a piecemeal edit (in progress)

This boy I knew in highschool... Sophomore Year... His name was Chad
Chad was a yellow belt in Shotokan... tall and muscled with odd hands
He was pasty white and had little red bumps on his face beneath his kind, deep blue eyes
Sandy blond hair stuck, wrestling his eyelashes for space
Making him twist his neck on his smile that only turned at the edges
The smile that told everyone how innocent he was among his brothers and us wolffies
Chad's parents were never home and his brothers were always playing music
Their older rooms dark and throbbing with Floyd, Zepplin, Priest, Sabbath and the smell of pot
We wore our crosses upsidedown and drew pentagrams on our jeans
Well... I didn't. But a lot of people did then.
Got me thinking how people don't do that anymore...
Challenge religion with overtly offensive symbols meaning nothing...
Chad was a yellow belt in Shotokan... tall and muscled with odd hands
He was pasty white and had little red bumps on his face beneath his kind, deep blue eyes
Sandy blond hair stuck, wrestling his eyelashes for space
Making him twist his neck on his smile that only turned at the edges
The smile that told everyone how innocent he was among his brothers and us wolffies
Chad's parents were never home and his brothers were always playing music
Their older rooms dark and throbbing with Floyd, Zepplin, Priest, Sabbath and the smell of pot
We wore our crosses upsidedown and drew pentagrams on our jeans
Well... I didn't. But a lot of people did then.
Got me thinking how people don't do that anymore...
Challenge religion with overtly offensive symbols meaning nothing...