Dublin, continue my analysis of belfast and hyde park later

Eddiechedder10Eddiechedder10 Posts: 30
edited June 2010 in Given To Fly (live)
Dublin- Me and Jim left our small home town of Wantage Oxfordshire (England) at around 3 a.m for Luton airport. We were tired to say the least, we'd both been working hard to pay for the 4th, 5th, and 6th P.J adventure. We hit Dublin around 8-8:30 a.m and had breakfast. We stayed in our hotel room most of the day due to the cosmicly over priced rebublic. We ventured to the 02 around 7 P.M after the pre show party which was jam packed (I was the hairy mother love bone tee shirt guy) We didnt have 10 club tickets for this one so we were up on the main tier in the middle. The thing that I felt wierd about is that they opend with long road and then straight in with once and me and Jim were the only ones on our feet in our section so we had to get everybody up (seating doesnt mean you have to sit down) Anyhoo P.J rocked they looked so energised almost like they'd gone back 20 years. The new song was an absolute privalege, once I never ever thought they'd play it in my presense (hoping for brother) but hey! They had a massive ovation in dublin and it still carried on long after exiting the arena. I love how one band does that, makes people get excited! and so enthused to talk to other people they dont even know maybe passing a ciggarette or a spliff around and just generally being good to each other because were here for one perpose TO ROCK THE F?@K OUT BUT ALSO TO APPRECIATE BY RAISING OUR HANDS THE TENDER SIDE OF ROCK AND ROLL P.J BRING TO THE STAGE
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