
Saw his face in a corner picture...

skyeriverwinterskyeriverwinter Posts: 1,894
edited June 2010 in The Porch
...I recognized the name. Could not stop staring at the. Face I'd never see again.

So I have a story along the same lines to share...please forgive if it gets too long...

A few days ago I started a thread If you were to die http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.ph ... 4681...you see I like talking about things spiritual. Death to me isn't new. It came into my life at an early age, so talking about it was never taboo. Some think you mention death...you are suicidal...well that is not always the case.

I bring this up because on that same day...a young girl who used to play with my daughters 12 years ago (yes I suppose 20 isn't that young to some but I knew her as a child)...drove herself into a tree and took her own life. This doesn't affect me directly but I do feel the ripples...The sadness I feel is for her...not that she will have eternal damnation or any such thing but that she had no light...no glimmer of hope to help her out of her darkness. For those of you who judge harshly...if you've not seen this darkness you can not know how dark it can really get.

To those of you who say she could/should have reached out...how can you trust anyone when you can not even trust those who raised you? If those who were to love you abuse you...why would a stranger care? These are not justifications...these are realities. I would also like to mention how we sing accolades to people such as Jimi Hendrix or Janis Joplin...didn't they, in essence, do the same thing? How about musicians or any other person we exalt that self medicate everyday(by alcohol or any other meds) to hide their pain just to get by ? So when you judge this little girl or any other person who takes their own life try to remember their pain.

It's sad when so many young people fall through the cracks. I wish so much that people wouldn't push these beautiful young injured children under the carpet. But again I have no answer on how to help any of them. Filling them with drugs such as klonopin or xanax isn't the answer. It's very hard to crack the surface of an abused depressed person. That is all I truly know.

So Pearl Jam's music again rings in my head in this instance...Saw her face in a corner picture...but what I would like to hold onto today is this...Our futures paved with better days...

Everyone...go give someone a hug...even if they don't want it!

also I would like to add an aside...this is not to criticize anyone in Pearl Jam...Pearl Jam has been and will always be my glimmer of hope in any darkness that I may encounter in life
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