
Homage to PJ Boots...

mcameronrocksmcameronrocks Posts: 321
edited June 2010 in The Porch
Part of my adoration with PJ in recent years has been the anticipation of the boots being released to coincide with the latest tour. I am always fired up to see how the latest recordings stack up with prior tours.

As a result, I have found that I have become overly ciritcal to such a great aspect of this band. A great example of that is the latest releases for the 2010 boots. While I certainly won't tell you they have been my favorite, it is still a unprecedented feature they offer to their fans.

I came to this realization when I popped in my old "No Fucking Messiah" boot CD recently. That disc was one of the biggest reasons why I grew to appreciate PJ. I used to blast that through my CD "boom box" in my driveway and play 3 on 3 hoops with the neighbor kidz in '94. Back then, it was such a great sounding boot. After listening to that again, while certainly nostalgiac, it does not hold a candle to the quality of the boots over the last 10 years.

Just saying....
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    Black73Black73 Posts: 1,018
    I must agree. While NFM and NFM2 also drew me to PJ, the fact that I can get much higher-quality boots from every show I attend is unprecedented. I had the same feeling while listening to my 1996 Savage Hall/Toledo bootleg...which by all accounts of the word is a true bootleg...it brings back a lot of great memories from the show, but the sound quality is nowhere near that of today's boots. Not to mention I had to search far and wide just to get my hands on that copy - something I no longer have to do with boots.
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    hopethatuchokehopethatuchoke Posts: 2,927
    I think the boots have lost their luster compared to the boots of old days. I love the sound of an FM soundboard from the early days compared to today. They were loud, angry and tighter than a squirrels ass back then. Now the boots to me are all hard to distinguish from one to another other than if they played a rarity.
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    I think the boots have lost their luster compared to the boots of old days. I love the sound of an FM soundboard from the early days compared to today. They were loud, angry and tighter than a squirrels ass back then. Now the boots to me are all hard to distinguish from one to another other than if they played a rarity.

    The excitement of getting something that the entire world didn't have was what was great to me with those old boots. Back then, those boots were awesome quality b/c there wasn't anything else to compare them to. I agree, the "rawness" of them were pretty cool,but I'm not interested in hearing dudes yell Eddies name or chicks screaming like their at a Beatles concert
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    hopethatuchokehopethatuchoke Posts: 2,927
    I think the boots have lost their luster compared to the boots of old days. I love the sound of an FM soundboard from the early days compared to today. They were loud, angry and tighter than a squirrels ass back then. Now the boots to me are all hard to distinguish from one to another other than if they played a rarity.

    The excitement of getting something that the entire world didn't have was what was great to me with those old boots. Back then, those boots were awesome quality b/c there wasn't anything else to compare them to. I agree, the "rawness" of them were pretty cool,but I'm not interested in hearing dudes yell Eddies name or chicks screaming like their at a Beatles concert

    My favorite boot ever by any band is probably Atlanta 94 from the FM feed.
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    I think the boots have lost their luster compared to the boots of old days. I love the sound of an FM soundboard from the early days compared to today. They were loud, angry and tighter than a squirrels ass back then. Now the boots to me are all hard to distinguish from one to another other than if they played a rarity.

    The excitement of getting something that the entire world didn't have was what was great to me with those old boots. Back then, those boots were awesome quality b/c there wasn't anything else to compare them to. I agree, the "rawness" of them were pretty cool,but I'm not interested in hearing dudes yell Eddies name or chicks screaming like their at a Beatles concert

    My favorite boot ever by any band is probably Atlanta 94 from the FM feed.

    That is a great boot. I listen to that all the time. Dave A killed that show.
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    pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,310
    just the chance to relive shows and relive moments from shows is awesome. that this band provides the opportunity for us to do that is great. each show ive been to has it's own memories, and they come back when you pop that boot in. can't help but be transformed back to that moment. it is why i pretty much have stuck with boots for shows i've been to - it's more than just about the music.
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    pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,310

    My favorite boot ever by any band is probably Atlanta 94 from the FM feed.

    That is a great boot. I listen to that all the time. Dave A killed that show.

    a memory from this show - i taped this off the radio broadcast and I remember hearing Better Man for the 1st time - had no idea what it was but knew it was awesome. I remember writing the song names on the cassette case for this and since I didn't know the name of this one I titled it 'Can't Find' since that was pretty much most of what I could understand of Ed's singing - i have to see if i can dig up that old cassette.
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