Cannabinoids Kill Cancer - Our Govt Has Known for 36 Years

JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
edited August 2010 in A Moving Train
Below is a repost of an article published on Americans for Safe Access website: in November of 2003. The article describes how cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals and also kill cancer cells. Then it finishes off by saying that the US government has known for more than 35 years and that the media which would normally go crazy about a cancer cure story like this, doesn’t at all and in fact seem to be burying the story rather than promote it in any way. I for one am amazed at the government’s stance on marijuana and their failed war on drugs, which is more like a war on it’s own country.

by Steve Kubby, Sierra Times
November 10th, 2003

A new study published in Nature Reviews-Cancer provides an historic and detailed explanation about how THC and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer, but preserve normal cells.

The study by Manuel Guzmán of Madrid Spain found that cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. They do so by modulating key cell-signalling pathways, thereby inducing direct growth arrest and death of tumor cells, as well as by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels that supply the tumor.

The Guzman study is very important according to Dr. Ethan Russo , a neurologist and world authority on medical cannabis: “Cancer occurs because cells become immortalized; they fail to heed normal signals to turn off growth. A normal function of remodelling in the body requires that cells die on cue. This is called apoptosis, or programmed cell death. That process fails to work in tumors. THC promotes its reappearance so that gliomas, leukemias, melanomas and other cell types will in fact heed the signals, stop dividing, and die.”

“But, that is not all,” explains Dr. Russo: “The other way that tumors grow is by ensuring that they are nourished: they send out signals to promote angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels. Cannabinoids turn off these signals as well. It is truly incredible, and elegant.”

In other words, this article explains several ways in which cannabinoids might be used to fight cancer, and, as the article says, “Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies.

Usually, any story that even suggests the possibility of a new treatment for cancer is greeted with headlines about a “cancer cure” – however remote in the future and improbable in fact it might be. But if marijuana is involved, don’t expect any coverage from mainstream media, especially since mainstream editors have been quietly killing this story for the past thirty years…

That’s right, news about the abilility of pot to shrink tumors first surfaced, way back in 1974. Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institutes of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.

The Washington Post reported on the 1974 study — in the “Local” section — on Aug. 18, 1974. Under the headline, “Cancer Curb Is Studied,” it read in part: “The active chemical agent in marijuana curbs the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice and may also suppress the immunity reaction that causes rejection of organ transplants, a Medical College of Virginia team has discovered.” The researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers, and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”

“News coverage of the Madrid discovery has been virtually nonexistent in this country. The news broke quietly on Feb. 29, 2000 with a story that ran once on the UPI wire about the Nature Medicine article,” complained editor Richard Cowan , who said he was only able to find the article through a link that appeared briefly on the Drudge Report Web page. “The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times all ignored the story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: a benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors,” added Cowan.

On March 29, 2001, the San Antonio Current printed a carefully researched, bombshell of a story by Raymond Cushing titled, “POT SHRINKS TUMORS; GOVERNMENT KNEW IN ‘74.” Media coverage since then has been nonexistant, except for a copy of the story on Alternet.

It is hard to believe that the knowledge that cannabis can be used to fight cancer has been suppressed for almost thirty years , yet it seems likely that it will continue to be suppressed. Why?

According to Cowan, the answer is because it is a threat to cannabis prohibition . “If this article and its predecessors from 2000 and 1974 were the only evidence of the suppression of medical cannabis, then one might perhaps be able to rationalize it in some herniated way. However, there really is massive proof that the suppression of medical cannabis represents the greatest failure of the institutions of a free society, medicine, journalism, science, and our fundamental values,” Cowan notes.

Millions of people have died horrible deaths and in many cases, familes exhausted their savings on dangerous, toxic and expensive drugs. Now we are just beginning to realize that while marijuana has never killed anyone, marijuana prohibition has killed millions. ... ll-cancer/
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • release23420release23420 Posts: 1,176
    edited August 2010
    yeah :mrgreen: hopefully they realize what a mistake they made
    Post edited by release23420 on
  • Tenzing N.Tenzing N. Posts: 466
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.

    right on,

    it may work in mice, but it may not have transferred to humans. My guess is they couldn't replicate this study in order to consider it a cancer cure. There are plenty of cancer patients smoking marijuana that still die from cancer.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
    If this is all true, it's a damn shame. This plant just has too many uses and would be too abundant for it to be legalized-- it would provide way too much competition for so much major industry from plastics to pharmaceuticals.

    This is a perfect example of how government does more to stifle competition and CREATE monopolies rather than protect people from them.

    Cartels have the monopoly on wholesaling of the plant due to its legal status, and everyone from big oil to big pharma are spared from viable competition.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    your kidding right, they would have already developed a pill that synthetically provided the same stuff and made billions. There is no conspiracy here
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Tenzing N.Tenzing N. Posts: 466
    I might be persuaded that "big pharma" is trying to supress this if big pharma existed as they are portrayed, as one big evil group. But in reality this is a highly competetive, disjointed group. Thankfully a level of competition exists among them that virtually guarantees this type of situation won't exist.

    That and a little research (ignoring the massive number of articles by pot advocacy groups) implies that a cancer prevention or mitigation benefit from canibis or other itterations simply hasn't been proven. In fact, many studies have proven quite the opposite.
  • release23420release23420 Posts: 1,176
    k speaking on the cash flow of this my mum died from it an the hospital bills wow i should be a millionaire, the gov makes more off of people dieing from cancer than they would of of a pill or blazein some green, seriously if you had never had anyone die from cancer close to you an you saw the bills it cost to treat them for yrs hint you know how much a pint of blood cost , so all those saying the gov wouldn't hold out come on now this is US gov we are talking about , anyways i hope they make it legal so it heal those it needs to an those who want to enjoy the other effects let them enjoy it worse thing is the grocery bill would go up , hope you all have a great day
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    k speaking on the cash flow of this my mum died from it an the hospital bills wow i should be a millionaire, the gov makes more off of people dieing from cancer than they would of of a pill or blazein some green, seriously if you had never had anyone die from cancer close to you an you saw the bills it cost to treat them for yrs hint you know how much a pint of blood cost , so all those saying the gov wouldn't hold out come on now this is US gov we are talking about , anyways i hope they make it legal so it heal those it needs to an those who want to enjoy the other effects let them enjoy it worse thing is the grocery bill would go up , hope you all have a great day

    sorry to hear about your mom, cancer deaths are the hardest to watch. A close friend of mine died of pancreatic cancer, it was the saddest thing ever to witness.

    that being said, how does the government make money off of this? They would make more by keeping people alive and in the work force and off of taxing sales of marijuana than they ever would by having people die of cancer. We aren't governed by COBRA.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • release23420release23420 Posts: 1,176
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    k speaking on the cash flow of this my mum died from it an the hospital bills wow i should be a millionaire, the gov makes more off of people dieing from cancer than they would of of a pill or blazein some green, seriously if you had never had anyone die from cancer close to you an you saw the bills it cost to treat them for yrs hint you know how much a pint of blood cost , so all those saying the gov wouldn't hold out come on now this is US gov we are talking about , anyways i hope they make it legal so it heal those it needs to an those who want to enjoy the other effects let them enjoy it worse thing is the grocery bill would go up , hope you all have a great day

    sorry to hear about your mom, cancer deaths are the hardest to watch. A close friend of mine died of pancreatic cancer, it was the saddest thing ever to witness.

    that being said, how does the government make money off of this? They would make more by keeping people alive and in the work force and off of taxing sales of marijuana than they ever would by having people die of cancer. We aren't governed by COBRA.

    as well sorry for your loss mate yeah it is a horrible thing to see ,hopefully right choices will be made by our"leaders" did you see on the geo channel where they stated 143 billion is made of grass every yr but thats "dirty"money so no gov gets the tax
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    k speaking on the cash flow of this my mum died from it an the hospital bills wow i should be a millionaire, the gov makes more off of people dieing from cancer than they would of of a pill or blazein some green, seriously if you had never had anyone die from cancer close to you an you saw the bills it cost to treat them for yrs hint you know how much a pint of blood cost , so all those saying the gov wouldn't hold out come on now this is US gov we are talking about , anyways i hope they make it legal so it heal those it needs to an those who want to enjoy the other effects let them enjoy it worse thing is the grocery bill would go up , hope you all have a great day

    sorry to hear about your mom, cancer deaths are the hardest to watch. A close friend of mine died of pancreatic cancer, it was the saddest thing ever to witness.

    that being said, how does the government make money off of this? They would make more by keeping people alive and in the work force and off of taxing sales of marijuana than they ever would by having people die of cancer. We aren't governed by COBRA.

    as well sorry for your loss mate yeah it is a horrible thing to see ,hopefully right choices will be made by our"leaders" did you see on the geo channel where they stated 143 billion is made of grass every yr but thats "dirty"money so no gov gets the tax

    I still don't see why it is illegal, someday it will be made legal, and I will add that someday will be very soon. I think the mind is very powerful and if you add that belief in healing and relief for cancer patients into any actual physical "curing" it could do a lot of good for a lot of people, not to mention the increased tax revenue from the cntrolled and reglated sale of the plant
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    k speaking on the cash flow of this my mum died from it an the hospital bills wow i should be a millionaire, the gov makes more off of people dieing from cancer than they would of of a pill or blazein some green, seriously if you had never had anyone die from cancer close to you an you saw the bills it cost to treat them for yrs hint you know how much a pint of blood cost , so all those saying the gov wouldn't hold out come on now this is US gov we are talking about , anyways i hope they make it legal so it heal those it needs to an those who want to enjoy the other effects let them enjoy it worse thing is the grocery bill would go up , hope you all have a great day

    Sorry for your loss as well bro.

    ...but, man, if that paragraph wasn't written by a pothead, I'll be a monkey's uncle. :D Long-ass, rambling, run-on sentence of a paragraph. haha No offense.
  • BlockheadBlockhead Posts: 1,538
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I might be persuaded that "big pharma" is trying to supress this if big pharma existed as they are portrayed, as one big evil group. But in reality this is a highly competetive, disjointed group. Thankfully a level of competition exists among them that virtually guarantees this type of situation won't exist.

    That and a little research (ignoring the massive number of articles by pot advocacy groups) implies that a cancer prevention or mitigation benefit from canibis or other itterations simply hasn't been proven. In fact, many studies have proven quite the opposite.
    I suggest you do a little research on Big Pharma. THey are about corrupt as it somes, same with the FDA. Why don't you look into the drug Viox. That drug was passed on knowingly it would cause deaths, and the FDA approved it, knowingly. I would like for anyone to name one drug from big pharma that cures something??? They are all band-aids and create you to take more drugs for the side effects.
  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,687
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    your kidding right, they would have already developed a pill that synthetically provided the same stuff and made billions. There is no conspiracy here


    they can't make billions if it is legal and grown everywhere by everyone
    if they made a pill
    who would buy it and give them billions

    the conspiracy here is they know what would happen if most of the country was smoking daily
    the brainwashing would wear off
    minds would be freed
    the realization that killing children for oil is pathetic
    the concept that money is more important than everything would be exposed

    they know this powerful medicine has the ability to change the world
    and they fear change
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    ed243421 wrote:
    they can't make billions if it is legal and grown everywhere by everyone
    f they made a pill
    who would buy it and give them billions
    the conspiracy here is they know what would happen if most of the country was smoking daily
    the brainwashing would wear off
    minds would be freed
    the realization that killing children for oil is pathetic
    the concept that money is more important than everything would be exposed
    they know this powerful medicine has the ability to change the world
    and they fear change
    First off, the premise was if it was illegal, which it still is, would have been motivated to come up with a synthetic version that cured cancer. Secondly, most people wouldn't grow there own. A lot of people would rather just by it. I mean, it is possible and legal to grow your own food but people still go to the grocery store. Thirdly, and this is my favorite. Maybe people who don't like to smoke would still like to be cured of cancer. Just a thought.

    Are you claiming that potheads all have a better life philosophy than everyone else? When was the last time you had a coherent conversation with someone who was stoned... I am all for people smoking pot if they want to, but lets not pretend it doesn't alter your state. I can promise you this world would be a fucked up place if it were run by stoners.
    and also nice tie in of war. You really have the worst view of the world I have ever heard.
    and I sure hope you are joking about marijuana changing the world. I am not quite sure why everyone who wants to legalize marijuana thinks everyone in the world wants to smoke it. Some people don't use it by choice. It isn't like the day it becomes legal all the people who have no interest in getting high are gonna run out and smoke until they are able to make some great policy changes.
    Also, I am still waiting for a reply to a pist I wrote a while ago, care to get around to it?
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,687
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    ed243421 wrote:
    they can't make billions if it is legal and grown everywhere by everyone
    f they made a pill
    who would buy it and give them billions
    the conspiracy here is they know what would happen if most of the country was smoking daily
    the brainwashing would wear off
    minds would be freed
    the realization that killing children for oil is pathetic
    the concept that money is more important than everything would be exposed
    they know this powerful medicine has the ability to change the world
    and they fear change
    First off, the premise was if it was illegal, which it still is, would have been motivated to come up with a synthetic version that cured cancer. Secondly, most people wouldn't grow there own. A lot of people would rather just by it. I mean, it is possible and legal to grow your own food but people still go to the grocery store. Thirdly, and this is my favorite. Maybe people who don't like to smoke would still like to be cured of cancer. Just a thought.

    Are you claiming that potheads all have a better life philosophy than everyone else? When was the last time you had a coherent conversation with someone who was stoned... I am all for people smoking pot if they want to, but lets not pretend it doesn't alter your state. I can promise you this world would be a fucked up place if it were run by stoners.
    and also nice tie in of war. You really have the worst view of the world I have ever heard.
    and I sure hope you are joking about marijuana changing the world. I am not quite sure why everyone who wants to legalize marijuana thinks everyone in the world wants to smoke it. Some people don't use it by choice. It isn't like the day it becomes legal all the people who have no interest in getting high are gonna run out and smoke until they are able to make some great policy changes.
    Also, I am still waiting for a reply to a pist I wrote a while ago, care to get around to it?

    you need to smoke more

    and i did reply to that post
    what are you, high?


    show me the question that you asked me
    and i will answer
    and would you do the same?
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    ed243421 wrote:
    you need to smoke more
    and i did reply to that post
    what are you, high?


    show me the question that you asked me
    and i will answer
    and would you do the same?

    I can tell you, that no I don't need to smoke more. I have smoked plenty, even lived with a dealer for a couple of years. I spent a lot of time trying to understand why they all liked it so much, but I couldn't. It wasn't for me, I prefer to have a few beers to relax.

    In that particular thread I answered all your questions posed to me.
    One of the questions I have asked you was very simple
    why don't you read posts from now on that answer you before you post replies to it?

    If you had you would have seen that I was interested in a discussion with you. I posed a response to your question and expected a thoughtful response back to my points. All I got was a change in topic. I am trying to keep it civil with you, I really am interested in why you are so down on all things...but it is hard when you don't engage in conversation you just put a short haiku like response out there that seems to be thoughtful but really isn't saying anything.
    If you firmly believe that pot has been kept down by big pharm then why don't you explain how...if you really think that a conspiracy by the government to block marijuana simply because people's minds will be open and then they will do something(not sure what) to the government then explain how you came to that conclusion.

    I will have a response to your question you posed in the other thread shortly, I left it due to the take over by heidijam leading it into a direction I had no interest in going.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • ed243421 wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    your kidding right, they would have already developed a pill that synthetically provided the same stuff and made billions. There is no conspiracy here


    they can't make billions if it is legal and grown everywhere by everyone
    if they made a pill
    who would buy it and give them billions

    the conspiracy here is they know what would happen if most of the country was smoking daily
    the brainwashing would wear off
    minds would be freed
    the realization that killing children for oil is pathetic
    the concept that money is more important than everything would be exposed

    they know this powerful medicine has the ability to change the world
    and they fear change

    Mike answered, but I'm going to put my 2 cents in as well...

    They could still make billions on a synthetic pill. There are plenty of natural remedies for stuff that we (as a public in general) would still rather get from our doctor/pharmacy. I would be willing to bet most people would prefer to have a treatment program set up by their doctor that would involve this type of synthetic drug (and whatever else they need) to treat their cancer, than to just buy weed. And a lot of people will be undergoing treatment while still working/etc, so being baked really wouldn't work out all that good for them on a daily basis.

    And really, that bold paragraph could be the most asinine thing I've read on here in a a while.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,687
    i was high
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    your kidding right, they would have already developed a pill that synthetically provided the same stuff and made billions. There is no conspiracy here

    That sounds about right...Big Pharma synthetically taking the benefits of a naturally derived herb to make millions. Sounds like the shit Big Pharma would try, YET, we have states going bankrupt, the economy going bankrupt and to think ... it would be in the country's best interest to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana in order to get back on our feet again. If CA is considering legalizing it (out of the state's financial despair), then it is the best thing to do.
    Whether you smoke it or not.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Jeanwah wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    your kidding right, they would have already developed a pill that synthetically provided the same stuff and made billions. There is no conspiracy here

    That sounds about right...Big Pharma synthetically taking the benefits of a naturally derived herb to make millions. Sounds like the shit Big Pharma would try, YET, we have states going bankrupt, the economy going bankrupt and to think ... it would be in the country's best interest to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana in order to get back on our feet again. If CA is considering legalizing it (out of the state's financial despair), then it is the best thing to do.
    Whether you smoke it or not.

    couldn't agree more, it should absolutely be legal to smoke marijuana.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    ed243421 wrote:
    i was high

    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    ed243421 wrote:
    i was high
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    Never a truer statement said. It seems they are finding more and more positive uses for marijuana. The problem, it can be grown in people's home. this means the government can't tax the shit out of it and big pharma can't make $$$$$ off it. I've given up thinking that the US or Canadian government will ever wake up and legalize it, doesn't matter who you elect they are all corrupt.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    lukin2006 wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Tenzing N. wrote:
    I'm sorry- this just seems a little far-fetched. A "proven" cancer remedy or at least a preliminarily proven cancer treatment has been discovered and not one company or organization has been able to bring it to market? Seriously? This reminds me of "chemtrails". There's just too many reasons why this couldn't happen. Even corrupt capatalism would have found a way to make money off of this and legitimate medicine would be pushing this so hard that no amount of cover-up or suppression could keep it down. I'm quite certain that cancer rates among non users is equal or even less than for users.
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    Never a truer statement said. It seems they are finding more and more positive uses for marijuana. The problem, it can be grown in people's home. this means the government can't tax the shit out of it and big pharma can't make $$$$$ off it. I've given up thinking that the US or Canadian government will ever wake up and legalize it, doesn't matter who you elect they are all corrupt.

    Nope. The government would make their money on it, it is more about keeping the agencies like the DEA I said earlier, we can all grow our own food, but do we? We can grow our own tobacco, but do we? We can produce/harness our own energy (windmills and solar panels) but do we? I don't buy the idea that everyone who smokes pot would just suddenly start growing their own. you would still have to by equipment, I mean you cannot grow it outside in the winter in Minnesota...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    lukin2006 wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Big Pharma would certainly find a reason for keeping it hush hush. They can't make money off of something we can all attempt to grow in our homes naturally.

    Never a truer statement said. It seems they are finding more and more positive uses for marijuana. The problem, it can be grown in people's home. this means the government can't tax the shit out of it and big pharma can't make $$$$$ off it. I've given up thinking that the US or Canadian government will ever wake up and legalize it, doesn't matter who you elect they are all corrupt.

    Nope. The government would make their money on it, it is more about keeping the agencies like the DEA I said earlier, we can all grow our own food, but do we? We can grow our own tobacco, but do we? We can produce/harness our own energy (windmills and solar panels) but do we? I don't buy the idea that everyone who smokes pot would just suddenly start growing their own. you would still have to by equipment, I mean you cannot grow it outside in the winter in Minnesota...

    I can't really speak a whole lot about the states, but here in Canada if the government thought they could make a fortune in taxes from legalizing it they would. The bottom line is that most recreational users would find other sources to get their pot and cut the government out. I'm pretty sure in the states the same holds true.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    mike....c'mon....the comment about coherent convo's with potheads is out of line.... Most regular smokers act no different stoned than they do sober.
    If a joint turns you into Keanu Reeves, sorry bout your luck...but it definitely doesn't affect everyone that way, esp once they're 'used' to the buzz. Impairment levels and reaction times on average are better than a person who blows a .08 blood alcohol level. Can you speak coherently while relaxing and using your drug of choice?

    And i wish the pro-legalization crowd would stop volunteering to be taxed. I'd rather the government stay the fuck out of our gardens.
    And i wish the pro-legalization crowd would stop volunteering to be taxed. I'd rather the government stay the fuck out of our gardens.
    RIGHT ON!!!
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