The Cost of Freedom

Lives lost
Loved ones aches and tears
Country in turmoil
Longest American war
Dickhead started it all
Free will
Bleeding oil
Money speaks to the masses
Hippies started it
Punk rock knows how to respond
To show love through action or words
Get the message to the lost
Creatures of land and sea nursed back to health
Volunteers offer assistance
Money donated for the cause
Mother healed in time
The time and effort of our patriots
Obama time
He's not to blame tea partiers
The cost of freedom is buried in the sand....all because of you
Loved ones aches and tears
Country in turmoil
Longest American war
Dickhead started it all
Free will
Bleeding oil
Money speaks to the masses
Hippies started it
Punk rock knows how to respond
To show love through action or words
Get the message to the lost
Creatures of land and sea nursed back to health
Volunteers offer assistance
Money donated for the cause
Mother healed in time
The time and effort of our patriots
Obama time
He's not to blame tea partiers
The cost of freedom is buried in the sand....all because of you
Music is the universal language
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar