ... although lefties believe in socialized health care ... we don't believe in gov't run programs that's purpose is to line the pockets of special interests like big pharma or related industries ...
i could say that talk radio is right wing. would you not agree with me. Rush gets how many listeners?
Huh? :? How's that? Are they supporting some kind of non-existant utopia or something? Regardles of what they intend to support, though, their actions/votes DO support the status quo of capitalism.
well we sure as fuck can agree on that.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
This is hilarious! You surely can't even believe what you've typed here.
All we heard when Bush was President was how bad the war was going, etc. Every day there would be a new death total.
You could hear a pin drop these days. Nothing is ever said about it.
(I'm not saying it's evidence that the media leans left because I'm not sure I believe that, but just saying your example is a bad one).
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Don't forget during the campaign they found it more important to cover what Palin was wearing over Biden saying we were going to be attacked again if Obama is elected. Naahhh, that doesn't lean to the left at all. Or how about just recently Media Matters doctored footage of Glenn and Pat, then today on Becks radio show they shredded them for it.
It's not there fault, that's how our universities teach them these days.
Ummm, all you need to do is turn your tv on msnbc from 6 pm till 10 pm. I think those time are about right. Not really sure though, can never watch it for more then 30 minutes. I either laugh hysterically or feel like vomiting.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Assuming this 4 hours on one station really is left-leaning (and that's a big assumption in my book), how does 4 hours on one network represent the entirety of the mainstream media?
media serves the state, and the corporations that own it. whatever lean.
Sorry - I forgot to check out this link until now. But I'm still at a loss as to how this website demonstrates that the mainstream media leans left.
This group describes themselves as "a non-profit, grassroots citizens watchdog of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage." Their motto is "For fairness, balance, and accuracy in news reporting." But one of their primary projects is "the American Journalism Center (AJC), an internship training program for aspiring conservative student journalists." And their editor is founder and president of America's Survival: http://www.usasurvival.org/. And their top headlines are: "Giving Socialism a Bad Name: Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is demonstrating, once again, that socialism doesn’t work," "Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason," and "Leftist “Historian” Howard Zinn Lied About Red Ties." So where is the fairness, balance, and accuracy? And how does this conservative website demonstrate that the media leans left?
Also, humans that work for news networks possess their own opinions and views, and although a good journalist should not let their own views govern how the new is reported, it does happen from time to time. It is easy for each side to find these isolated incidents and then paint a network as biased or corrupt.
That is just the world we live in until Skynet becomes self-aware.
So I'm curious how NPR is leftist (assuming that's what you're saying). It's the only news I listen to regularly and I've really tried to pinpoint why people say this, but to no avail. This morning, for instance, they had a story about Iraqis not wanting the U.S. to withdraw our troops. Doesn't seem leftist to me.
media is motivated by the corporations that own it, and the state those corporations influence.
there will be no consistencies until you recognize those truths.
Yeah... uh huh... I get that. Is that meant to somehow answer my question? :?
its supposed to answer all your questions.