Solo 10cluber Will Buy 1 ticket to Berkeley Night 1 4/7
Hello Fellow fan clubers!
I am one of the many who was charged many times at the 10club pre-sale in pending fees trying to score a set of tickets to the Berkley 4/7 night 1 show. Unfortunately, I did not get ten club tixs and I just failed with ticketmaster.
If anyone has 1 extra spare ticket to the Berkeley night 1 4/7 show that they would sell to me I would be forever grateful. Like everyone, I really want to be there. I know this is a long shot and many are on the hunt, but I thought If I did not at least post and asked then I would never know if some cool person could hook me up and sell me their extra ticket. I have been in the 10 club since 1994 thru today and I have many cool bootlegs that I would also give as a bonus to whoever can help me find my way into the Berkeley 4/7 show. I hope to hear from anyone and you can email me directly at if you have any good news to share.
I am one of the many who was charged many times at the 10club pre-sale in pending fees trying to score a set of tickets to the Berkley 4/7 night 1 show. Unfortunately, I did not get ten club tixs and I just failed with ticketmaster.
If anyone has 1 extra spare ticket to the Berkeley night 1 4/7 show that they would sell to me I would be forever grateful. Like everyone, I really want to be there. I know this is a long shot and many are on the hunt, but I thought If I did not at least post and asked then I would never know if some cool person could hook me up and sell me their extra ticket. I have been in the 10 club since 1994 thru today and I have many cool bootlegs that I would also give as a bonus to whoever can help me find my way into the Berkeley 4/7 show. I hope to hear from anyone and you can email me directly at if you have any good news to share.