"Their" Words: The New World Order & New World Religion

This is a book by Alice Bailey, founder of the Lucis (formerly Lucifer) Trust ...
a publishing company that is adjunct to the United Nations, used to have an office at 666 United Nations Plaza, and is responsible for the "Temple of Understanding" that is still located at United Nations headquarters.
Alice is a disciple of Madame Blavatsky, which puts her side by side with Aleister Crowley and right in the line of Rosicrucian \ Masonic fellowship.
I want to be extremely clear ... Alice Bailey is NOT a "conspiracy theorist" or an outside writer, she is writing from INSIDE "The Hierarchy" as she calls it, and is writing FOR them. In other words, this is what THEY believe, not what some crazy crackpot has to say. (well, okay, i think she's a bit off her rocker. you may want to research her "co-author", Djwhal Khul, her "invisible friend" as it were. :roll: )
The Externalization of the Hierarchy
by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
First published in 1934 (best i can tell)
online read here
Index as follows:
Section I - Introductory Remarks
* The Period of Transition
I. The Training of Psychics
II. Esoteric Schools and Disciplines
* The Present Urgency
* A Challenging Opportunity
* Seed Groups in the New Age
* The Work of the Seed Groups
* The Immediate Task
Section II - The General World Picture
* The Causes of the World Difficulty
* The Hidden Source of the Outer Turmoil
* The Spiritual Trend of Human Destiny
* Conflict between Forces of Ancient Origin
* The World Crisis
The Cause of the Present Crisis
Ancient Karmic Events
The Modern Era
Preparation for World Goodwill
* The Great Invocation - Stanza One
* Call to a United Act of Service
* The Coming World Order
The Goodwill Work
The Pacifist Position
I. The World Today
Materialism and Spirituality
Historical Background
World Anarchy
II. The New World Order
The Axis World Order
Steps Towards the New World Order
Right Human Relations
III. Some Problems Involved
The Racial Problem
The Economic Problem
The Problem of Government
The Religious Problem
IV. The Task Ahead
The New Group of World Servers
* The World Crisis from Hierarchical Viewpoint
* The World Crisis Today
* The Great Invocation - Stanza Two
Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth...
Let the Rider from the secret place come forth...
Let the Fiat of the Lord go forth...
Section III - Forces behind the Evolutionary Progress of the Race
* The Doctrine of Avatars
The Wesak Festival
The Basic Truths To Date
Divine Intervention
The Appearance of Avatars
The Needed Steps
The Immediate Task
* The Work of Reconstruction
Suggested Meditation
The Eight Points of the Atlantic Charter
The Four Freedoms
* Practical Steps in the Reconstruction Work
* Preparation for Future Activity and Work
* An Impending Crucial Decision
* The Only Way to Victory
* The Significance of the Wesak Festival
* The Cause of the World Catastrophe
* The Interlude between War and Peace
* An Imminent Spiritual Event
* A Special Wesak Festival Message
The Work of the Hierarchy in the Immediate Future
The Task of the New Group of World Servers Today
The New World Religion
* The New World Religion
* Factors in the World Situation
* The Task of Implementing the Will-To-Good
* The Cycle of Conferences
The Forces of Restoration
The Forces of Enlightenment
* An Easter Message
The Work of the Christ Today
The Coming Work of Reconstruction
* The Great Invocation - Stanza Three
* The Release of Atomic Energy
Section IV - Stages in the Externalization of the Hierarchy
* The Subjective Basis of the New World Religion
Introductory Statements
Religious Organizations in the New Age
* The Externalization of the Ashrams
Hierarchical Adjustment and Alignment
Adjustments and Alignments within the Hierarchy
In Connection with the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara...
In Relation with Humanity
* Hierarchical Preparation at the Wesak Festival
Mode of Approach Toward Externalization
Steps in the Externalization Process
Approach, via Certain Ashrams
Approach Towards Externalization in the Disciple's Consciousness
The Dissemination of Information of a Preparatory Nature
* The Return of the Christ
* Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ
1. The Inertia of the Average Spiritually-Minded Man
2. The Lack of Money for the Work of Preparation
* Work in the Coming Decades
* The Ashrams Concerned at the Coming
* Organizing the Ashrams into Form on Earth
* The Effects of the Externalization
* Ashramic Adjustment to Exoteric Living
The Work of the Externalized Ashrams
On Page 511, we read:
"The three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the masonic fraternity, the church and the educational field. All of them are are still in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in this three movements, disciples of the great ones are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task.
Masonic movement, when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law...... it is the home of the mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity..."
I want to clarify one more thing, just in case anyone here (doubtful) is even versed enough to tackle an honest analysis of this stuff ...
I firmly believe the INTENTIONS laid down in books like these are of the most well meaning, just, and beneficent nature. If you turn to section II under "New World Order" to the sub-section, "The Axis Order" you will see Alice Bailey CLEARLY assert that "The Hierarchy" (ie. the entire illuminist body, or August Fraternities as a whole) took DIRECT and VISIBLE action AGAINST the Axis Powers, because there was simply "too much at stake" to remain neutral. Also, if you check out some of the later sections on Christ, it is clear that she is claiming that all illuminists follow (or claim to follow) the word of Jesus, and that his message is of great importance and that they feel they are doing his work.
HOWEVER, my main contention and concern is that IN PRACTICE, and HISTORICALLY SPEAKING, these people have their fingerprints ALL OVER the WRONG side of history ... they ruthlessly follow the motto "the ends justify the means" and have used murder, mass murder, and all sorts of horrible exploits to bring about what (in their books at least) is ostensibly a very beautiful thing.
How they justify all this though, is beyond me.
And why they feel humanity isn't qualified to discuss this stuff OUT IN THE OPEN is absolutely unfathomable to me.
Remember, in John 18:20, Jesus said, "I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing."
So, Ms. Bailey's claim that "the hierarchy" is following the teachings of christ is not EXACTLY true, now is it?
Just thought i'd throw that out there for ya'll.
a publishing company that is adjunct to the United Nations, used to have an office at 666 United Nations Plaza, and is responsible for the "Temple of Understanding" that is still located at United Nations headquarters.
Alice is a disciple of Madame Blavatsky, which puts her side by side with Aleister Crowley and right in the line of Rosicrucian \ Masonic fellowship.
I want to be extremely clear ... Alice Bailey is NOT a "conspiracy theorist" or an outside writer, she is writing from INSIDE "The Hierarchy" as she calls it, and is writing FOR them. In other words, this is what THEY believe, not what some crazy crackpot has to say. (well, okay, i think she's a bit off her rocker. you may want to research her "co-author", Djwhal Khul, her "invisible friend" as it were. :roll: )

The Externalization of the Hierarchy
by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
First published in 1934 (best i can tell)
online read here
Index as follows:
Section I - Introductory Remarks
* The Period of Transition
I. The Training of Psychics
II. Esoteric Schools and Disciplines
* The Present Urgency
* A Challenging Opportunity
* Seed Groups in the New Age
* The Work of the Seed Groups
* The Immediate Task
Section II - The General World Picture
* The Causes of the World Difficulty
* The Hidden Source of the Outer Turmoil
* The Spiritual Trend of Human Destiny
* Conflict between Forces of Ancient Origin
* The World Crisis
The Cause of the Present Crisis
Ancient Karmic Events
The Modern Era
Preparation for World Goodwill
* The Great Invocation - Stanza One
* Call to a United Act of Service
* The Coming World Order
The Goodwill Work
The Pacifist Position
I. The World Today
Materialism and Spirituality
Historical Background
World Anarchy
II. The New World Order
The Axis World Order
Steps Towards the New World Order
Right Human Relations
III. Some Problems Involved
The Racial Problem
The Economic Problem
The Problem of Government
The Religious Problem
IV. The Task Ahead
The New Group of World Servers
* The World Crisis from Hierarchical Viewpoint
* The World Crisis Today
* The Great Invocation - Stanza Two
Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth...
Let the Rider from the secret place come forth...
Let the Fiat of the Lord go forth...
Section III - Forces behind the Evolutionary Progress of the Race
* The Doctrine of Avatars
The Wesak Festival
The Basic Truths To Date
Divine Intervention
The Appearance of Avatars
The Needed Steps
The Immediate Task
* The Work of Reconstruction
Suggested Meditation
The Eight Points of the Atlantic Charter
The Four Freedoms
* Practical Steps in the Reconstruction Work
* Preparation for Future Activity and Work
* An Impending Crucial Decision
* The Only Way to Victory
* The Significance of the Wesak Festival
* The Cause of the World Catastrophe
* The Interlude between War and Peace
* An Imminent Spiritual Event
* A Special Wesak Festival Message
The Work of the Hierarchy in the Immediate Future
The Task of the New Group of World Servers Today
The New World Religion
* The New World Religion
* Factors in the World Situation
* The Task of Implementing the Will-To-Good
* The Cycle of Conferences
The Forces of Restoration
The Forces of Enlightenment
* An Easter Message
The Work of the Christ Today
The Coming Work of Reconstruction
* The Great Invocation - Stanza Three
* The Release of Atomic Energy
Section IV - Stages in the Externalization of the Hierarchy
* The Subjective Basis of the New World Religion
Introductory Statements
Religious Organizations in the New Age
* The Externalization of the Ashrams
Hierarchical Adjustment and Alignment
Adjustments and Alignments within the Hierarchy
In Connection with the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara...
In Relation with Humanity
* Hierarchical Preparation at the Wesak Festival
Mode of Approach Toward Externalization
Steps in the Externalization Process
Approach, via Certain Ashrams
Approach Towards Externalization in the Disciple's Consciousness
The Dissemination of Information of a Preparatory Nature
* The Return of the Christ
* Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ
1. The Inertia of the Average Spiritually-Minded Man
2. The Lack of Money for the Work of Preparation
* Work in the Coming Decades
* The Ashrams Concerned at the Coming
* Organizing the Ashrams into Form on Earth
* The Effects of the Externalization
* Ashramic Adjustment to Exoteric Living
The Work of the Externalized Ashrams
On Page 511, we read:
"The three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the masonic fraternity, the church and the educational field. All of them are are still in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in this three movements, disciples of the great ones are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task.
Masonic movement, when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law...... it is the home of the mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity..."
I want to clarify one more thing, just in case anyone here (doubtful) is even versed enough to tackle an honest analysis of this stuff ...
I firmly believe the INTENTIONS laid down in books like these are of the most well meaning, just, and beneficent nature. If you turn to section II under "New World Order" to the sub-section, "The Axis Order" you will see Alice Bailey CLEARLY assert that "The Hierarchy" (ie. the entire illuminist body, or August Fraternities as a whole) took DIRECT and VISIBLE action AGAINST the Axis Powers, because there was simply "too much at stake" to remain neutral. Also, if you check out some of the later sections on Christ, it is clear that she is claiming that all illuminists follow (or claim to follow) the word of Jesus, and that his message is of great importance and that they feel they are doing his work.
HOWEVER, my main contention and concern is that IN PRACTICE, and HISTORICALLY SPEAKING, these people have their fingerprints ALL OVER the WRONG side of history ... they ruthlessly follow the motto "the ends justify the means" and have used murder, mass murder, and all sorts of horrible exploits to bring about what (in their books at least) is ostensibly a very beautiful thing.
How they justify all this though, is beyond me.
And why they feel humanity isn't qualified to discuss this stuff OUT IN THE OPEN is absolutely unfathomable to me.
Remember, in John 18:20, Jesus said, "I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing."
So, Ms. Bailey's claim that "the hierarchy" is following the teachings of christ is not EXACTLY true, now is it?
Just thought i'd throw that out there for ya'll.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
2 Ten Minute Videos On "The Externalization of The Heirarchy" with extensive quotations, explanation, and enough information to get you thinking. Thinking hard, i hope. Part 2 [10 min]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
They are part of "the order" by default.
Going to mass doesn't make you the pope, but it doesn't mean you aren't Catholic.
The "New Age" IS the religion of Freemasonry, IS the religion of the illuminati, it IS what it's all about (no it's not the hokey-pokey, sorry) ... via their participation in "the new age movement" these people are doing EXACTLY what the illuminist structure wants (and what they REQUIRE) for their "great work" to be complete.
The Hierarchy REQUIRES as a prerequisite to their "new world order" that the faiths of man die off by merging in to one. The New Age Movement was initiated in the public consciousness to bring about the start of this religious revolution ... to spirit away (no pun) the minds of men from the old world religions, from jesus, in to a New Age.
This is directly from the first page of a pamphlet i picked up while in LA (for PJ, last year) at a New Age Used Book Store (The Bodhi Tree). The Pamphlet is entitled, "The Confederation of Initiates", it was published in 1929 by "The Priesthood of Aeth", the governing body of The Fraternitatis Rosae Crusis, the Rosicrucians, Beverly Hall Corporation.
From the opening page [all bold is mine, all itallics are original author itallics]:
"In as far as present humanity is concerned, there have been but two ages - the Egyptian and the Christian. The Egyptian age influneced, in fact, gave birth, to the Christian, for it is written that "out of Egypt have I called my Son," and it was this Son who inaugurated the Christian age.
The fullness of life is a composite of three, the Trinity. Two Ages have passed by, though we are still vitally bound to the letter of the second - the Christian; but the New Age, born of the old, has set in and this fulfills the law of the Trinity. We are now in the Manistic Age - the Age of Man, and we of this Age must become just that or be annihilated and give place to more Law-abiding and Law-fulfilling creation.
As for Ancient and glorious Egypt, Osiris and the Priesthood of Osiris were born, for the second Age, the cult of the Christians, so, for the third and completing Age, is born the Fraternity or Confederation of the Initiates, the Heirs or Inheritors of all the Ages."
Any questions?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Lol... funny shit.
It they haven't been able to do it the last hundred few hundred years, then, I don't think we really have anything to worry about. They're either lazy or incompetent, either way we're safe.
What specifically does "identities and sovereignties of nations are disappearing exponentially"... mean?
I'm not sure I follow the new age eco-worship thing... I generally think it is a good idea to be mindful of the environment...
Nobody is trying to subdue Christianity... I think there are some smart people in government who get why all religion should be separate from government, not just christianity. Nobody is burning churches...
As far as de-moralization of society... EVERY FREAKING generation has talked about that since the renaissance. Also, EVERY FREAKING generation has talked about the "end-times".
None of them have been right... why do you think your generation will be the last?
So, a new-agey woman wrote esoterical books in the 1930s. How you see that as proof of anything bewilders me, actually. It's a loose claim from you (and other writers, predominantly evangelicaly types who have the motivation and incentive to look for it) that this is what THEY believe. ("They" is such a fun word in it's total lack of specifics. You can always get a crowd riled up against "Them" although ask them individually who they think that "they" are...)
I poked a bit on her at wikipedia (which had loads on her) and what theosophy and such entails. Seems to rely heavily on reincarnation thinking, and of "great souls" that come time and again to guide us on the right road. Which you can of course bend to that she's talking about actual living seperate scary people, instead of the incarnation-based faith in the just souls that makes the world go round. Kinda new-agey right?
A bit different angled than what you mostly link, but you make sure to angle it in just the right way so that can also support your other claims. I have a hunch that if I actually read through the damn tome, I'd be left with a different impression, and have another take on what was the important bits. And what's with the bible quotes, if you seek to distance yourself from the kooky doomsday christians?
I'm still holding my breath for real information, not speculation and superficial connections.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
When our government wants to sell us out to the United Nations at every turn, and currency in Europe is no longer nation-specific, I would say sovereignty begins to fade. There are lots of other examples, too - just look for them.
Additionally, you're fooloing yourself to say Christianity isn't being suppressed. They'll sue you for decorating your house at Christmas, or even saying "Christmas," despite HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF TRADITION THAT PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STEAL FROM US OVERNIGHT AND AGAINST OUR WILL.
OMG...you said "Christmas"...
I'll be calling my lawyer to sue your ass...
I'm ready for my Philly Boots to come in the mail.
As for the Euro, well the current crisis shows that their sovereignty has been quite untouched by the Euro. That is the problem right now, if you pay some attention.
Well, american stores dont want to offend anyone to discourage business, so you get some out of whack reactions there, but seriously, when and where have you been prevented from celebrating the christmas you want? OK, no crib at town hall and maybe not in the malls, is that such a huge problem, truly? I'll chime in with you when the police busts a church on christmas to deny the service being held, which in America I see as humongously unlikely. The apocalypse probably won't happen this generation either, sorry.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
We can all go back to our televisions and watch "Jersey Shore."
Maybe when things culminate to a fever pitch you'll wake up and see the world falling apart around you.
I can put the questions forward again, without editorial comments:
What in the US is being "sold out" to the UN specifically?
How have European countries lost their sovereignty?
When and where have somebody stopped you from celebrating your christmas the way you want?
I'll give you a fair shot at answering these.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
You sheep - with your reason and logic.
are you are rosicrucian?
Here is their list of arguably well intentioned, poorly economically reasoned, "great" ideas for humanity.
I think you'll like it, it's pure unadulterated socialism:
Externalization of the Hierarchy
Section II - The General World Picture
Subsection -The Coming World Order
Steps Towards the New World Order
In contradistinction to the totalitarian world order, what should the rest of the world plan? Towards what world objectives should the democracies work? Utopian schemes, idealistic forms of government and cultural living processes have ever been the playthings of the human mind, down through the centuries. But these Utopias have been so far ahead of possibility that their presentation seems useless. They are most of them wholly impractical.
Certain immediate possibilities and attainable objectives can, however, be worked out, given a definite will-to-good and patience on the part of humanity.
Certain major and spiritual premises should lie back of all efforts to formulate the new world order. Let me state some of them:
1. The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.
2. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.
3. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding. [oh really? it's not the end goal? there's MORE? more than just blatant socialism? read that below, anyhow.]
4. The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development [This is more semi-veiled racism from the same people that support(ed) Eugenics]; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia, or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labor by capital or the control of capital by labor must also go. [191]
5. In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.
6. The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be "all for one and one for all." This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.
7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardization upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognized [Just for you Dan, maybe they've got this one right, at least, on paper.
8. The new world order will recognize that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category "haves" and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organized distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation [This is blatant, verbatim socialsim! Karl Marx: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs], upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people [according to WHO!?!]. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.
9. In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. ["not be optional", means categorically NOT sovereign as #7 claims, but "benevolent" totalitarianism instead!!!] No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations. [192]
A miscellaneous socialist quote for the day:
"We are going to try to take all of the money that we think is unneccessarily being spent and take it from the 'haves' and give it to the 'have-nots' that need it so much." - President Lyndon Baines Johnson, failed Mason, and proponent of "The Great Society" - Congressional Record, January 26, 1964
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I agree that what she outlines is somewhat of a socialist nature, although she does make a utopia for herself. (only she claims hers is more realistic) But... what's so terrifying about this, really :?:
Let me comment on these points in the order presented as to how I understand and interpret them:
1. Calls for realism and a touch of pragmatism.
2. In the aftermath of WW1, a condition well met.
3. A good society/world order can't happen before a period of reconciliation and peace have passed. Sensible.
4. There's nothing racist in that unless you want there to be. It just states that people, although of common origin, are individually at different stages in their understanding (spiritual evolution. Remember, new-agey woman who talks to spirits). Further that a break away from class society is needed and kicks at both aristocracy and proletariat.
5. Good people should rule, who should take care that the individuals are free. Kind of a "duh" when utopias are argued.
6. We have to take care of eachother.
7. No totalitarian bullshit. People should decide their own destinies.
8. We should all share the world and it's resources in peace. Somewhat marxist inspired, yes, but fundamentally correct and worthy in my view. You know, to many people socialism is not a swear word...
9. Must be viewed in the context of the League of Nation and it's (unsuccessful) attempts at disarmament in the wake of WW1. Quite sensibly, she states there can't be peace when nations stockpile weapons and prepare for war.
So this boils to me down to a very vague wish that people should be nice to eachother, respect eachother's freedom, we should do away with oppressive structures and all work towards the common good. She hopes for a better world, which probably involves embracing our spirituality or something and working together in peace and happiness. Naive? Yes. Realistic? Probably not. Scary? Hell no.
The difference is that you tend to read stuff like this as "marching orders" or "blueprints" with hidden agendas at every turn, while I read them as wishful thinking and hopes. And talk of world orders does not mean it's THE NEW WORLD ORDER of right-wing conspiracy theorists. That something is written does not mean that the author or anyone else have done it/are doing it/are planning on doing it. Most often this is wishes...
As stated before, I suspected I'd get something entirely different out of it than you. It seems I was right in that asumption.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I KNEW LADY GAGA WAS EVIL!!! but nobody listens to me, they think i'm ALWAYS joking.
I'll ask again,
are you a rosicrucian (or a mason)?
This is absolutely the "new world order" of conspiracy talk.
I will agree that many\most of these conspiracies have large inaccurate chunks in them,
but there is a general cohesion of ideas centered around a secret decision making body (the secret societies) that are pushing the world to be remade in an image which it sees as best, but may not actually BE best for humanity.
This is NOT just some "new age woman from the 30's".
She is integrally connected with the United Nations structure, as a spiritual and practical leader of it's purposes. Lucis Trust has standing as an NGO, and sits on the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It was allegedly an original publishing house of the UN, and it has a temple erected WITHIN the United Nations building. It's called The Temple of Understanding. Again, she's not just some random "new ager".
Also, you completely ignore the fact that the Rosicrucian fraternity, and "the brotherhood", or "the Hierarchy" (as Alice Bailey calls it) is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the New Age.
Want proof?
Here, from a oversized pamphlet from 1929, that i picked up at the Bhodi Tree New Age Book Store in Los Angeles, last year, before Pearl Jam:
The Confederation of Initiates
a pamphlet by the Priesthood of Aeth, governing council of the Rose Cross Order,
Beverly Hall Corporation, 1929
Opening page of text [italics original, bold is by me]:
In as far as present humanity is concerned, there have been but two ages - the Egyptian adn the Christian. The Egyptian age influenced, in fact, gave birth, to the Christian, for it is written that "out of Egypt have I called my Son," and it was this Son who inaugurated the Christian age.
The fullness of life is a composite of three, the Trinity. Two Ages have passed by, though we are still vitally bound to the letter of the second, - the Christian; but the New Age, born of the old, has set in and this fulfills the Law of the Trinity. We are now in the Manistic Age - the Age of Man, and we of this Age must become just that or be annihilated and give place to a more Law-abiding and Law-fulfilling creation.
As for Ancient and glorious Egypt, Osiris and the Priesthood of Osiris were born, for the second Age, the cult of the Christians, so, for the third and completing Age, is born the Fraternity or Confederation of the Initiates, the Heirs or Inheritors of all the ages.
I will not allow you to continue to separate concepts at your pleasure, and then turn around and insinuate that it is only by MY paranoid delusion that these things fit together.
The New World Order, and The New Age, are direct and blatant products of Rosicrucian \ Illuminist "brotherhood" esoteric\occult philosophy. I could go on and on.
You want to see how far back this talk of a "New World Order" or "new global order" goes? This is just open and accountable history, not pre history, or speculative \ secret \ or arcane "history".
From the book, Isaac Newton and the Tranmutation of Alchemy - An Alternate View of the Scientific Revolution, we read about John Dee -- the odd Alchemist & Rosicrucian who was a "magical" adviser to Queen Elizabeth, herself. John Dee started having seances with scryers\mediums (because, i don't know if you folks are aware, but when the term Cabala is mentioned, THE purpose if Cabala is *communication with angelic beings*) wherein he and his medium purported to be communicating with an angel named Uriel, and then later, the biblical Archangel Michael, himself.
Here is the relevant passage, page 38, chapter, "Dee's Angelic Mission":
Dee's subsequent behavior suggests this period of five days ending April 29, 1582 was a hinge in the fifty-four-year-old man's life. During that interval he: heard Michael urge him to "Go forward" and promise divine guidance and support; was symbolically knighted by the archangel; and learned that a new global order was to be established, the clear implication being that Dee himself was to be the earthly instrument of that work. Presumably the information contained in the intricate table of tables [a cabalistic table] would provide (if he could decipher it) a blueprint for the political, religious, educational, scientific, and mercantile makeover of the world. Biographer Benjamin Woolley pointed out that "the angelic revelations about to be delivered were not about personal but political salvation, creating a new global order run according to divine principles.
Here we have a historically determined Rosicrucian, FROM 1582, claiming to be receiving angelic revelation about a new global order.
Fast forward to the great war years of the 1900's, and we have "new age" writers, clearly discussing their "hierarchy" (thin code for Rosicrucian \ Illuminist hidden structure) and its plans for a "New World Order", and you are sitting here denying any relation.
I could start pulling in even more referential frame work, but i'm gonna go mulch my yard.
Dan, i never denied that a good chunk of what this woman writes is well intentioned.
Hell almost *everything* i have ever directly read by the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons has been the most well meaning WRITING ... but i fail to see the connection between their words on paper and their deeds in action.
And, at least, in the case of Alice Bailey here in this book, i see in their writing alone, SERIOUS PHILOSOPHIC ERRORS, which you know as "Socialism", and which you here even still try and defend.
What is wrong with what she has written?
Man, can not, and NEVER will be motivated to work FOR OTHERS at anywhere NEAR the capacity that he works for himself. This was demonstrated ad nauseum in Communist Russia on their communal workers farms. The production rates on communal farms (where the fruits of labor were taken from the worker and given to the collective group) were DISMAL when compared with the very small percentage of farms that remained in private hands. [ i forget the exact statistics but i want to say something like the 3% offarms remaining in private hands produced like 33% of all domestic food staples except grain].
The notion of extracting from one group what is their legitimate production, and hand it over unconditionally to another group based on their "need" is NOT "charity", it is known as ENTITLEMENT, and it is predicated on the notion that someone deserves something FOR NOTHING at the expense of another who is to receive NOTHING for something.
I find this idea abhorrent, and liable to produce the most monstrously vile system of dependency, weakness, laziness, backwardness in the recipient group (those with the "need") and eventually to produce the same, along with an unhealthy dose of anger, resentment, and disillusionment in the productive group (those who are "capable" according Marx and Bailey).
Even if this system is so debased as to steal from the "haves" indirectly, via taxation, or even further hidden through the vehicle of government out the back door of the country ... the draining of one nation to pour its resources in to the coffers of another, is both an instrument of blatant wealth redistribution, and also sets the doors for the vassalage of the recipient country, to be dependent on it's beneficent master, and slave to the conditions or provisions that it sets forth.
You may argue that this is imminently "better" than the current system of Western exploitation of the rest of the world ... i argue it is even more slimy and subversive of true liberty.
If you are going to try and tell me that the only way to be fair and just in this world is to STEAL from the "haves", as much without their knowledge as possible (since this would both lower production and insight revolt in the working class), in order to feed and clothe the "have-nots", then i will just have to violently disagree that this is a fair or effective strategy for solving anything other than the further debasement of the entire human population down to the lowest common denominator. That is, by the way, a STATED goal of the communist\socialist:
"Through a systematic terror, during which every breach of contract, every treason, every lie will be lawful, we will find the way to abase humanity down to the lowest level of existence. This is indispensible to the establishment of our dominance." - Vladimir Lenin
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My contention is still that you always read this stuff looking for any allusion whatsoever to forces beyond "our" control, and immediately attribute it to the secret brotherhood. There is no coincidence, right? Here, when you add the setting of new-agey woman talking to spirits into the interpretation, I am nowhere close to getting your interpretation out of it. It seems you see something that can be understood as socialism (the horror!) and if the person can be loosely connected to the UN or whatever, then presto, you have all the confirmation you need. (Btw that the UN has a "temple of understanding" I find completely plausible and very un-scary. They're supposed to be neutral, so churches, mosques or the like is out of the question. But it's nice to have a room for peace and quiet which people of all religions can use equally.)
I know you hate socialism, but I can tell you as a socialistically inclined person that I do not see the Soviet and similar as anything but a dictatorship with a different name. I am not even rejecting capitalism, although I am a fan of "interfering" with it to maximize public good out of the system. The fundamental idea of everyone sharing all resources is good. The trick is finding the system that will make it work.
See, this is not alluding to a secret decision-making body that will make this happen, but referring to open political processes and in this case my own political opinions. Had I said this and been rich or member of the masons or whatever, you'd use this to show how "they" think, and proof it's all a big socialist conspiracy. Anyway, this is regular politics, nothing scary conspiracyey stuff.
Feel free to connect dots, but dont get all puffed up if others suggest that there are indeed simpler or better ways to draw lines between the dots or suggest that some dots are just specks of dust.
Edit: As for Dee and that stuff, that's like prophecy, keep it general enough and you can't be wrong...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965