If this doesn't pull at your heart strings....

....you need to check for a pulse. War sucks donkey balls. I can't help but think of those who didn't get this type of reunion.
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9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Not to be cynical or anything....
I believe I emphasized in my first post that war sucks. Yes it's horrible for both sides. This video really has nothing to do with that at all, and the kids in these videos definitely had nothing to do with it.
My doggie does that when she hasn't seen me in a while!!
So cute!!
awesome man.... sorry for your loss
my buddy just got back from his 3rd tour and he is out of the the military, couldn't do it anymore.
As a member of the military, I find your comment as offensive as anything Ive read on this site.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
On behalf of millions of Americans who benefit daily from the sacrifices of our past and current service members, I offer my gratitude for my freedom, and the ability to choose to serve with them.
Smellyman and his ilk are a small and lonely minority.
YOKE: Im glad ur buddy is back safely, and I thank him for what he's done for us.
SHAWSHANK: Thanx for the post, man.
i'll let you know when i figure out how killing civilians in Iraq, translates into preserving freedom in the United States.
so uhm yeah. carry on killing innocent people in the name of liberty or justice or freedom or whatever :roll:
People like you have been around a while. They were spitting on soldiers in airports 40 years ago.
Nobody's impressed by you.
How long has it been since someone felt proud of what you do?
Your mom never brags about you, she says you're just a giant disapointment.
And she's staying over again tonite!!!!!
you are a classless individual
i've been generally ignoring your posts simply because your ignorance and rudeness does not warrant any respect on this board ... your attempts at humour are weak and all you are showing is that you are in fact a dickhead ...
you will be banned again soon enuf because no matter what you write after - you can't change the fact that you are who you are ... and people like you don't last long on this board ...
This is the craziest I've ever seen the MT... it's sad and also quite entertaining. 'Your Mom'...you crack me up. Dude, i've never seen such....well, for a lack of a better word, gibberish... with complete and utter disrespect. Do you act this way outside of your home?
I'd hate to see you get banned, (You seem to be on your way...again) because It makes me see in comparison that everyone else in this forum might fight and argue, but at least most do it with some class and even respect of their fellow PJ fans.
Yoke, Your Mom, thank you for the kind words.
Yoke, this tragedy occurred on his 3rd tour. He was home on leave, got engaged and went back voluntarily for what was supposed to be his 3rd and final tour. Unfortunately 3 months before that tour ended he was shot by a sniper, while training an Iraqi police officer up in a tower.
I think its sad that you mention nothing of TriumphantAngel's assertions that American troops murder women and children in cold blood. I, correctly, compared that individual to Vietnam era protestors that spit on soldiers in airports and called the "baby killers." You might notice that the person did not disagree. At least Angel, offensive as his/her words may be, has the courage of his convictions. I wonder, do you?
Would you stand to be counted among the likes of Triumphant Angel? If so, then say so here, now.
Yet you seem fine w/ that rhetoric, and offer no condolence to the author of this thread, who tragically lost a good friend, a hero, and by trade- a brother of mine.
No, you come to this thread to insult me, for responding to a blatant and offensive afront to all service members.
I submit, JohnnyNUT, that it is YOU who acts with "complete and utter disrespect"- both for the young man spoken of here that lost his life, and for the entire US military, which, comprised of volunteers, fights and dies for your right to insult them.
Because at this point, I saw the video and it made me really happy for those families that were able to celebrate a safe return of their family member who served in the military. However, I am able to see that there are two sides to every story and I can respect TriumphantAngels opinion. I would never attack him the way you did though, childishly and pathetically. That is what I was commenting on. I never commented on anything of the content of this thread, so twist it however you like.
I wasn’t taking sides and I honestly wasn’t even posting about the topic (my apologies to the OP), I simply get to a point where I see all of your gibberish and I have to comment because it’s laughable, and it’s quite obvious that you wouldn’t get away with talking to people the way you do on here, out in public. But keep it up, I love to laugh.
Courage of my convictions? I have nothing to prove to you. You, however, are quickly digging yourself a hole here (a reflection in just about every thread you contribute to), and as far as most thing you type around here, I consider it a Jerry Springer moment at best. Talk about convictions, haha!
Haha, blatant and offensive affront to all service members!?!?! Haha, really Your Mom? Please, keep it coming, this is too funny the shit you make up!
Im so sick of the saying “volunteers who fight for my right to (insert anything here)…” bullshit. Pile it on, pile it on….especially from someone like you, it’s such a joke that you would turn around what I said to attempt to paint a pathetic picture like that. My three closest family members served/are serving in the military and have been in dangerous situations, and it is rather sad to hear you make assertions that I would disrespect anyone in that nature just because I was reminding you that you are being offensive on this board.
If you or any group of people like you had anything to do with my freedom, I’d gladly give it up out of embarrassment. May your overwhelming disrespectful drivel continue to most of us on the Pj boards…
Why don't YOU voice your opinions outside the cushy safe confine of this liberal rock band's website?
See how many friends that gets you.
Haha, just as i suspected, You still assume that What Angel said is how I think?? where in the hell did that even come from? If you obviously can't follow along, dont' play.
My brother is in the Coast Guard, and I can play along too -- he furnishes you "the freedom to type your drivel while you sit at your cushy safe confines"... My Father and Uncle seved the Airforce and Army in Veitnam. My Grandfather was in the Pacific during Pearl Harbor. I respect them all immensly -- more than your little mind could ever imagine, but that has nothing to do with you or me. You sit behind your desk and cant carry a decent conversation on a music meesage board, and accuse me of this shit? what a shame. Get a clue.
If you respected your fathers/uncle/brother like you say, then I would imagine you would reject that offensive opinion.
I was noting the difference b/w that which you find offensive, and that which you respect.
Its very telling.
telling indeed. You don't seem to respect that people think differently than you. I can respect someones opinion and completely disagree with them. (an hold a respectful debate)
Offensive remarks are different than what people believe. See the difference?
You are not convincing anyone or changing their beliefs by berating them and pounding your chest and lecturing them on the cost of freedom. Have you ever tried to push a big dog off the couch? The more you push the harder they dig in, but they jump right off when you get up or yell "Squirrell!"
You targeted me- and admitted not even reading the OP's comments about his deceased friend- just jumping in to disagree w/ me, and embarrassing yourself in the process.
Again, this thread was about a fellow PJ fan who lost a friend in war. Start your own thread and you can let me have it all you want- but leave this guy's thread about his friend alone.
I'm off this thread.
peace to Lukin.
Absolutely not. No. You can't tell people who can and can't post in a thread. Besides, you are twisting the facts, AGAIN, as usual. I never said I didnt read the OP comments. I did read them and watched the video, so thanks for that. I just disagreed with you because you have disrespected too many people around here. Your snide remarks dont't flow with the rest of the respectful posters.
Also, the thread was about celebrating the safe return of military personel. I may be wrong, but I nevre saw Shawshank say he/she lost someone. Never.
If you want my further thoughts? I saw the video as a sad reminder that so many families have to live in fear for their loved ones overseas for an absolute shit war.
I'm with polaris X on this one, I can't keep stooping to your level YourMom.