
this band

givenfliersgivenfliers Posts: 144
edited June 2010 in The Porch
as i listened to pj new york 2 of this year i think how truely amazing they are the crowd made the show even better . its funny if ur at a pj show with someone else who feels the same way u do every time a song comes on u look at each like 2 children amazed openin x-mas presents .ive been lucky to attend about 33 shows all great in there own way.the way we just close our eyes and wish durin the show durin our favorite song and just wish wow i hope heaven can compare to this .hopefully they play 5 more years i only see 1 more album and some shows here and there but we have been truly blessed with a great band during an era 2000 on where i could make a gold record with bullshit hype and studio effects but they keep us lookin foward to just a lil more of heaven SORRY for the rant just wanted to get that out there and slow lukin is great
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