OK, so it wasn't on the Porch, it was on Given to Fly, and it was started in 06 not 07 but the BOSTON II PUKE thread has to be THE funniest thread ever....and if you've never read it I recommend you check it out
OK, so it wasn't on the Porch, it was on Given to Fly, and it was started in 06 not 07 but the BOSTON II PUKE thread has to be THE funniest thread ever....and if you've never read it I recommend you check it out
London, Copenhagen 07
MSG 08
SBE, Manchester, London 09
Dublin, Belfast, London 10
I was going to suggest this, so instead...
A toss up between Jeff stole my basketball and cory's thread about his raccoons
This is my kind of love...
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
he always puts out good stuff.