I hate you

He chose another
Love and hate intertwined
What would you do?
I thought I forgave him, but my
feelings prove that I haven't
Peace and love is what I believe
but when my heart is involved
all I can say is FUCK YOU
Once upon a time there was nothing
It has all been nothing
Do you understand?
Back on the bottle again
I don't care if you care, but I care
I'm killing myself for no fuckin' reason
Love and hate intertwined
What would you do?
I thought I forgave him, but my
feelings prove that I haven't
Peace and love is what I believe
but when my heart is involved
all I can say is FUCK YOU
Once upon a time there was nothing
It has all been nothing
Do you understand?
Back on the bottle again
I don't care if you care, but I care
I'm killing myself for no fuckin' reason
Music is the universal language
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
Post edited by Unknown User on
forgive and live
and love yourself you are very lovable you know
~ J. Morrison
I happen to be feeling some hatred at moment too,... I don't like it at all.
I know it will pass, so I'm just enjoying it for the time being.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
thanks for your words, I'm the problem that's what they tell me
How in the fuck do I forigive?
Excuse my language
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
I'm sorry about whatever is going on with your dog...
my dog is now all that I have
If I continue on this death path what will happen to him?
He keeps me holding on....xx
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
for me...forgiving is like losing...
your upset for a reason...thats y we hold grudges...there is good reason
forgiving is basically saying your reason for being mad wasnt really that important
when, it obviously was very important...to you
i dont do well in the forgiving department
ive been trying to teach myself to forget
that seems to be the easier of the two
forget about it, put it in the past
let the person come around and prove their worth to you
prove that they really care about YOU
and not just care about what you CAN DO FOR THEM
if they pass that test, then the deed can be truly forgotten
and as time passes and the bond grows stronger
hopefully, maybe someday, they will be forgiven
but never forget we learn by what we experience, that which we do and that which is done to us
thanx for your words...they mean a lot to me
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
I agree. I can forgive,.. almost right away. Forgetting ? Not gonna happen.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
thank you...forgiving is easy....how do I handle my head? sorry to request so much from you
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
Forgetting is difficult.... then for some reason - getting past the issue(s) seems even more difficult.
Untill it just eats you up inside..... and then you wonder -now what ??? ..... its a horrible circle.
Forgiving ourselves is the hardest, learning to love ourselves even harder,
it takes time and years of experience.
Its just this like Eddie says
"To myself I... surrender
To the one I'll never please"
Find out what pleases you then treat others the same.
Some won't get it, others will,
concentrate your affection on those that do.
The world is full of wonderful people,
its just we all need someone to bring the best out in us.
I try to take the approach that, in your case, it is his loss. Try feeling pity for his denying himself, well, YOU. Even though he brought all this about, he is racking up some bad karma, and he will end up hurting someday. Pity him for losing out on your love. Pitying him will help you rise above him. I agree with pandora that forgiveness is more beneficial to the forgiver and forgiveness may eventually come for you. But, don't forget - "living well is the best revenge"
peace and comfort
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Remembering something so horrific stays in my mind...
I turn to negative things because I can't let go
I have heard Let go and Let God....
sorry but I can't do it right now
and sorry if you don't believe
1st ammendment
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
I found my way, you will too. Everything will be ok, believe this, your head will follow.
Let me know how you are doing, or someone, there are friends here.
Perhaps some can do this I was never able to.
I was not conditioned as a child.
God for me doesn't solve problems, answer wishes, maybe doesn't even listen.
I thank God for the beauty that he has given me here.
For love his greatest creation,
and I try to be like Him, to love and not judge, to work towards unconditional giving.
Here is where you find peace which helps you to change and work through your troubles.
It is an answer you provide for yourself, from yourself through God.
Letting go of the evil and horrific is complicated,
you have to truly face it first or yes it will grow and bring negativity,
you don't want to move on like this.
You might need professional guidance or confrontation, I don't know.
For me it was confronting the pain and betrayal
but whatever it is to be happy you must do it to free yourself.
You deserve to be happy.
Its all good, I believe.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I can't handle shit
Your words have actually helped me,
I want to thank you from the deepest part
of my heart
thank you..xx
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
sorry..had to do it
everything will fall into place....gotta trudge through the mud to get to where your going...but once you get there...it will be magnificent and well worth every bit of it - even the bad - as pandora said earlier...we are who we are because of our experiences...good or bad...they shape us....keep comin round these parts...you'll find someone to lift your spirits (ie: Pandora
what can i say...it happens sometimes
tho not very often
I'll keep my eyes and ears open on this board
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
want to be enlightened"
thank you
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
and i don't know you runaway
except from this board
but i believe we are all
together here and friends
i hope that the words of at
least one of us will help to soothe your soul
we've all been there
not knowing your particular situation
i can only relate by my own life
but i know what hurt and betrayal lead to
and that is a life of loneliness
you say that you cannot forgive or forget
the forgiveness is for yourself
in forgiving someone else's actions
you also release yourself of any blame that you have taken upon yourself
this i know to be so
forgetting is not what its about
you must remember...you must learn
like pandi says from our mistakes and the mistakes of others
it is how we grow
be good to yourself
love yourself...loving yourself can be harder than loving or hating anyone else in the universe
but in learning to love yourself
you bring self-worth
and know you deserve better than what you've been dealt
and in loving yourself you will create your own destiny
i too am quite a bit older than yourself
and i have been through much pain
betrayal, death, loneliness, loss
at the time i too felt as if there was nothing worse
that could happen in my life
that i was at the bottom
and maybe i was
and maybe the bottom is a good place
to start
looking up from
look up dear runaway
look up and look in
see who you are
not who others see you as
and love who you are
i see you mention that you have a dog
your dog loves you unconditionally
am i not right?
and he/she loves you unconditionally
because he sees that you are a good
and just person worthy of
his love and trust
try to see yourself in the same light
as your beloved companion, your dog
he is right about you, you know
hugs and more hugs
peace, jo
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~