Jeff Soto PJ Print On Sale 7/13

5against1-5against1- Posts: 1,101
edited July 2010 in The Porch
I'm not a fan of this print but I figured I would let other people know that are interested
This too shall pass.....
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  • ahill721ahill721 Posts: 2,071
    I'm going to be in a car headed back to Chicago from my mother in laws cabin in WI, anyone wanna get me one??? Please??? please??? I'll pay to have both posters shipped to you and additional shipping to get it to me.
  • shepshep Posts: 5,759
    Thanks for the heads up... I was wondering when he was going to post up that power droid, and also really liked the Arras print... now does anyone remember what time zone Soto is in... EST comes to mind I think?

    Will be hunting for both... just what my pocket book needs...
    Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
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