So, now we are blaming a waste of resources on a guy that had kids ring his doorbell and run....hmmm...root cause analysis...what could have been done to keep him from calling?
Oh that's right, don't ring the doorbell. Ding and ditch is a gateway crime.
Are you the scary old man on the block that all the kids are afraid of because they think you eat children's brains?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
gateway to what.....prank calls with heavy breathing??
Yep. Then comes pooping on your neighbors yard. Pretty soon, they'll be shooting up drugs and other gang members.
and this is all based on what??? :?
i am sure there are hundreds of thousands of people who have harmlessly knocked on a door and ran away at some point in their lifetime and have not graduated to pooping in the neighbor's yard, shooting up drugs, or anything or anyone else...
are you joking or are you being serious?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
gateway to what.....prank calls with heavy breathing??
Yep. Then comes pooping on your neighbors yard. Pretty soon, they'll be shooting up drugs and other gang members.
Dman cincy, sounds like there’s a meth lap near someone’s neighborhood. Hell, you gotta love those bikers, even when they crap on your lawn.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Still, there is no way the homeowner should be charged with a crime and at the very least the kid should have been taken to his parents house in the cop car.
Look I did the same things when I was a kid...I just knew that if I got caught, I'd get in trouble. We are babying kids these and then end up being entitled adult babies.
Seems like the teenager's prank was pretty harmless but if you decide to mess with someone and piss him off don't be surprised if they retaliate. As kids we used to do daft things like this and accepted it if some irate guy gave us a smack. Today we'd be encouraged to sue him.
Surely the police and courts have better things to do than deal with a guy running around in his jockeys.
Did you read the article by any chance? It was night time, the guy had a family (wife and 2 kids under 6yrs old), the kids not only rang the front bell, but the back door as well, then were yelling curses at them all.. this wasn't simply "ring and run".
Seems like the teenager's prank was pretty harmless but if you decide to mess with someone and piss him off don't be surprised if they retaliate. As kids we used to do daft things like this and accepted it if some irate guy gave us a smack. Today we'd be encouraged to sue him.
Surely the police and courts have better things to do than deal with a guy running around in his jockeys.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Did you read the article by any chance? It was night time, the guy had a family (wife and 2 kids under 6yrs old), the kids not only rang the front bell, but the back door as well, then were yelling curses at them all.. this wasn't simply "ring and run".
Seems like the teenager's prank was pretty harmless but if you decide to mess with someone and piss him off don't be surprised if they retaliate. As kids we used to do daft things like this and accepted it if some irate guy gave us a smack. Today we'd be encouraged to sue him.
Surely the police and courts have better things to do than deal with a guy running around in his jockeys.
The article was pasted into the OPs post. Nothing about yelling and cursing or the kids ages in the article linked.
The article was pasted into the OPs post. Nothing about yelling and cursing or the kids ages in the article linked.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
We used to tennis ball cars as a kid. Pretty harmless in our eyes, but I suppose we probably dented a few cars, and terrified a few drivers. Knowing what I know now, I would have punched me in the face. As far as I am concerned the kid got off lucky. Wrong home owner under the wrong circumstances and he may have been seriously hurt.
also as a side note, I love how someone above me had to make sure to say that he was a scared old republican...what the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING...
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Kids should be in trouble but so should the underwear vigilante. You can't hold someone in your home against their will and cite "family security" as a reason.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
He was holding the kid there til the police arrived. If that happened to any normal persons' family, it's a very likely result... and quite frankly these kids are lucky something worse didn't happen. Imagine you had some trigger happy gun owner...
Kids should be in trouble but so should the underwear vigilante. You can't hold someone in your home against their will and cite "family security" as a reason.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
He was holding the kid there til the police arrived. If that happened to any normal persons' family, it's a very likely result... and quite frankly these kids are lucky something worse didn't happen. Imagine you had some trigger happy gun owner...
Kids should be in trouble but so should the underwear vigilante. You can't hold someone in your home against their will and cite "family security" as a reason.
The kid is lucky compared to this peeping tom who was caught in a couple's patio by the wife of a MMA figher. Oops.
The perp was charged with six crimes while the home owner who used ground-and-pound submission techniques to subdue the perp was given a hero's nod. Now, does anyone think that it should be illegal to hold somebody down until police get there in this case?
Although the intent of the peeping tom is much more malicious then the kid ringing doorbells, the crimes they actually committed up to the point of detention are quite similar. Thoughts?
He was holding the kid there til the police arrived. If that happened to any normal persons' family, it's a very likely result... and quite frankly these kids are lucky something worse didn't happen. Imagine you had some trigger happy gun owner...
Kids should be in trouble but so should the underwear vigilante. You can't hold someone in your home against their will and cite "family security" as a reason.
The kid is lucky compared to this peeping tom who was caught in a couple's patio by the wife of a MMA figher. Oops.
The perp was charged with six crimes while the home owner who used ground-and-pound submission techniques to subdue the perp was given a hero's nod. Now, does anyone think that it should be illegal to hold somebody down until police get there in this case?
Although the intent of the peeping tom is much more malicious then the kid ringing doorbells, the crimes they actually committed up to the point of detention are quite similar. Thoughts?
The MMA fighter doesn't get to decide legally if this dude is guilty or not or what punishment he deserves. The peeping tom and all citizens are entitled to a fair trial and due process. That's supposed to be what seperates our country from the others. We have to protect everyone else's rights if we expect our own rights to be upheld as well.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
The MMA fighter doesn't get to decide legally if this dude is guilty or not or what punishment he deserves. The peeping tom and all citizens are entitled to a fair trial and due process. That's supposed to be what seperates our country from the others. We have to protect everyone else's rights if we expect our own rights to be upheld as well.
So, if the homeowner doesn't take it upon themselves to detain a trespasser, then the perp just runs off and nothing happens to them. Sounds like great advice. If you are trespassing on my property, or peeping on my wife, you will be fortunate if all I do is detain you. Rights, schmights, you lost them when you decided to trespass and piss me off.
Hell, if I see a stranger walking up my driveway, I slip out my side door and follow them up the walk to my front door. I just love watching them jump out of their skin when they ring the doorbell and I say, "What do you want?" right in their ear. :twisted: mmwahahahahahaha
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
The MMA fighter doesn't get to decide legally if this dude is guilty or not or what punishment he deserves. The peeping tom and all citizens are entitled to a fair trial and due process. That's supposed to be what seperates our country from the others. We have to protect everyone else's rights if we expect our own rights to be upheld as well.
So, if the homeowner doesn't take it upon themselves to detain a trespasser, then the perp just runs off and nothing happens to them. Sounds like great advice. If you are trespassing on my property, or peeping on my wife, you will be fortunate if all I do is detain you. Rights, schmights, you lost them when you decided to trespass and piss me off.
Hell, if I see a stranger walking up my driveway, I slip out my side door and follow them up the walk to my front door. I just love watching them jump out of their skin when they ring the doorbell and I say, "What do you want?" right in their ear. :twisted: mmwahahahahahaha
"Legal Detention" and "beat the shit out of" are very different things. Hey, I'm on your side emotionally. I would want to kick the crap out of that guy, too. But it is not our legal right to administer a guilty verdict and punishment to this dude.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
The MMA fighter doesn't get to decide legally if this dude is guilty or not or what punishment he deserves. The peeping tom and all citizens are entitled to a fair trial and due process. That's supposed to be what seperates our country from the others. We have to protect everyone else's rights if we expect our own rights to be upheld as well.
The fighter, just as anyone else has the right (in most states) to place someone under citizen's arrest if they witness a crime being committed. The fighter didn't decide guilt or innocence, he subdued an alleged criminal until the police arrived. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Judging by the marks on his face, there was definitely a struggle between the two.
"Legal Detention" and "beat the shit out of" are very different things. Hey, I'm on your side emotionally. I would want to kick the crap out of that guy, too. But it is not our legal right to administer a guilty verdict and punishment to this dude.
The fighter more than likely used only the tools necessary to subdue the perp. in all seriousness, contrary to popular belief, Mixed Martial Artists aren't just meat heads who try to pick fights all the time. In my experience at my gym, the guys who actually fight are the most mild mannered and respectful of all the people that come through. No fighter wants to hurt themselves, especially when they aren't getting paid and even more so on a knuckle head like this guy.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
The MMA fighter doesn't get to decide legally if this dude is guilty or not or what punishment he deserves. The peeping tom and all citizens are entitled to a fair trial and due process. That's supposed to be what seperates our country from the others. We have to protect everyone else's rights if we expect our own rights to be upheld as well.
I don't completely agree with protecting everyone's rights but I guess it's in our rulebook. Damn the ACLU!
The fighter more than likely used only the tools necessary to subdue the perp. in all seriousness, contrary to popular belief, Mixed Martial Artists aren't just meat heads who try to pick fights all the time. In my experience at my gym, the guys who actually fight are the most mild mannered and respectful of all the people that come through. No fighter wants to hurt themselves, especially when they aren't getting paid and even more so on a knuckle head like this guy.
exactly. i had 14 fights in 2 years, with only 3 losses and have not been in a streetfight since i was in 8th grade. i am a pretty mild mannered dude, and will do whatever it takes to avoid throwing an elbow or punch. i, like most guys that have done MMA know how to hurt someone but i know how to use restraint. if a guy enters my house and videotapes my wife doing something i have every right to defend her and my family and hold them there until police arrive. it is all about not being a victim and making your would be attacker the victim. the voyeur was an adult. the ding dong dtich kids were minor children, and i am absolutely against using violence against minor kids.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
when I was 14, I was out with friends walking around and drinking vodka. My douchebag friend decided to chuck the glass bottle onto the pavement of an elementary school. there was a guy and his friends at the house next to the lot outside chatting,and when we walked by (with me yelling at my friend for being so stupid) they all grabbed us and detained us. Did he tackle us? No, but the way this guy was acting,I'm sure he would have. He called the cops and the cops came and drove us home to our parents and let them deal with us.
Did I sue the guy for "assaulting" us, or illegally detaining us? No, because what my friend did was wrong. If he had tackled me because of it, so be it. My buddy was the dumbass, not the homeowner.
Arresting this guy is pure BS.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
where did it say that this guy was violent towards the kid? He apprehended him via a tackle. Cops and citizens alike do this all the time as means of arrest. I don't call that violence, if that's what you meant.
The fighter more than likely used only the tools necessary to subdue the perp. in all seriousness, contrary to popular belief, Mixed Martial Artists aren't just meat heads who try to pick fights all the time. In my experience at my gym, the guys who actually fight are the most mild mannered and respectful of all the people that come through. No fighter wants to hurt themselves, especially when they aren't getting paid and even more so on a knuckle head like this guy.
exactly. i had 14 fights in 2 years, with only 3 losses and have not been in a streetfight since i was in 8th grade. i am a pretty mild mannered dude, and will do whatever it takes to avoid throwing an elbow or punch. i, like most guys that have done MMA know how to hurt someone but i know how to use restraint. if a guy enters my house and videotapes my wife doing something i have every right to defend her and my family and hold them there until police arrive. it is all about not being a victim and making your would be attacker the victim. the voyeur was an adult. the ding dong dtich kids were minor children, and i am absolutely against using violence against minor kids.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
where did it say that this guy was violent towards the kid? He apprehended him via a tackle. Cops and citizens alike do this all the time as means of arrest. I don't call that violence, if that's what you meant.
The fighter more than likely used only the tools necessary to subdue the perp. in all seriousness, contrary to popular belief, Mixed Martial Artists aren't just meat heads who try to pick fights all the time. In my experience at my gym, the guys who actually fight are the most mild mannered and respectful of all the people that come through. No fighter wants to hurt themselves, especially when they aren't getting paid and even more so on a knuckle head like this guy.
exactly. i had 14 fights in 2 years, with only 3 losses and have not been in a streetfight since i was in 8th grade. i am a pretty mild mannered dude, and will do whatever it takes to avoid throwing an elbow or punch. i, like most guys that have done MMA know how to hurt someone but i know how to use restraint. if a guy enters my house and videotapes my wife doing something i have every right to defend her and my family and hold them there until police arrive. it is all about not being a victim and making your would be attacker the victim. the voyeur was an adult. the ding dong dtich kids were minor children, and i am absolutely against using violence against minor kids.
i am not saying or implying he was violent against the kids. i am saying the ME, I am against violence against kids. it was a general statement meaning if you are an adult i might roll you, if you are a kid, i won't. i think that clarifies my point.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
My assessment... with all of the information available from this thread... so far...
A. There is no law against the Ding-dong Dash... unless someone can post the statute and let us know otherwise.
B. 14 year old kids are typically stupid 14 year old kids. 14 year old kids do stupid shit because they are Ninth Grade/Jr. High School dumb fucks at age 14.
C. Kids should be held accountable for their actions... if there is a Ding-dong Dash law, then the law enforement and courts systems can deal with them... otherwise, the kid's parents need to deal with it.
D. Pharmacutical executives (any business executive) make strategic and tactical business decisions at work and should not lower their critical decision skills to the competative level of a 14 year old dumb fuck. Apparently, this is not necessarily the case at home.
E. A 28 year old peeping tom is way different than the Eric Cartman of the herd... and yeah, the 28 year old is an adult and should know better... and should be grateful a beatdown was all he got when fucking with an MMA Fighter.
After further review... my ruling... off-setting penalties... repeat third down.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
My assessment... with all of the information available from this thread... so far...
A. There is no law against the Ding-dong Dash... unless someone can post the statute and let us know otherwise.
B. 14 year old kids are typically stupid 14 year old kids. 14 year old kids do stupid shit because they are Ninth Grade/Jr. High School dumb fucks at age 14.
C. Kids should be held accountable for their actions... if there is a Ding-dong Dash law, then the law enforement and courts systems can deal with them... otherwise, the kid's parents need to deal with it.
D. Pharmacutical executives (any business executive) make strategic and tactical business decisions at work and should not lower their critical decision skills to the competative level of a 14 year old dumb fuck. Apparently, this is not necessarily the case at home.
E. A 28 year old peeping tom is way different than the Eric Cartman of the herd... and yeah, the 28 year old is an adult and should know better... and should be grateful a beatdown was all he got when fucking with an MMA Fighter.
After further review... my ruling... off-setting penalties... repeat third down.
i am not saying or implying he was violent against the kids. i am saying the ME, I am against violence against kids. it was a general statement meaning if you are an adult i might roll you, if you are a kid, i won't. i think that clarifies my point.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Are you the scary old man on the block that all the kids are afraid of because they think you eat children's brains?
Hail, Hail!!!
gateway to what.....prank calls with heavy breathing??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That's how Usama Bin Laden got his start.
Him and John Gotti.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yep. Then comes pooping on your neighbors yard. Pretty soon, they'll be shooting up drugs and other gang members.
i am sure there are hundreds of thousands of people who have harmlessly knocked on a door and ran away at some point in their lifetime and have not graduated to pooping in the neighbor's yard, shooting up drugs, or anything or anyone else...
are you joking or are you being serious?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I can kinda picture Bin Laden, pooping on someone's lawn... Gotti and Jeffrey Dahmer... not so much.
Hail, Hail!!!
Dman cincy, sounds like there’s a meth lap near someone’s neighborhood. Hell, you gotta love those bikers, even when they crap on your lawn.
Still, there is no way the homeowner should be charged with a crime and at the very least the kid should have been taken to his parents house in the cop car.
Look I did the same things when I was a kid...I just knew that if I got caught, I'd get in trouble. We are babying kids these and then end up being entitled adult babies.
Surely the police and courts have better things to do than deal with a guy running around in his jockeys.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
also as a side note, I love how someone above me had to make sure to say that he was a scared old republican...what the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
"With our thoughts we make the world"
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
The perp was charged with six crimes while the home owner who used ground-and-pound submission techniques to subdue the perp was given a hero's nod. Now, does anyone think that it should be illegal to hold somebody down until police get there in this case?
Although the intent of the peeping tom is much more malicious then the kid ringing doorbells, the crimes they actually committed up to the point of detention are quite similar. Thoughts?
The MMA fighter doesn't get to decide legally if this dude is guilty or not or what punishment he deserves. The peeping tom and all citizens are entitled to a fair trial and due process. That's supposed to be what seperates our country from the others. We have to protect everyone else's rights if we expect our own rights to be upheld as well.
"With our thoughts we make the world"
So, if the homeowner doesn't take it upon themselves to detain a trespasser, then the perp just runs off and nothing happens to them. Sounds like great advice. If you are trespassing on my property, or peeping on my wife, you will be fortunate if all I do is detain you. Rights, schmights, you lost them when you decided to trespass and piss me off.
Hell, if I see a stranger walking up my driveway, I slip out my side door and follow them up the walk to my front door. I just love watching them jump out of their skin when they ring the doorbell and I say, "What do you want?" right in their ear. :twisted: mmwahahahahahaha
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
"Legal Detention" and "beat the shit out of" are very different things. Hey, I'm on your side emotionally. I would want to kick the crap out of that guy, too. But it is not our legal right to administer a guilty verdict and punishment to this dude.
"With our thoughts we make the world"
The fighter, just as anyone else has the right (in most states) to place someone under citizen's arrest if they witness a crime being committed. The fighter didn't decide guilt or innocence, he subdued an alleged criminal until the police arrived. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Judging by the marks on his face, there was definitely a struggle between the two.
The fighter more than likely used only the tools necessary to subdue the perp.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Did I sue the guy for "assaulting" us, or illegally detaining us? No, because what my friend did was wrong. If he had tackled me because of it, so be it. My buddy was the dumbass, not the homeowner.
Arresting this guy is pure BS.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
i am not saying or implying he was violent against the kids. i am saying the ME, I am against violence against kids. it was a general statement meaning if you are an adult i might roll you, if you are a kid, i won't. i think that clarifies my point.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
A. There is no law against the Ding-dong Dash... unless someone can post the statute and let us know otherwise.
B. 14 year old kids are typically stupid 14 year old kids. 14 year old kids do stupid shit because they are Ninth Grade/Jr. High School dumb fucks at age 14.
C. Kids should be held accountable for their actions... if there is a Ding-dong Dash law, then the law enforement and courts systems can deal with them... otherwise, the kid's parents need to deal with it.
D. Pharmacutical executives (any business executive) make strategic and tactical business decisions at work and should not lower their critical decision skills to the competative level of a 14 year old dumb fuck. Apparently, this is not necessarily the case at home.
E. A 28 year old peeping tom is way different than the Eric Cartman of the herd... and yeah, the 28 year old is an adult and should know better... and should be grateful a beatdown was all he got when fucking with an MMA Fighter.
After further review... my ruling... off-setting penalties... repeat third down.
Hail, Hail!!!
that is the question.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014