Anyone here a "Prepper"?

I read an article about it and was wondering if anybody here are into it?
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Some of the things that they do make a lot of sense... We could all be better prepared for some sort of disaster/emergency and we could all be less reliant on society, but from what I've seen, a lot of these people are complete paranoid kooks wasting money on stuff that they will never need/use.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
We will be eating each other before the first year is out if all hell truly breaks loose. Anyone who thinks the pathetic amount of wilderness still existing is going to support countless hordes of starving humans, is absolutely crazy. Well, some of you might wait a year. I'll be eating motherfuckers in the first week.
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regarding the actual purpose of the thread, no i am not a prepper, per se, but i do have some things stocked away and evacuation routes planned and all of that stuff.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
As do I. Of course, where I live escape is easy. I can vanish into the foothills and from there the biggest wilderness in the lower 48 in a three minute run from my house. Not sure it will do much good, but...
The horders will be some of the first to be murdered and robbed.
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Frankly, I can't wait to see some jackass with a wheelbarrow full of money thinking he still has something other than tender to start a fire.
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"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
and the Joker was right, people will eat each other when the shit hits the fan.
Honestly, I think clean drinking water will quickly become the most prescious thing in the world. Meat will be easy to come by for some time, maybe not the meat people are used to though.
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yes, when the Apocalypse happens feel free to say I told you win
i hope you said that with the appropriate accent.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I'm pretty sure that protesting on capital hill might not be our first priority anymore. Stealing your gun will be.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Prepper..fluffer....OMFG you made me laugh so much I nearly....well lets not go there huh?
Shit with the amount of food in my mum's pantry I reckon I'll be ok.
Water, Gas, First Aid and Food are highly saught after during a Major Disaster. Hope it never comes to that where I live but sadly my area is over due. Another problem where Iive is the escape route roads are limited and narrow compaired to the number in South Jersey. Evacuation would be crazy here!
Some say its weird to worry about things like this but I think its smart to at least be aware of what could happen and how to protect your family.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
bwahahahahaha. that's the first thing I thought of too!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Wishlist Foundation-
Yes, because werewolves will be a problem. You're still gonna have to melt that shit down.
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Wishlist Foundation-
Why? Because people like you will be threatening to kill me for my water?
Hail, Hail!!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Per unit, gold is way too valuable.....there is no way to give someone 1/2 of a gold coin. Silver, per unit, is much less valuable, so it is much easier to pay someone and not overpay because they can't give you change!
I'm telling you guys, if things fall apart, nobody is going to give a shit about gold or silver. At least they will quickly learn that they have nothing of value. Some dumb shit walks up to my cave where I have tons of water, venison jerky, rice and shelter and he has 1,000 pounds of gold. I'll be like, good luck with that. I don't need your gold. You might need my water and food though.
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