My rating would be good because if nothing else we now have the teabag party rearing it's ugly racist head. It's simply funny that so many stupid people exist and now we now who some of them are. But sure Obama's administration is receiving criticism and is far from perfect as everyone expected but I'm happy that the teabaggers are now visible and it's simply because of Obama's mixed race and has nothing to do with his poltics or administration.
I mean, unlike elections where you only get 1 vote and it matters.
Maple Leaf Gardens - Sep 21 - Downing Stadium, Randall's Island - Sep 28,29 1996 Blockbuster Music Entertainment Center - Aug 29 - Continental Arena - Sep 08 - MSG - Sep 10,11 1998 Jones Beach Music Theatre - Aug 24,25 2000 MSG - Jun 25, 2008 United Center - Aug 23,24 - Philly Spectrum - October 28,31 2009 PruCenter - May 18 - MSG - May 20,21 2010
I mean, unlike elections where you only get 1 vote and it matters.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
you two must have seen the results thus far, his color means nothing to me and he might even be a great person outside his job but apparently a lot of the world dose not think he is good at his job but that happens to every president, also funny how when some people get defensive the race card always comes out.
you two must have seen the results thus far, his color means nothing to me and he might even be a great person outside his job but apparently a lot of the world dose not think he is good at his job but that happens to every president, also funny how when some people get defensive the race card always comes out.
A lot of the world? Aren't you against world opinion, and all about USA?
One of your last post you said something about this being America, and you wanted someone else to go do something in F*@!ing Mexico... (something along those lines)
My point is that you are all about America are part of some Machine .....not a "number", but a real entity/contributor
you two must have seen the results thus far, his color means nothing to me and he might even be a great person outside his job but apparently a lot of the world dose not think he is good at his job but that happens to every president, also funny how when some people get defensive the race card always comes out.
A lot of the world? Aren't you against world opinion, and all about USA?
One of your last post you said something about this being America, and you wanted someone else to go do something in F*@!ing Mexico... (something along those lines)
My point is that you are all about America are part of some Machine .....not a "number", but a real entity/contributor
just a bit ago I was reading a article about obamas popularity among other world leaders and honestly I was very suprised to read most don't think he is doing such a great job.
you two must have seen the results thus far, his color means nothing to me and he might even be a great person outside his job but apparently a lot of the world dose not think he is good at his job but that happens to every president, also funny how when some people get defensive the race card always comes out.
A lot of the world? Aren't you against world opinion, and all about USA?
One of your last post you said something about this being America, and you wanted someone else to go do something in F*@!ing Mexico... (something along those lines)
My point is that you are all about America are part of some Machine .....not a "number", but a real entity/contributor
just a bit ago I was reading a article about obamas popularity among other world leaders and honestly I was very suprised to read most don't think he is doing such a great job.
I think he is doing a pretty good job, coming from a representative of this Country- A lot more for the common folks, like you and I, then previous Presidents. I also love that we have a real intellectual as the head of this country... a real thinker...
Also, it's interesting that most World leaders want a photo opt with our President..... A lot wanted to be seen with him because he was/still is so popular amongst citizens of the world.
Remember even Hugo Chavez wanted a minute with him.......Everyone wanted to be around him....He's kind of like a chick magnet........... I don't see how that has changed..... but if you say so...
Godfather always seems to leave with the conversation gets interesting.....
I just wanted to know your opinion and why.... that's all... maybe he went to go look for an article or something......
Godfather always seems to leave with the conversation gets interesting.....
I just wanted to know your opinion and why.... that's all... maybe he went to go look for an article or something......
See ya!
your trying to bait me into a conversation that we have had before,I have stated that I don't believe he knows how to do the job because of his limited political back ground..but I will make a prediction his time in office will get real for him because of his public comments and/or decisions and this will be his only term in about a gentleman's bet ?
Godfather always seems to leave with the conversation gets interesting.....
I just wanted to know your opinion and why.... that's all... maybe he went to go look for an article or something......
See ya!
your trying to bait me into a conversation that we have had before,I have stated that I don't believe he knows how to do the job because of his limited political back ground..but I will make a prediction his time in office will get real for him because of his public comments and/or decisions and this will be his only term in about a gentleman's bet ?
I love Gentleman's bets!
I'm not trying to bait you, I want to have a conversation on why he is doing a horrible job.... You can't say he is a socialist because Rush say's he is .... or compare him to Hitler cause you'll get kicked out of the Tea Party. But let's see if he really is who you think he is..... I think you can view a copy of his birth certificate online, so lets get that one out of the conversation ..
I will bet something related to PJ ....let me know what your thinking.... I don't see things getting more ugly then they have been .... I see things starting to turn around for him...even if he takes on the big issues of illegal immigration ..... Let's do a little short term and long term bet , because the elections are a long ways away.... I see him getting a second term, if he does choose to run... Who on the right can out smart this man? No one wants to challenge this guy, not toe to toe....remember when Obama went to that Republican conference a few months back and just slapped everyone around? That was like Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon!
Only guy i personally like is Ron Paul...but the "right" can't handle him! He will affect special interest and they don't like that.....
Talk to me ...what are you thinking ....let's do this!
Godfather always seems to leave with the conversation gets interesting.....
I just wanted to know your opinion and why.... that's all... maybe he went to go look for an article or something......
See ya!
your trying to bait me into a conversation that we have had before,I have stated that I don't believe he knows how to do the job because of his limited political back ground..but I will make a prediction his time in office will get real for him because of his public comments and/or decisions and this will be his only term in about a gentleman's bet ?
who is going to beat him? palin? gingrich? romney? huckabee? i just spit out my water with laughter thinking about any of those 4 getting the nomination and being a serious threat to him...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Godfather always seems to leave with the conversation gets interesting.....
I just wanted to know your opinion and why.... that's all... maybe he went to go look for an article or something......
See ya!
your trying to bait me into a conversation that we have had before,I have stated that I don't believe he knows how to do the job because of his limited political back ground..but I will make a prediction his time in office will get real for him because of his public comments and/or decisions and this will be his only term in about a gentleman's bet ?
who is going to beat him? palin? gingrich? romney? huckabee? i just spit out my water with laughter thinking about any of those 4 getting the nomination and being a serious threat to him...
I don't know and who ever gets the job next may(most likeky) be in the same position as obama, not everyone is happy with the president and just so happens that right now I am not..but I guess it could be worse we could have someone like arnold swartz....what ever his name is..
just had a vision.....our next commander and chief will be non other than Hillary Clinton...why you ask ?
because she and her husband are both professional politicians for a living with experience... and know how to communicate with and to people...public and private
I mean, unlike elections where you only get 1 vote and it matters.
Maple Leaf Gardens - Sep 21 - Downing Stadium, Randall's Island - Sep 28,29 1996 Blockbuster Music Entertainment Center - Aug 29 - Continental Arena - Sep 08 - MSG - Sep 10,11 1998 Jones Beach Music Theatre - Aug 24,25 2000 MSG - Jun 25, 2008 United Center - Aug 23,24 - Philly Spectrum - October 28,31 2009 PruCenter - May 18 - MSG - May 20,21 2010
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
you two must have seen the results thus far, his color means nothing to me and he might even be a great person outside his job but apparently a lot of the world dose not think he is good at his job but that happens to every president, also funny how when some people get defensive the race card always comes out.
Why is this being posted? It's from January.... At least that's what the date says above the article. ... :?
I would Grade Obama with B's and C's on a lot of those issues, maybe even an A in there some where.
What's your opinion on Obama? Aside from him not being born in the US.
A lot of the world? Aren't you against world opinion, and all about USA?
One of your last post you said something about this being America, and you wanted someone else to go do something in F*@!ing Mexico... (something along those lines)
My point is that you are all about America are part of some Machine .....not a "number", but a real entity/contributor
just a bit ago I was reading a article about obamas popularity among other world leaders and honestly I was very suprised to read most don't think he is doing such a great job.
I gave him mostly C's with a B, and at least 1 D.
I think he is doing a pretty good job, coming from a representative of this Country- A lot more for the common folks, like you and I, then previous Presidents. I also love that we have a real intellectual as the head of this country... a real thinker...
so what's your opinion on Obama? And Why?
Remember even Hugo Chavez wanted a minute with him.......Everyone wanted to be around him....He's kind of like a chick magnet........... I don't see how that has changed..... but if you say so...
I just wanted to know your opinion and why.... that's all... maybe he went to go look for an article or something......
See ya!
I gave him mostly B's and C's with one D ....
A very solid average on my part.... I am pleased, but not satisfied....
your trying to bait me into a conversation that we have had before,I have stated that I don't believe he knows how to do the job because of his limited political back ground..but I will make a prediction
I love Gentleman's bets!
I'm not trying to bait you, I want to have a conversation on why he is doing a horrible job.... You can't say he is a socialist because Rush say's he is .... or compare him to Hitler cause you'll get kicked out of the Tea Party. But let's see if he really is who you think he is..... I think you can view a copy of his birth certificate online, so lets get that one out of the conversation ..
I will bet something related to PJ ....let me know what your thinking.... I don't see things getting more ugly then they have been .... I see things starting to turn around for him...even if he takes on the big issues of illegal immigration ..... Let's do a little short term and long term bet , because the elections are a long ways away.... I see him getting a second term, if he does choose to run... Who on the right can out smart this man? No one wants to challenge this guy, not toe to toe....remember when Obama went to that Republican conference a few months back and just slapped everyone around? That was like Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon!
Only guy i personally like is Ron Paul...but the "right" can't handle him! He will affect special interest and they don't like that.....
Talk to me ...what are you thinking ....let's do this!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I don't know and who ever gets the job next may(most likeky) be in the same position as obama, not everyone is happy with the president and just so happens that right now I am not..but I guess it could be worse we could have someone like arnold swartz....what ever his name is..
because she and her husband are both professional politicians for a living with experience... and know how to communicate with and to people...public and private