I'm sorry to hear that hun; I always thought it was cool that the different groups/countries could have their own threads. It sucks to have your favorite threads locked. :(
Yeah I thought it was cool too. There's quite a few for all of the different countries and I think it's a great way for us to become and stay close friends, also making tour time a LOT more fun!
Sure we'd stopped talking about "Tour Rumours" (although we often discussed our prdictions for the next tour) but that was a bit hard when we don't yet have a tour to look forward to and discuss :(
...... I'm still in shock
We've all got a lot to thank that thread for.......we've become very close, to the point where we fly all over the country to meet and reunite. It was a good base for us to talk about not just our lives, but everything Pearl Jam. We do keep in touch via other methods, but it was that thread that started our strong bond and was a good meeting point....it'll be very hard to do that now that we've been told to spread ourselves around all the other threads :(
Aw, well, I thought it was cute that you guys had your own place to hang out. I don't understand what the hell was their problem???
BTW, one of my ultimate goals is to see the guys over in Ozland
Yep......was a good base for us, where we knew we could catch up and post messages intended for fellow aussie fans and that they'd see it. Nowhere to do that now :(
Just happy that ALL the other countries that have the same kinda threads, haven't had theirs shut down.....and I hope they don't!
.....and YESS!!!!!! do it, hun.......start saving, cuz we're hoping we'll get an Aussie tour tweet by the end of the year. We'd love to have ya here and you'd have a ball - we'd make sure of it!!
Oh gotcha.
Sure we'd stopped talking about "Tour Rumours" (although we often discussed our prdictions for the next tour) but that was a bit hard when we don't yet have a tour to look forward to and discuss :(
...... I'm still in shock
We've all got a lot to thank that thread for.......we've become very close, to the point where we fly all over the country to meet and reunite. It was a good base for us to talk about not just our lives, but everything Pearl Jam. We do keep in touch via other methods, but it was that thread that started our strong bond and was a good meeting point....it'll be very hard to do that now that we've been told to spread ourselves around all the other threads :(
Just happy that ALL the other countries that have the same kinda threads, haven't had theirs shut down.....and I hope they don't!
.....and YESS!!!!!! do it, hun.......start saving, cuz we're hoping we'll get an Aussie tour tweet by the end of the year. We'd love to have ya here and you'd have a ball - we'd make sure of it!!