If You Want to Immigrate Here

WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
edited July 2010 in A Moving Train
http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/07/ ... _here.html

My grandparents all came to the United States from foreign countries in search of a better life. So what's the difference between them and those poor, downtrodden souls who are now hiding amongst us because they are illegal entrants, illegal residents, or both?

Assimilation is the difference. Webster's defines assimilation as "Sociocultural fusion wherein individuals and groups of differing ethnic heritage acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing national culture."

What the politicians can't seem to grasp is that the majority of Americans believe in legal immigration because that is what has made this nation great. Those who came here to become Americans became part of our national culture, regardless of what other culture may still be part of their DNA. If you come here to assimilate, you will learn to speak English, to pledge allegiance to our flag, to serve in our military if necessary -- to do what natural-born citizens do, because it is our obligation.

If you're not willing to be an American, then go back to where you came from. We owe you nothing. And that goes for those who were born here and believe that our government owes them a free income and free benefits. Government is a group of people who have political authority. That authority does not empower them to anything other than the province of steering our ship of state.

Unlike a real business, the government does not manufacture, grow, or assemble anything. Its sole source of revenue is from the pockets of its citizens. What has happened in recent decades has been abdication by the taxpayers, who leave everything up to the government.

That might be beneficial if we hadn't simultaneously created a subculture of elected leaches who stay in power by holding down the people who they have caused to be down in the first place. What happened when Arizona said to the U.S. Government, "Enough is enough"? A federal representative from Arizona called for a boycott against the citizens who elected him and pay his salary.

Then an appointed Attorney General and the president whom he advises, neither of whom had read the law, said that the nation might have to sue the sovereign state. While they were mulling this over, the appointed Secretary of State went to a foreign country to declare that America would be suing Arizona. Next came Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who proclaimed that she was looking out for the rights of illegal entrants. How about the rights of American citizens?

What part of "70% of Arizonans approve of the law" is a foreign language to these women?

I'm not picking on the Democratic Party; the vast majority of elected officials eventually lose sight of the fact that they are elected to govern, not to rule. Before my conservative friends get their drawers in a bunch, let me remind them that right after Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" swept the Republican Party into power, they began shooting themselves in the foot. And who can forget Watergate?

We as a nation have created this monster, beginning at the local level and continuing all the way to Washington, D.C. "Let someone else do the work; I'm busy making a living" has become a de facto national motto. The Obama administration's rush to such things as an unpopular national health care plan and to denounce a very popular Arizona law are merely symptoms, not causes. They somehow have come to believe that redistribution of wealth is a solution. But that does not hold true for those who have earned even a minimal degree of wealth.

Because ours is an enduring democracy, there is light at the end of the tunnel. While the ultra-liberals work to fulfill their own futures by appealing to the emotions of those who figure they are entitled to a free living, those who the liberals swear need protection are standing up to be counted. And while the loyal opposition is busy playing obstructionist, their popularity is plummeting.

A prime example of how a significant segment of "Americans" think is Mexico-born Tucsonan Gabriela Saucedo Marquez, who came to the United States legally in 1986, became a citizen five years later, and prizes the day that she took her citizenship oath. On April 27, 2010, she voluntarily addressed the Tucson City Council in support of SB 1070, which requires Arizona police to check immigration status of those detained for other violations of Arizona law. She endorsed the new law and denounced Congressman Raúl Grijalva for his call to boycott Arizona. Saucedo Marquez also denounced City Councilwoman Regina Romero for calling a special meeting to promote a City of Tucson lawsuit against the State of Arizona.

Tucson reporter Leo W. Banks comments in the 6/22/2010 Daily Caller: "Saucedo Mercer gave voice to a largely unheard segment of the Hispanic population -- those who treasure the law and understand the danger our open border represents to national security, public safety and the very concepts of sovereignty and citizenship."

There is no one more zealous than a convert, and there is no convert more devout than a naturalized citizen who has forsaken his or her homeland in favor of becoming an American -- one who has assimilated.

Before I offend those who are put off by hyphenated nomenclature, let me confirm that I am an American of Mexican descent (at least on my mom's side). Arizona's only Hispanic Governor, Raúl H. Castro, in his inspirational biography Adversity is my Angel (TCU Press, Ft. Worth, TX), uses the term "Mexican American," without a hyphen. I guess the hyphen is what offends. But I digress.

Opponents of SB 1070, ignoring the fact that virtually identical laws have existed for at least the past three years elsewhere, claim that without cheap illegal labor, we would be paying $10 for a hamburger. When you add the cost of public schooling, medical care, and lost taxes to the equation, we are already paying around $25 for a burger.

They also say that Americans are too lazy to do manual labor. Tell that to the 10% of Arizonans who are about to run out of unemployment benefits.

We may be seeing the effects of a serious effort to implement the Richard Cloward-Francis Fox Piven political strategy that would disrupt our society into a socio-Marxist existence. For those who never heard of this strategy, please google Cloward-Piven. It is a great way for the Pigs to be More Equal!

In closing, I have to note with chagrin and a smile that welfare recipients in California have been using their state-issued welfare cards in California casinos. The machines can't tell the difference. Upon learning of this travesty, the Governator issued a proclamation that all welfare recipients must take an oath to use the welfare cards as intended. Aren't politicians wonderful?
9 Comments on "If You Want to Immigrate Here"
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  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN

    "In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

    Theodore Roosevelt 1907

    If your reponse to almost everything is, "Well in my country...., well then go back there."
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    Once many Americans get over their inflated sense of self worth because of where they were born, the world will be a better place.

    that is all
  • sensisensi Posts: 73
    I've got no problem with immigration...it's the inability of some to show willing and integrate that causes me concern...I like learning about other cultures and I like that all cultures can live together and learn from each other...what I don't like is when people arrive and try to change their surroundings to suit them as opposed to embracing the new culture...that is when problems occur.
    It makes much more sense to live in the present tense
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Smellyman wrote:
    Once many Americans get over their inflated sense of self worth because of where they were born, the world will be a better place.

    that is all

    Nobody's moving to Hong Kong ;)
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    KO282453 wrote:
    Smellyman wrote:
    Once many Americans get over their inflated sense of self worth because of where they were born, the world will be a better place.

    that is all

    Nobody's moving to Hong Kong ;)

    except for this American
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    prfctlefts wrote:

    My grandparents all came to the United States from foreign countries in search of a better life. So what's the difference between them and those poor, downtrodden souls who are now hiding amongst us because they are illegal entrants, illegal residents, or both?

    Assimilation is the difference. Webster's defines assimilation as "Sociocultural fusion wherein individuals and groups of differing ethnic heritage acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing national culture."

    What the politicians can't seem to grasp is that the majority of Americans believe in legal immigration because that is what has made this nation great. Those who came here to become Americans became part of our national culture, regardless of what other culture may still be part of their DNA. If you come here to assimilate, you will learn to speak English, to pledge allegiance to our flag, to serve in our military if necessary -- to do what natural-born citizens do, because it is our obligation.

    If you're not willing to be an American, then go back to where you came from. We owe you nothing. And that goes for those who were born here and believe that our government owes them a free income and free benefits. Government is a group of people who have political authority. That authority does not empower them to anything other than the province of steering our ship of state.

    Unlike a real business, the government does not manufacture, grow, or assemble anything. Its sole source of revenue is from the pockets of its citizens. What has happened in recent decades has been abdication by the taxpayers, who leave everything up to the government.

    That might be beneficial if we hadn't simultaneously created a subculture of elected leaches who stay in power by holding down the people who they have caused to be down in the first place. What happened when Arizona said to the U.S. Government, "Enough is enough"? A federal representative from Arizona called for a boycott against the citizens who elected him and pay his salary.

    Then an appointed Attorney General and the president whom he advises, neither of whom had read the law, said that the nation might have to sue the sovereign state. While they were mulling this over, the appointed Secretary of State went to a foreign country to declare that America would be suing Arizona. Next came Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who proclaimed that she was looking out for the rights of illegal entrants. How about the rights of American citizens?

    What part of "70% of Arizonans approve of the law" is a foreign language to these women?

    I'm not picking on the Democratic Party; the vast majority of elected officials eventually lose sight of the fact that they are elected to govern, not to rule. Before my conservative friends get their drawers in a bunch, let me remind them that right after Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" swept the Republican Party into power, they began shooting themselves in the foot. And who can forget Watergate?

    We as a nation have created this monster, beginning at the local level and continuing all the way to Washington, D.C. "Let someone else do the work; I'm busy making a living" has become a de facto national motto. The Obama administration's rush to such things as an unpopular national health care plan and to denounce a very popular Arizona law are merely symptoms, not causes. They somehow have come to believe that redistribution of wealth is a solution. But that does not hold true for those who have earned even a minimal degree of wealth.

    Because ours is an enduring democracy, there is light at the end of the tunnel. While the ultra-liberals work to fulfill their own futures by appealing to the emotions of those who figure they are entitled to a free living, those who the liberals swear need protection are standing up to be counted. And while the loyal opposition is busy playing obstructionist, their popularity is plummeting.

    A prime example of how a significant segment of "Americans" think is Mexico-born Tucsonan Gabriela Saucedo Marquez, who came to the United States legally in 1986, became a citizen five years later, and prizes the day that she took her citizenship oath. On April 27, 2010, she voluntarily addressed the Tucson City Council in support of SB 1070, which requires Arizona police to check immigration status of those detained for other violations of Arizona law. She endorsed the new law and denounced Congressman Raúl Grijalva for his call to boycott Arizona. Saucedo Marquez also denounced City Councilwoman Regina Romero for calling a special meeting to promote a City of Tucson lawsuit against the State of Arizona.

    Tucson reporter Leo W. Banks comments in the 6/22/2010 Daily Caller: "Saucedo Mercer gave voice to a largely unheard segment of the Hispanic population -- those who treasure the law and understand the danger our open border represents to national security, public safety and the very concepts of sovereignty and citizenship."

    There is no one more zealous than a convert, and there is no convert more devout than a naturalized citizen who has forsaken his or her homeland in favor of becoming an American -- one who has assimilated.

    Before I offend those who are put off by hyphenated nomenclature, let me confirm that I am an American of Mexican descent (at least on my mom's side). Arizona's only Hispanic Governor, Raúl H. Castro, in his inspirational biography Adversity is my Angel (TCU Press, Ft. Worth, TX), uses the term "Mexican American," without a hyphen. I guess the hyphen is what offends. But I digress.

    Opponents of SB 1070, ignoring the fact that virtually identical laws have existed for at least the past three years elsewhere, claim that without cheap illegal labor, we would be paying $10 for a hamburger. When you add the cost of public schooling, medical care, and lost taxes to the equation, we are already paying around $25 for a burger.

    They also say that Americans are too lazy to do manual labor. Tell that to the 10% of Arizonans who are about to run out of unemployment benefits.

    We may be seeing the effects of a serious effort to implement the Richard Cloward-Francis Fox Piven political strategy that would disrupt our society into a socio-Marxist existence. For those who never heard of this strategy, please google Cloward-Piven. It is a great way for the Pigs to be More Equal!

    In closing, I have to note with chagrin and a smile that welfare recipients in California have been using their state-issued welfare cards in California casinos. The machines can't tell the difference. Upon learning of this travesty, the Governator issued a proclamation that all welfare recipients must take an oath to use the welfare cards as intended. Aren't politicians wonderful?
    9 Comments on "If You Want to Immigrate Here"
    how could anyone not agree with this.....
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Smellyman wrote:
    KO282453 wrote:
    Smellyman wrote:
    Once many Americans get over their inflated sense of self worth because of where they were born, the world will be a better place.

    that is all

    Nobody's moving to Hong Kong ;)

    except for this American
    will you ( or do you) expect the people of Hong Kong to change there traditions for you.?
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    aerial wrote:
    Smellyman wrote:
    KO282453 wrote:

    Nobody's moving to Hong Kong ;)

    except for this American
    will you ( or do you) expect the people of Hong Kong to change there traditions for you.?

    THERE Traditions?

    There already is a McDonalds and Starbucks on every corner.

    Furious American and British tourists yelling at people to "speak English! Don't you understand!"

    BTW - What "American traditions" are Mexicans expecting to change?
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    prfctlefts wrote:

    My grandparents all came to the United States from foreign countries in search of a better life. So what's the difference between them and those poor, downtrodden souls who are now hiding amongst us because they are illegal entrants, illegal residents, or both?

    Assimilation is the difference. Webster's defines assimilation as "Sociocultural fusion wherein individuals and groups of differing ethnic heritage acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing national culture."

    Okay, admittedly, I didn't read much further than this in the article. But my question is: Who gets to define this "national culture"?
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    scb wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:

    My grandparents all came to the United States from foreign countries in search of a better life. So what's the difference between them and those poor, downtrodden souls who are now hiding amongst us because they are illegal entrants, illegal residents, or both?

    Assimilation is the difference. Webster's defines assimilation as "Sociocultural fusion wherein individuals and groups of differing ethnic heritage acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing national culture."

    Okay, admittedly, I didn't read much further than this in the article. But my question is: Who gets to define this "national culture"?
    it's the one that is defined AFTER the original inhabitants on this continent, whose children were thrown into residential schools and had their culture decimated, were assimilated
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • breath123breath123 Posts: 397
    Once again....

    punish big business, they won't hire them.

    no jobs, they don't come here. problem solved, let's move on

    Repubs and the tea party freaks go on and on about the evils of the brown people, yet when they had all three branches of government tied up they didn't make any laws to stop it.

    it's all been about providing cheap labor to business, that's all it's ever been about.

    The AZ law is theater, plain and simple. If you think it's anything else, you are a fool the fools call fool.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Nice post Prfctleft. Haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back.

  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    breath123 wrote:
    Once again....

    punish big business, they won't hire them.

    no jobs, they don't come here. problem solved, let's move on

    Repubs and the tea party freaks go on and on about the evils of the brown people, yet when they had all three branches of government tied up they didn't make any laws to stop it.

    it's all been about providing cheap labor to business, that's all it's ever been about.

    The AZ law is theater, plain and simple. If you think it's anything else, you are a fool the fools call fool.

    I agree with 100% on punishing the employers and you are right they would go back home. Another thing I can't seem to understand is why dont the people of Mexico rise up and take their country back. Mexico has so many natural resources. If we could some how help them get rid of all the Gov coruption and Narco Terrorism it would be a much better place. I wish I had the answers.
    On the other hand The Az law is not theater. Those people on the border have been asking for help for the last 20 years and the Fed Gov hasn't done a a damn thing hardly. They are doing nothing more than enforcing the Federal law. As a matter of fact the federl law says that they ( the Feds) don't even need a reason to ask you if you are hear legally or not. You would think Comrade Obama, and his ilk would know this. Another thing is I don't know why Obama just doesn't start calling the Un-documented workers un-documented DEMOCRATS.
    That's what it really boils down to.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    OnTheEdge wrote:
    Nice post Prfctleft. Haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back.


  • __ Posts: 6,651
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Another thing I can't seem to understand is why dont the people of Mexico rise up and take their country back. Mexico has so many natural resources. If we could some how help them get rid of all the Gov coruption and Narco Terrorism it would be a much better place.

    You do realize that the U.S. plays a HUGE role in keeping the Mexican people oppressed so that they can't take their country back, right? And there have been uprisings, particularly after NAFTA, which certainly didn't get any support from the U.S.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    ...Comrade Obama... un-documented DEMOCRATS...
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    Please explain scb..
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Please explain scb..

    The United States has basically been fucking over the people of Mexico for our own economic gain for years. We have done this through NAFTA, through strings attached to our foreign aid, and through structural adjustment policies mandated by the IMF & World Bank. The purpose of NAFTA was to internationalize production and allow capital to flow more freely between Mexico & the U.S. (and Canada). This translates as getting the Mexican people to do all the work for non-livable wages (internationalization of production) while the U.S. corporations get all the profit (freely-flowing capital). We have done this not only to exploit the Mexican workforce, but also to exploit Mexico's abundant natural resources to which you were referring.

    In order to implement NAFTA, Mexico was made to comply with World Bank policies calling for the privatization of all land, cuts in spending for social services, and an emphasis on export production. Labor and environmental protections were also weakened. So as to comply with the privatization of land, in 1992, Mexican President Salinas changed Article 27 of the Mexican constitution, the part that had protected communal lands, which were often used for subsistence farming. Consequently, millions of Mexicans were displaced from their land and left unable to grow food for their families. Big agribusiness took over and crop use turned to exports and animal feed. Land that was rich in resources became available for international exploitation. And the people who no longer had land on which to live and grow food for their families were forced into the now less-protected workforce to be exploited by American corporations, oftentimes having to move north to border cities to work in manufacturing plants. Wages in Mexico dropped and the Mexican Secretary of Commerce said it was a good thing because it would attract more U.S. companies - nevermind the fact that the Mexican people aren't able to feed their families on these wages. The rich got rich and the poor got much poorer. So of course they started immigrating to the U.S., whether legally or illegally, looking for work.

    As for your uprising, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) rose up on January 1, 1994 - the first day of NAFTA. At the time there was one political party that had been in power for like 70 years. (The party has since changed, but the situation hasn't.) Citing Article 39 of the Mexican Constitution - "National Sovereignty essentially and originally resides in the people. All political power emanates from the people and its purpose is to help the people. The people have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter or modify their form of government." - they took over several towns in the state of Chiapas and essentially declared war on the Mexican government, which they considered more of a dictatorship than a representative government. Their purpose was not to take control for themselves, but to give control back to the people and create a democratic system instead of one where a few rich and powerful Mexicans could essentially sell the land, resources, and people of Mexico to the U.S. The U.S. response was to drastically increase the arms sent to the Mexican military, which they said were to fight the drug war but everyone knew were being used against the Zapatistas.
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    breath123 wrote:
    Once again....

    punish big business, they won't hire them.

    no jobs, they don't come here. problem solved, let's move on

    Repubs and the tea party freaks go on and on about the evils of the brown people, yet when they had all three branches of government tied up they didn't make any laws to stop it.

    it's all been about providing cheap labor to business, that's all it's ever been about.

    The AZ law is theater, plain and simple. If you think it's anything else, you are a fool the fools call fool.

    But is Big Business really hiring Illegals? Where I live I don't see an illegals working for Big Business. They're working on farms and construction jobs for the most part.
  • breath123breath123 Posts: 397
    breath123 wrote:
    Once again....

    punish big business, they won't hire them.

    no jobs, they don't come here. problem solved, let's move on

    Repubs and the tea party freaks go on and on about the evils of the brown people, yet when they had all three branches of government tied up they didn't make any laws to stop it.

    it's all been about providing cheap labor to business, that's all it's ever been about.

    The AZ law is theater, plain and simple. If you think it's anything else, you are a fool the fools call fool.

    But is Big Business really hiring Illegals? Where I live I don't see an illegals working for Big Business. They're working on farms and construction jobs for the most part.

    No, they don't hold CEO positions.

    You don't consider agriculture big business? Those are major corporations. I assume you prefer the term "farm" as a downplay to bolster your argument.

    I recommend reading "fast food nation" In that book they discuss how good paying union jobs for Americans in meat cutting (suppliers of the major fast food corporations) eventually became replaced by illegal labor.

    And so again I say, punish the employers take away the jobs, they go home. simple.
  • breath123breath123 Posts: 397
    prfctlefts wrote:
    breath123 wrote:
    Once again....

    punish big business, they won't hire them.

    no jobs, they don't come here. problem solved, let's move on

    Repubs and the tea party freaks go on and on about the evils of the brown people, yet when they had all three branches of government tied up they didn't make any laws to stop it.

    it's all been about providing cheap labor to business, that's all it's ever been about.

    The AZ law is theater, plain and simple. If you think it's anything else, you are a fool the fools call fool.

    As a matter of fact the federl law says that they ( the Feds) don't even need a reason to ask you if you are hear legally or not.

    If this is the case then why does Arizona (my home state btw) have to come out and look like a bunch of racist assholes and write it like a racial profiling law? And then they come off like they're actually proud of that it is a racial profiling law. sickening.

    Politicians blame the individuals because it's easier than blaming the corporate hand that feeds = theater.

    I'm glad I don't have brown skin or an accent. I'll keep my birth certificate in my glove box just in case. It's only a matter of time before they come for me.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    What if you just want to come here because there are people living here that are willing to hire you so they do not have to adhere to federal minimum wage standards, provide a safe workplace, report taxes to state tax boards or pay workmen's comp insurance and pocket the extra money?
    Should those people assimilate?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    scb wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Please explain scb..

    The United States has basically been fucking over the people of Mexico for our own economic gain for years. We have done this through NAFTA, through strings attached to our foreign aid, and through structural adjustment policies mandated by the IMF & World Bank. The purpose of NAFTA was to internationalize production and allow capital to flow more freely between Mexico & the U.S. (and Canada). This translates as getting the Mexican people to do all the work for non-livable wages (internationalization of production) while the U.S. corporations get all the profit (freely-flowing capital). We have done this not only to exploit the Mexican workforce, but also to exploit Mexico's abundant natural resources to which you were referring.

    In order to implement NAFTA, Mexico was made to comply with World Bank policies calling for the privatization of all land, cuts in spending for social services, and an emphasis on export production. Labor and environmental protections were also weakened. So as to comply with the privatization of land, in 1992, Mexican President Salinas changed Article 27 of the Mexican constitution, the part that had protected communal lands, which were often used for subsistence farming. Consequently, millions of Mexicans were displaced from their land and left unable to grow food for their families. Big agribusiness took over and crop use turned to exports and animal feed. Land that was rich in resources became available for international exploitation. And the people who no longer had land on which to live and grow food for their families were forced into the now less-protected workforce to be exploited by American corporations, oftentimes having to move north to border cities to work in manufacturing plants. Wages in Mexico dropped and the Mexican Secretary of Commerce said it was a good thing because it would attract more U.S. companies - nevermind the fact that the Mexican people aren't able to feed their families on these wages. The rich got rich and the poor got much poorer. So of course they started immigrating to the U.S., whether legally or illegally, looking for work.

    As for your uprising, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) rose up on January 1, 1994 - the first day of NAFTA. At the time there was one political party that had been in power for like 70 years. (The party has since changed, but the situation hasn't.) Citing Article 39 of the Mexican Constitution - "National Sovereignty essentially and originally resides in the people. All political power emanates from the people and its purpose is to help the people. The people have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter or modify their form of government." - they took over several towns in the state of Chiapas and essentially declared war on the Mexican government, which they considered more of a dictatorship than a representative government. Their purpose was not to take control for themselves, but to give control back to the people and create a democratic system instead of one where a few rich and powerful Mexicans could essentially sell the land, resources, and people of Mexico to the U.S. The U.S. response was to drastically increase the arms sent to the Mexican military, which they said were to fight the drug war but everyone knew were being used against the Zapatistas.

    Thanks for explaining that scb, but don't you mean the U.S. gov when you say the U.S ?.also I thought Obama was going re negotiate NAFTA or was just another lie he told so he would get elected.
    Then again why fight for your own country when you can just come to america,wave your own flag,demand that america give you free healthcare,education ,driving prvliges,ect,ect, while putting it all on the american taxpayers. I bet most people don't know that even Cesar Chavez was aginst illegal immagration.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    breath123 wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    breath123 wrote:
    Once again....

    punish big business, they won't hire them.

    no jobs, they don't come here. problem solved, let's move on

    Repubs and the tea party freaks go on and on about the evils of the brown people, yet when they had all three branches of government tied up they didn't make any laws to stop it.

    it's all been about providing cheap labor to business, that's all it's ever been about.

    The AZ law is theater, plain and simple. If you think it's anything else, you are a fool the fools call fool.

    As a matter of fact the federl law says that they ( the Feds) don't even need a reason to ask you if you are hear legally or not.

    If this is the case then why does Arizona (my home state btw) have to come out and look like a bunch of racist assholes and write it like a racial profiling law? And then they come off like they're actually proud of that it is a racial profiling law. sickening.

    Politicians blame the individuals because it's easier than blaming the corporate hand that feeds = theater.

    I'm glad I don't have brown skin or an accent. I'll keep my birth certificate in my glove box just in case. It's only a matter of time before they come for me.

    so I guess the 64% of arizonans that support the bill some of which happen to be latino are racist ?
    and the bill has nothing to do with racial profiling. You really need to educate yourself on this subject,because either you don't know a thing about this bill or you don't even live in Arizona or both.

    http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... ration_law

    :roll: Why don't you just keep your drivers liscence with you instead.
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    The two sentences I bolded and underlined can be said about the vast majority of Americans living here and the policians in government in general.. but let's just paint it black and white instead...right?
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Thanks for explaining that scb, but don't you mean the U.S. gov when you say the U.S ?.also I thought Obama was going re negotiate NAFTA or was just another lie he told so he would get elected.
    Then again why fight for your own country when you can just come to america,wave your own flag,demand that america give you free healthcare,education ,driving prvliges,ect,ect, while putting it all on the american taxpayers. I bet most people don't know that even Cesar Chavez was aginst illegal immagration.
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    FiveB247x wrote:
    The two sentences I bolded and underlined can be said about the vast majority of Americans living here and the policians in government in general.. but let's just paint it black and white instead...right?
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Thanks for explaining that scb, but don't you mean the U.S. gov when you say the U.S ?.also I thought Obama was going re negotiate NAFTA or was just another lie he told so he would get elected.
    Then again why fight for your own country when you can just come to america,wave your own flag,demand that america give you free healthcare,education ,driving prvliges,ect,ect, while putting it all on the american taxpayers. I bet most people don't know that even Cesar Chavez was aginst illegal immagration.

    . Im talking about peoople coming here who are not and don't care to become american citizens that are demanding that we give them rights.
    what's so black and white about that ?
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    Yeah and mine is that there's plenty of people hear who are citizens and add nothing to society in any fashion and suck up the finances as well. Don't vote, participate, pay taxes and many other examples which you complain about non-citizens, but apparently it's fine if you're born here....
    prfctlefts wrote:
    . Im talking about peoople coming here who are not and don't care to become american citizens that are demanding that we give them rights.
    what's so black and white about that ?
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    FiveB247x wrote:
    Yeah and mine is that there's plenty of people hear who are citizens and add nothing to society in any fashion and suck up the finances as well. Don't vote, participate, pay taxes and many other examples which you complain about non-citizens, but apparently it's fine if you're born here....
    prfctlefts wrote:
    . Im talking about peoople coming here who are not and don't care to become american citizens that are demanding that we give them rights.
    what's so black and white about that ?

    No it's not fine, but they are americans therefore they come before someone who is not an american.
  • tvismyfriendtvismyfriend Posts: 2,118
    FiveB247x wrote:
    Yeah and mine is that there's plenty of people hear who are citizens and add nothing to society in any fashion and suck up the finances as well. Don't vote, participate, pay taxes and many other examples which you complain about non-citizens, but apparently it's fine if you're born here....
    prfctlefts wrote:
    . Im talking about peoople coming here who are not and don't care to become american citizens that are demanding that we give them rights.
    what's so black and white about that ?
  • breath123breath123 Posts: 397
    prfctlefts wrote:
    so I guess the 64% of arizonans that support the bill some of which happen to be latino are racist ? and the bill has nothing to do with racial profiling. You really need to educate yourself on this subject,because either you don't know a thing about this bill or you don't even live in Arizona or both.

    http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... ration_law

    :roll: Why don't you just keep your drivers liscence with you instead.

    Crap source btw.

    this from the New York Times:

    "The law, which proponents and critics alike said was the broadest and strictest immigration measure in generations, would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.

    lets go to the sentence I have in bold and underlined.

    if that's true would you not, if you were of latino descent be immediately identified for questioning due to appearance? Would it not then make it necessary to have papers on you to prove your citizenship at all times or face a messy legal entanglement even if you were born here and perhaps never set foot in Mexico?

    I don't know if a drivers licence would be enough, but we all know those aren't easy to fake.

    how's that not racial profiling? How is that fair treatment of true citizens?

    It's just Arizona whipping it's dick out and saying "we're doing the most to curb illegals"

    everything, that is except punish the people who hire em.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    prfctlefts wrote:

    My grandparents all came to the United States from foreign countries in search of a better life. So what's the difference between them and those poor, downtrodden souls who are now hiding amongst us because they are illegal entrants, illegal residents, or both?

    Assimilation is the difference. Webster's defines assimilation as "Sociocultural fusion wherein individuals and groups of differing ethnic heritage acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing national culture."

    What the politicians can't seem to grasp is that the majority of Americans believe in legal immigration because that is what has made this nation great. Those who came here to become Americans became part of our national culture, regardless of what other culture may still be part of their DNA. If you come here to assimilate, you will learn to speak English, to pledge allegiance to our flag, to serve in our military if necessary -- to do what natural-born citizens do, because it is our obligation.

    If you're not willing to be an American, then go back to where you came from. We owe you nothing. And that goes for those who were born here and believe that our government owes them a free income and free benefits. Government is a group of people who have political authority. That authority does not empower them to anything other than the province of steering our ship of state.

    Unlike a real business, the government does not manufacture, grow, or assemble anything. Its sole source of revenue is from the pockets of its citizens. What has happened in recent decades has been abdication by the taxpayers, who leave everything up to the government.

    That might be beneficial if we hadn't simultaneously created a subculture of elected leaches who stay in power by holding down the people who they have caused to be down in the first place. What happened when Arizona said to the U.S. Government, "Enough is enough"? A federal representative from Arizona called for a boycott against the citizens who elected him and pay his salary.

    Then an appointed Attorney General and the president whom he advises, neither of whom had read the law, said that the nation might have to sue the sovereign state. While they were mulling this over, the appointed Secretary of State went to a foreign country to declare that America would be suing Arizona. Next came Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who proclaimed that she was looking out for the rights of illegal entrants. How about the rights of American citizens?

    What part of "70% of Arizonans approve of the law" is a foreign language to these women?

    I'm not picking on the Democratic Party; the vast majority of elected officials eventually lose sight of the fact that they are elected to govern, not to rule. Before my conservative friends get their drawers in a bunch, let me remind them that right after Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" swept the Republican Party into power, they began shooting themselves in the foot. And who can forget Watergate?

    We as a nation have created this monster, beginning at the local level and continuing all the way to Washington, D.C. "Let someone else do the work; I'm busy making a living" has become a de facto national motto. The Obama administration's rush to such things as an unpopular national health care plan and to denounce a very popular Arizona law are merely symptoms, not causes. They somehow have come to believe that redistribution of wealth is a solution. But that does not hold true for those who have earned even a minimal degree of wealth.

    Because ours is an enduring democracy, there is light at the end of the tunnel. While the ultra-liberals work to fulfill their own futures by appealing to the emotions of those who figure they are entitled to a free living, those who the liberals swear need protection are standing up to be counted. And while the loyal opposition is busy playing obstructionist, their popularity is plummeting.

    A prime example of how a significant segment of "Americans" think is Mexico-born Tucsonan Gabriela Saucedo Marquez, who came to the United States legally in 1986, became a citizen five years later, and prizes the day that she took her citizenship oath. On April 27, 2010, she voluntarily addressed the Tucson City Council in support of SB 1070, which requires Arizona police to check immigration status of those detained for other violations of Arizona law. She endorsed the new law and denounced Congressman Raúl Grijalva for his call to boycott Arizona. Saucedo Marquez also denounced City Councilwoman Regina Romero for calling a special meeting to promote a City of Tucson lawsuit against the State of Arizona.

    Tucson reporter Leo W. Banks comments in the 6/22/2010 Daily Caller: "Saucedo Mercer gave voice to a largely unheard segment of the Hispanic population -- those who treasure the law and understand the danger our open border represents to national security, public safety and the very concepts of sovereignty and citizenship."

    There is no one more zealous than a convert, and there is no convert more devout than a naturalized citizen who has forsaken his or her homeland in favor of becoming an American -- one who has assimilated.

    Before I offend those who are put off by hyphenated nomenclature, let me confirm that I am an American of Mexican descent (at least on my mom's side). Arizona's only Hispanic Governor, Raúl H. Castro, in his inspirational biography Adversity is my Angel (TCU Press, Ft. Worth, TX), uses the term "Mexican American," without a hyphen. I guess the hyphen is what offends. But I digress.

    Opponents of SB 1070, ignoring the fact that virtually identical laws have existed for at least the past three years elsewhere, claim that without cheap illegal labor, we would be paying $10 for a hamburger. When you add the cost of public schooling, medical care, and lost taxes to the equation, we are already paying around $25 for a burger.

    They also say that Americans are too lazy to do manual labor. Tell that to the 10% of Arizonans who are about to run out of unemployment benefits.

    We may be seeing the effects of a serious effort to implement the Richard Cloward-Francis Fox Piven political strategy that would disrupt our society into a socio-Marxist existence. For those who never heard of this strategy, please google Cloward-Piven. It is a great way for the Pigs to be More Equal!

    In closing, I have to note with chagrin and a smile that welfare recipients in California have been using their state-issued welfare cards in California casinos. The machines can't tell the difference. Upon learning of this travesty, the Governator issued a proclamation that all welfare recipients must take an oath to use the welfare cards as intended. Aren't politicians wonderful?
    9 Comments on "If You Want to Immigrate Here"

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