My solution to the seating "issue"

Seniority stays.
The band gets rid of the lights/lazers, and invests in some giant video screens to put up above the stage.
Then everyone stills hears at the same volume, and the people in the back can see even better than the people in the front row.
Who's going to say "this sucks, i am in the 30th row!", when:
1. all the people who got their tickets from ticketmaster are cramped together in the nosebleeds
2. they can still see every last thing going on, and BETTER than those who are close to the stage
Other than finding a way to make a 20,000 seat front row, this i think is the best option to appease everyone.
The band gets rid of the lights/lazers, and invests in some giant video screens to put up above the stage.
Then everyone stills hears at the same volume, and the people in the back can see even better than the people in the front row.
Who's going to say "this sucks, i am in the 30th row!", when:
1. all the people who got their tickets from ticketmaster are cramped together in the nosebleeds
2. they can still see every last thing going on, and BETTER than those who are close to the stage
Other than finding a way to make a 20,000 seat front row, this i think is the best option to appease everyone.
You can't spell "dumb" without DMB