
***Pearl Jam Hershey print for sale***

5against1-5against1- Posts: 1,101
edited June 2010 in The Porch
I will go off the ebean 6 month average
This too shall pass.....
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Damn, I'm tempted.
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    deadmosquitodeadmosquito Posts: 729
    i wish i had the money right now... i've been wanting to get this for a long time. it was my first PJ show.
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    hankholetsgohankholetsgo Posts: 125
    which edition is this?
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    5against1-5against1- Posts: 1,101
    This too shall pass.....
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    AyedavanitaAyedavanita Posts: 1,443
    Mmmmmm...love this poster, loved this show, love the people I went with, met and still keep in touch with, LOVE LOVE LOVE the person who gave me this poster. Glad I have my own copy because I didn't realize it was going for that much, doesn't matter though...I'll never sell it. Good luck 5 and congrats to who gets it.
    "You think I got my eyes closed but I'm lookin' at you the whole fuckin' time..."
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    shepshep Houston Posts: 5,659
    gabbahank wrote:
    which edition is this?

    I love how you have linked to the version on EB that is the most expensive, and then don't answer this guys question when he asks what edition it is.

    If it's a 1st, and you're linking to the AP version, that is pretty sleazy of you - and a blatent attempt to scam someone who may not be knowledgeable on the subject, but seeking this poster. But maybe you have an AP... however I think that if you did you would have included that information in your OP...

    they've got a disease and they're all green..... :mrgreen:
    Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
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