
South American Tour Likely!

Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,490
edited June 2010 in The Porch
http://www.twofeetthick.com/2010/06/pea ... ur-likely/

"Pearl Jam – South American Tour Likely
by: Kathy Davis
June 5, 2010

WELLLLLL NOWWWWW …South American Pearl Jam fans – get ready for Pearl Jam! Last week an older news item was again re-iterated by a Peruvian concert promoter, according to this post from Living In Peru:

US mythical grunge band is likely to join the long list of important rock bands that have played in Lima as Peruvian entrepreneurs are interested in bringing them.

According to Estefano Arfinengo, businessman of Music Maker event promoter, “the band Pearl Jam has put off their tour in Latin America until 2011, and there are three entrepreneurs who are negotiating their presence in our country”.

Old news, you say? Well, add to this a juicy little tweet-style post from Colorado Springs, Colorado Gazette newspaper’s Section Editor Dena Rosenberry, who posted to the publication’s “Out There” blog – a blog that focuses on outdoor living and activities. Here’s a re-post of the item entitled “Helping Eddie Vedder”: Got a tweet from Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam (no, not direct). He’s looking for good spots to ski/ride in South America in coming months. Apparently the/they’ll be playing down there and he expects to have some “down time.”

Respond here or log onto twitter and send a note to eddievedder. No finder’s fee in this, just rider helping rider.

Well whenever the “coming months” are, I for one have never been to South America, and I do have a passport sorely in need of more stamps. Pearl Jam in South America? Bueno doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Rock! And rock some more!"
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    j_web18j_web18 Posts: 186
    Is this REALLY Eddie's Twitter handle?

    4-22-2003 St Louis, 10-5-2004 St Louis, 5-16/17-2006 Chicago, 6-24-2006 Cincinnati, 8-5-2007 Lollapalooza, 6-14-2008 Bonnaroo, 8-22-2008 EV Chicago, 6-18-2009 EV Nashville, 8-23/24-2009 Chicago, 9-21-22-2009 Seattle, 5-4-2010 St Louis, 5-7-2010 Indy, 7-1/2011 EV St Louis, 9-3-2011 Alpine, 7-19-2013 Wrigley
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    that's not him. he wouldn't freely announce a SA tour all willy nilly like that...also the tone of voice i'm getting out of reading the tweets don't sound much like him either
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    At the Columbus show, Ed stated that one of the few rules in the "Religion of Pearl Jam" was no twitter, "whatever the f.. that is". So I'm doubting that he tweets...
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    IndifferenceIndifference Posts: 2,652
    Not him - but I can't wait to go to South America for some shows.

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    j_web18 wrote:
    Is this REALLY Eddie's Twitter handle?

    Wow! Eddie wants to know where he can go snowboarding/skiing in South America :lol:
    This is such bullshit :roll:
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    PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,154
    Coming from a man who enjoys a typewriter, I don't see Edward as the Twitter-type.

    Although, he does enjoy Method cleaning products from Target.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

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    SpencerSpencer Posts: 867
    Er, I don't think the guy running that twitter is pretending to be Ed at all, it's just a fan site - it says it right in the Bio section: "Largest Eddie Vedder Fan Club on Twitter"

    I think the guy who runs is just planning a trip to SA, that's all I'm getting from reading it.
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    PlanktonPlankton Posts: 692
    During school holidays please!
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    CantKeepMeHereCantKeepMeHere Posts: 2,177
    Spencer wrote:
    Er, I don't think the guy running that twitter is pretending to be Ed at all, it's just a fan site - it says it right in the Bio section: "Largest Eddie Vedder Fan Club on Twitter"

    I think the guy who runs is just planning a trip to SA, that's all I'm getting from reading it.

    my thoughts exactly
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    2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
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    haha way to go Colorado newspaper senior editor (!!!) for reporting a tweet as fact from someone who is clearly not Ed. That is almost as bad as that Polish paper running the picture with pedobear photoshopped in with the olympic mascots. Quality Grade A reporting right there. Yay for fact checkers!
    {if (work != 0) {
    work = work + 1;
    sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
    else if (work >= 0) {
    work = work +1;
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    vant0037vant0037 Posts: 6,083
    Wow. All this couldn't sound more fake. From the shady Twitter account/posts (that is definitely NOT Ed Vedder's Twitter account (I'm sure he doesn't have one)) to the completely fake "news" reports from major Peruvian entrepeneurs...I'm pretty sure that means they book concerts and deal arms to Colombian paramilitary groups.

    What is impressive is that someone wants PJ to come to their country bad enough that they take the time to make a fake account and 2 fake news reports about PJ coming to South America.

    I'm as excited and hopeful for a PJ show in my town, but I'm also really lazy...
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    SpencerSpencer Posts: 867
    vant0037 wrote:
    Wow. All this couldn't sound more fake. From the shady Twitter account/posts (that is definitely NOT Ed Vedder's Twitter account
    Dude, it's not "fake". The guy isn't pretending to be Ed. It's just a fan page, the journalist just got their wires crossed.

    Nothing to see here, move along folks.
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    JazzfanJazzfan Posts: 45
    It is time for them to come to Peru, huge fan base over there
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