A Tea Party Quest

This story should get some interesting responses. Was an interesting story till the guy made some dump comments about welfare towns and showed his true colors. Just imagine this guy interviewing with Glen B., Hannity....and all the other hard core right wingers- Their going to make this guy look like the real face of America; The true American Patriot ---- 
Nonetheless its a Great accomplishment ....
A Tea Party Quest
There are plenty of Americans fervently devoted to the tea party movement, but Matthew Perdie may be the most committed convert of all.
On Tuesday, the 24-year-old video editor celebrated his year anniversary of setting out from Long Island, N.Y. to walk across the country in support of small government.
And 3,600 miles and 8 pairs of shoes later, he's almost done, slated to arrive in Santa Monica, C.A. on July 4.
So how has his long walk been?
"I've been surprised how many fiscal conservatives there are across the country," Perdie told POLITICO. He said the friendliest places he encountered on his march—which took him down the east coast from New York and west across the country through the Carolinas, Georgia and Mississippi, the whole way to California—were Charleston, S.C. and the outskirts of Atlanta, G.A. He actually had plenty of support at home, too; "I was actually surprised how nice people were to me in Long Island," he said.
And if you feared that America had become a cynical, disconnected nation of folks who bowl alone and keep their heads down, Perdie will give you hope.
"I've never really had to ask for a place to stay," he said. "As I go along, people see that I'm carrying this giant American flag and a sign with my website and they offer to lend a hand."
Still, he's hit a rough patch or two. He said that some of the welfare towns around North Carolina that didn't have so much money" gave him some gruff, as did a few spots in west Texas.
As for what occupies his mind during all those quiet hours on the road, Perdie said he thinks about "what I'm going to do when I'm done."
And no, he isn't going to start a revolution when he completes his walk in two weeks. At least, not initially. First, he's going to sleep.
"I've only averaged about four to six hours a night so far," he said.
http://www.politico.com/click/stories/1 ... quest.html

Nonetheless its a Great accomplishment ....
A Tea Party Quest
There are plenty of Americans fervently devoted to the tea party movement, but Matthew Perdie may be the most committed convert of all.
On Tuesday, the 24-year-old video editor celebrated his year anniversary of setting out from Long Island, N.Y. to walk across the country in support of small government.
And 3,600 miles and 8 pairs of shoes later, he's almost done, slated to arrive in Santa Monica, C.A. on July 4.
So how has his long walk been?
"I've been surprised how many fiscal conservatives there are across the country," Perdie told POLITICO. He said the friendliest places he encountered on his march—which took him down the east coast from New York and west across the country through the Carolinas, Georgia and Mississippi, the whole way to California—were Charleston, S.C. and the outskirts of Atlanta, G.A. He actually had plenty of support at home, too; "I was actually surprised how nice people were to me in Long Island," he said.
And if you feared that America had become a cynical, disconnected nation of folks who bowl alone and keep their heads down, Perdie will give you hope.
"I've never really had to ask for a place to stay," he said. "As I go along, people see that I'm carrying this giant American flag and a sign with my website and they offer to lend a hand."
Still, he's hit a rough patch or two. He said that some of the welfare towns around North Carolina that didn't have so much money" gave him some gruff, as did a few spots in west Texas.
As for what occupies his mind during all those quiet hours on the road, Perdie said he thinks about "what I'm going to do when I'm done."
And no, he isn't going to start a revolution when he completes his walk in two weeks. At least, not initially. First, he's going to sleep.
"I've only averaged about four to six hours a night so far," he said.
http://www.politico.com/click/stories/1 ... quest.html
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that is a great idea! I might have to try that
So here it is! I officially announce my "Hike to Save the Spotted Owl". My plan is to hike from El Paso, TX to Glacier National Park over a six month period. Along the way, I will raise awareness on the spotted owl. Of course, I will need everyone's support on this. I'll provide more details on Pay-Pal accounts and PO boxes to send checks to shortly . . . .