Mike Ranquet House Party in 1992 - PJ

DreamOfAngelsDreamOfAngels Posts: 829
edited July 2010 in The Porch
I just watched two videos (in their entirety). The line from River of Deceit, "my pain is self-chosen" was the immediate thought in my head while listening/watch and while my mouse was aimed and ready to click on the stop button to stop the pain. Has anyone else watched these completely? If so, are you experiencing any brain activity now? I sort of sat at the computer staring and saying "Wow. What was that all about?". No wonder the cops were called.

Let me know if you are able to make it through both of them and what your thoughts are when you are finished... if you were actually in attendance, share that too!


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  • bump?
  • Back_PedalBack_Pedal Posts: 1,171
    I watched the videos...not really much to say about them except it got kind of annoying after a while. Might've been a fun thing to actually be at, though.
    Thanks EPOTTSIII!
    "Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
    424, xxx
  • gndcd402gndcd402 Posts: 2,561
    try sitting thru 2 full dvds of this crap :lol: torture!!!
  • StinkfootStinkfoot Posts: 546
    All I'll say is....

    For those that have got/heard the full self pollution radio, after the "Improv/Laurelhurst Beach Club" jam when Eddie makes the comment "Well, thats what they'd be...without me!"...

    I think we owe the rest of the band a big thanks...because circa '92...THATS WHAT EDDIE WOULD HAVE BEEN WITHOUT THEM!!
    "I get into a state of consciousness that I can't explain. It is about feeling and not thinking. I get positive chills and insight into things that I can't get to any other way. It is Healing of the Soul." - Mike McCready
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,182
    I love Eddie in a White Sox hat. Take that Cub fans!!!!
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