i AM mine

like a slap in the face
it hit me
as the human brain became more and more complex
chemical evolution developed the higher emotions
the mind, heart, and soul all emerged as curious and curiouser
soul-searching humans developed the very soul for which they sought solace
so love and hate, courage and fear, all characteristics that are natured or nurtured are inborn
their prominance or recessiveness all depend on which were born strongest
what i used to call god
i now call the universe
i don't even know what to call
the hyper space that houses hundreds of billions of other universes
our only hope is that the energy source behind our big bang (and countless others)
is aware of us and our fragile souls
there is no other side
to meet you on
to take a look on
or to break on through to
it hit me
as the human brain became more and more complex
chemical evolution developed the higher emotions
the mind, heart, and soul all emerged as curious and curiouser
soul-searching humans developed the very soul for which they sought solace
so love and hate, courage and fear, all characteristics that are natured or nurtured are inborn
their prominance or recessiveness all depend on which were born strongest
what i used to call god
i now call the universe
i don't even know what to call
the hyper space that houses hundreds of billions of other universes
our only hope is that the energy source behind our big bang (and countless others)
is aware of us and our fragile souls
there is no other side
to meet you on
to take a look on
or to break on through to
fuck 'em if they can't take a joke
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Post edited by Unknown User on
P.S. I have to get my thesaurus's now.
probably belonged in aet
but wth
we created god in our image
the pin point of alpha where it all began
hydrogen heats
making hydrogen hearts
all bringing billions of years of cosmic evolution
to the us and fucking now
all of the faces we have put on god
god the father?
it is much much broader and brighter than we ever evolved our imaginations to dream.
humankind is just a blip of time on the face of the earth
even less in our sun's age
and microscopic in terms of the age of just our universe
mind blowing
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
I hope you kept your thesauraus out for that, Godfather!
Here's my take of the day:
Ok, our brains evolved. How stupid are we all to think that what we can think of now is all there is. Isn't that absurd? History throws stupidity in our faces. The earth is flat, we are the center of the universe (the sun revolves around us), etc. etc. etc. How stupid to not admit how stupid we are (oxymoron, I know) Anyway, who is to say that there are not plains or entities or realms or dimensions that are right here with us, that our brains simply do not have the chemical abilities to sense? Do deer ponder God? (still capitalizing). Of course not! Do deer wonder what we are saying when we talk? I doubt it. Can they even conceptualize language? I don't think so. Why? Because their brains do that. Homey doesn't go there.
AND Yet, man & woman, WITH all their brain power, still think that they can say, with definity, that there is no god, soul, heaven, hell, life everafter amen. Are we really thinking that our brains cannot develop further, to think of things that they don't even know they don't know.
We can be sitting & walking among real physical angels & devils or more right now (the ones we can't see, that is), and if our brains don't have the neuronic make-up to sense this (just as deer don't have the neuronic make-up to use, or even remotely conceptualize spoken language) , are we realy correct in saying they don't exist? If we were fools we could definitely rule them out. Our presently feeling love & feeling our souls, while not fully understanding them yet, puts more than just a little light on their existence.
I understand that the human brain MAY have evolved to necessarily "create in our minds" a god & an afterlife just so that we don't all die prematurely of anxiety attacks knowing that we are all going to die and coincidently, we're just hanging off some rock thing totally alone in deep outerspace. Let's pray.
But to discount something we don't have the power to comprehend under the presumption that our brains know all there is to know is equally as ..uncertain.
To sum....I dunno.
--Saint Augustine
you lost me on that one Dang Dang, I am a very religious man and pray or talk to my lord and Saviour(Jesus Christ) just about every day, he is very important in mine and my family's life.
and human Brain...as unique as a finger print to each individual in my opinion.
is that what you were talking about ?