
anyone good with computers??

WM31482WM31482 New York, NY Posts: 563
edited June 2010 in The Porch
I put one of my bootlegs in my laptop at work. Now it won't come back out :?

Really don't want to call the IT dept. and say my Pearl Jam CD is stuck inside my laptop...

Anyone have any tips for me lol??
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    OGT92OGT92 Posts: 1,588
    Pry that bitch open and get your PJ disc back. :D Seriously sometimes in your media player there is an eject option. Look for that.
    "I read about the evils of drinking, so I gave up reading." - Henry Youngman
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    iamloco724iamloco724 Brooklyn NY Posts: 1,441
    or you can right click on the drive icon and there should be an eject option or reboot and hit eject on the drive could work then
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    oona leftoona left Posts: 1,672
    I know my PC at work sometimes requires some, mm, convincing, before it will eject a disc.

    There is a small hole, for which the end of a (straightened-out) paperclip is a perfect fit. Push the end of the paperclip in, and voila, manual eject.
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    WM31482WM31482 New York, NY Posts: 563
    oona left wrote:
    I know my PC at work sometimes requires some, mm, convincing, before it will eject a disc.

    There is a small hole, for which the end of a (straightened-out) paperclip is a perfect fit. Push the end of the paperclip in, and voila, manual eject.

    that is exactly what they just did! if only i had waited two more minutes...

    i was getting nervous they'd all leave for the day though!

    I must be even worse than I thought with computers... someone else from IT just sent me an email that actually said this:

    "There should be a button on the tray itself to eject the disk."


    thanks for your help everyone!!
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    oona leftoona left Posts: 1,672
    WM31482 wrote:
    oona left wrote:
    I know my PC at work sometimes requires some, mm, convincing, before it will eject a disc.

    There is a small hole, for which the end of a (straightened-out) paperclip is a perfect fit. Push the end of the paperclip in, and voila, manual eject.

    that is exactly what they just did! if only i had waited two more minutes...

    i was getting nervous they'd all leave for the day though!

    I must be even worse than I thought with computers... someone else from IT just sent me an email that actually said this:

    "There should be a button on the tray itself to eject the disk."


    thanks for your help everyone!!

    Doh!!! I should have answered sooner.

    Now you know for next time: Ask your PJ friends, and sit tight. We'll get back to you!
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    WM31482WM31482 New York, NY Posts: 563
    this actually really is true.

    that's why i asked my random question here in the first place-

    next time i will be more patient

    but i swear no matter what it is, the answer exists on this message board
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