Mass Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants by Executive Order
USA Posts: 2,672
Just heard on fox news --- Mass Amnesty for illegal Immigrants by Executive Order- Is that possible?
Mike I need your legal mind here....
Mike I need your legal mind here....
Post edited by Unknown User on
EOs are usually just a rule on how to carry out a particular act of congress or to explain how a regulatory body should conduct themselves.
Since illegal immigrants can already be granted temporary legal status I don't see why it couldn't be done en mass.
I think it has more to do with political posturing than anything else. An executive order that completely flies in the face of federal law would definitely open up the door for future presidents to do just about whatever they want. Interesting conundrum. I really don't know how this will play out...I have a feeling it will be rejected if it were to come down as an EO simply becaus it kind of flies in the face of the legislative process.
Certainly an interesting time in our country's history
how do you feel about it?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Thanks for the info- I consider you one of the top legal minds on the board.
I, on the other hand, need to do some serious research....
I am very divided on this- Ofcourse I want amnesty, but I also have many restrictions- The country is already divided and we have already reached the boiling point.... I see people like Godfather explode on Cosmo over a thread - I could only imagine what some of the extremist would do to innocent people out in the real world.
But then we have no compromise by the party's in charge, so nothing might ever be done.
I, like many of you, want to secure the boarders -- But look at the big picture- We are pouring 10+ billion a month on a war, we just invested billions on health care reform, we are divided, massive oil spill, we're going broke, deficits deficits.... etc..etc..etc.
11+ million new citizens could definitely help with many issues (military, community services, taxes,etc), but I would want compromise --- Let's see what other conversations surface ..... Then I'll take my firm position
till then ...see you on the battle field ...
And don't tell me we are leaving any war to afford this either.
By doing the same things they are doing today... mowing your lawns, cooking your Denny's Grand Slam breakfasts, washing your car at the car wash, cleaning the urinals in your company's restrooms, picking the onions you buy at the supermarket, cleaning the stalls at the ranches where your steaks come from, putting up drywall in your neghbor's re-modeled kitchen and bath, etc...
Hail, Hail!!!
Wait....I thought we couldn't afford them now because they steal our jobs, don't pay taxes and get free health care?
:shock: Where is that!?!? I don't even have dental insurance!
They took our jooobs!
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
First off not all of them are unskilled - and not all of them are poor- The kid from Harvard isn't unskilled, along with the many other illegal immigrant students who just graduated aren't either.
Now what's the point of even having a conversation with you-if your not willing to listen? Or for that matter even care? You think the easy solution is to gather them up like cattle and move them out.
11+million people are here - and you have about 50 million other Hispanic's, plus a vast amount of non Hispanic's who would probably stand in the way of rounding them up! Can you comprehend that this issue is actually more complicated then what the tea party is claiming?
We have an opportunity here - to do the right thing- If the country would accept illegal immigrants who have shown good behavior- and deport all of those who have committed serious crimes (aside from coming here illegally) - The rest of the country will respect that, and would stand behind the deportation of those would be much easier to manage/control. ... Now we would know exactly who is in this country ---
A $10,000 fee, 100hrs+ of community service, an oath of honor to this country, etc..etc..etc... Heck I am sure they would even finish building the fu@!ing fence at a minimum wage!
-Then Secure the boarder and we are done with this!
11 million dollars x 10k=$$ 11million new tax payers=$$ 11 million loyal American's = more Security
++++ The thousands that would join the military= more relief for our current armed forces!
The possibilities are there, and I know there are a lot of negative complicated factors, which would need to be discussed; Which I would be more then happy to explore and discuss- If you really gave a fu@! - but you don't so just make sure you keep your gun loaded, and be ready to take back your country ... :roll:
First. To the folks that say, "Round 'em all up and deport them back to Mexico"... I have to ask... How? Do people really think all we have to do is say, "If you are here illegally... please, raise your hand so we can deport you to Mexico". Or do people really think they will come to the border so we can make sure they exit?
How much do those people think it is going to cost... THEM... to round up and deport them? What... 11 million or so? How many busses is that? I'm being serious... someone please, tell me HOW they think that will happen?
Next. All those jobs they have 'Stolen'... are there people who actually want those jobs that the business (including small businesses... YES, SMALL BUSINESSES)... are willing to pay? And will they take those sub-minimum wage jobs with no benefits, such as Health Care? Who is going to that the graveyard shift of the company that scrubs urinals in high rise office buildings for less than minimum wage... for 10 hours... with no overtime? Or how about picking onions in Bakersfield for not even an hourly wage? Instead, you get paid by pound... the amount of onions that weigh a pound. I guess that's for those enterprising Americans that will work from dawn til dusk and pick the millions of pounds of onions that will make them a millionaire, right?
You may want to strap a lawn mower engine on your back and blow leaves and lawn clippings around for 22 bucks a day, but I certainly don't. Pay me 32 bucks an hour, with medical coverage and a 401K plan and we'll talk.
Hail, Hail!!!
I get tired of hearing people try to portray those that think someone in the country illegally should be removed are comparing them to cattle and that they are being dehumanized.
It's just dumb.
It's not the easy solution. The right one usually isn't.
So do you have any suggestions? I think I've have posted more details then what you have quoted... :evil:
I suggest we start enforcing the law. Inspect companies for undocumented workers. Hold company leadership accountable. When someone is found, deport them. Look into a comprehensive program to allow easier access to legal immigration. Protect the boarders, more patrols. Do away with the "if born in the US you are a citizen", require at least 1 parent to be a current citizen for this to occur.
Most of all I think we have to get past the racist rhetoric that keeps us from discussing the issue.
Anyone, besides me, ever read the comments posted by the readers/supporters of foxnews?
Sign Me UP!
And it just goes on and on.... I think I found two neutral comments. ...I could see the Fare and balanced views the station attracts.... I love it!
11+ million people - Do you really think inspecting undocumented workers is really going to solve the problem? I mean isn't that what they have been doing? How big is the budget and how much man power does the Fed Gov actually have to really see this through?
-Haven't they been already holding company's accountable? Where are the consequences? Is it financially beneficial to the rest of the country- would the cost of produce go up if this is done?
-Easier Legalization process for who? People that are already here or people trying to enter from the outside?
-What about the sanctuary cities, wont they cause a problem?
-Do away with the constitution? Should this rule apply to everyone? Including people who have been living as citizens for many years now, but still fall under your suggestion?
-What about the 50 million Hispanic's and non Hispanic's that support amnesty- Or at least want better results?
How do you feel about Amnesty for most of those 11+ million people?
I'd have been doing it all along, so we wouldn't be in the mess. But since we are I would certainly start by actually enforcing the laws. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is a terrible idea.
Easier process for people who didn't already break the law.
Do away with the constitution, yep that's what I said...the whole thing, just throw it out. C'mon now. You can't go back on something like that, but you can make it so going forward.
I'm 100% against amnesty.
100% against amnesty- and Only give citizenship for those who have not broken the law?! Now I know where you stand.
We're better off doing nothing- Don't you realize that you have about 50 million Hispanic's that would stand in the way of some kind man hunt on illegal immigrants - Plus the majority of Democrats would also stand against something like that- I am sure there are other folks who would also stand against it. Do you see the chaos this would cause?
And how exactly would you get rid of 11+million people in a civil manner? The whole anchor baby thing isn't going to fly either- who are you kidding on that...It's not those kids fault that they were brought here- I was born to illegal immigrants- I would be asked to be deported as well....and I'm sure you would like that..
oh and what about the parents of Armando Soriano who's father has been deported - His son Armando died in Iraq protecting your America, and is berried in TX - the father cannot visit the grave of his son! But who cares right? The father cannot obtain a green card because he has already been deported. What about the other kids who come from illegal immigrants and who die in service? Fu@! them too, right! Oh well ....
I know it works both ways on good and bad examples( regarding illegal immigrants)- but to say you 100% against anything- is not going to help with any solutions--
Especially when you have a voice/vote like mines, and millions of others who want some kind of real solution......
I would appreciate a response.
thank you,
You don't want a response. You Just want to start a fight. i want a real solution and I'm not talking about a manhunt, just enforcing the law as it is.
By the way, I'm 100% against amnesty for the 11 million. Obviously individual circumstance could warrant it.
Basically sums up your acute mind. My family and I benefited from amnesty back in the Reagan days. Did we suddenly become enlightened b/c we were citizens? My parents started two successful companies and I got the opportunity to go to college and start a career. What did you do to become a citizen? You were born? Wow you really went through a lot. Poor guy. I'm going to do everything I can to ensure that my kids, their kids, and so on contribute to this country instead of blaming others for their problems.
"Illegal alien. Border hopper. Wetback. Now – “anchor baby.” Are these just words? Whether we call them descriptive phrases or racist slurs, we can all agree on one thing: the current language for undocumented people in this country allows us to think that immigration status defines a person’s basic humanity and right to dignity. . . .
. . . In 1753, Benjamin Franklin wrote that immigrants who come to America are “generally of the most ignorant stupid sort of their own nation. Not being used to liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it. They are not esteemed men till they have shown their manhood by beating their mothers. Now they come in droves. Few of their children in the country learn English.”
He was writing about Germans. We’ve been stereotyping immigrants in order to blame them for our problems since before we were even a country. . . .
. . . Legal scholars like David Cole have proven that every time we have some crisis of faith about the economy or national security, we restrict the rights of immigrant communities. Why do we do this? It’s easier to scapegoat immigrants than to come up with real solutions to the biggest challenges to our society. It’s easier to round up undocumented Muslims than to develop an efficient, thoughtful strategy for dealing with Islamist militancy in the world. It’s easier to crack down on undocumented immigrants than to honestly ask ourselves why our economy must rely on a permanent undocumented population. . . .
. . . We can argue until we’re red or blue in the face about the pros and cons of immigrants, but it’s high time that we, as the most diverse nation in the world, learn to love ourselves. As long as we keep on trying to solve our economic and national security problems through immigration policy, as long as we keep justifying the unjust treatment of immigrants, we all lose." ... mpaign=pbs
I wonder how many of them 11 million people make up our 10% unemployment?
I agree.
I read them as well
Had me laughing too much had to get away
What we need to do is turn the USA into a huge prison, no one gets in and no one gets out except the folks with a badge and a gun
very few of them are counted it the 10% as well as a lot of legal citizens are not counted in the 10%
our unemployment numbers are very misleading