While we were all partying tonight....

a 13-year-old girl in Guatemala was giving birth to a child conceived by rape. My friend, who delivered her, said the girl was traumatized & didn't want to hold the baby.
Stories like these always put my life in perspective, and remind me that life is hard - in ways that most of us could never really understand - and that we should never judge the experiences or decisions of others..... and that there is still much work to be done in this world.
Stories like these always put my life in perspective, and remind me that life is hard - in ways that most of us could never really understand - and that we should never judge the experiences or decisions of others..... and that there is still much work to be done in this world.

Post edited by Unknown User on
It is because of situations like this that I am pro-choice.....
More importantly...where is the justice behind this all.......these are just kids on both sides of the spectrum, sad indeed
I am sure she's scared, how could you not be at 13 with a baby. I guess theres alot to think about on this one, but I would only point out that the baby had nothing to do with this...he/she is completely innocent in all of this. How the mother deals with the situation would be a very important question to ask. Adoption sound like the best option.
I believe the babies will be raised by their grandmothers. I'm not sure how acceptable adoption is in this community/culture. I agree that the baby had nothing to do with it & is innocent. I would add, though, that the little girls are also innocent - and have now been traumatized a second time.
I don't know a whole lot about Guatemala, but I have heard before of the rampant violence against women there - not just rape, but beating and homicide - that goes un-investigated and un-punished. When we see this in Afghanistan, for example, we can blame it on religious fundamentalism. But what is going on in Guatemala?
poverty ... the biggest difference that divides this world is neither religion, race or gender ... it is class ...
Very sad nonetheless. Most of us - probably all of us - on this board are so privileged and blessed compared to so many in the world.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
this is exactly the point I try to make to my wife whenever she lusts after the money that some of our friends have. We have all we could ever need. So do our two daughters. Are we high on the class list? Not even close. Probably lower middle class. And that's still light years richer than 95% of the world, so I ain't complaining.
What makes a person commit such a horrible crime? I just don't get it. I know we are animals by nature, but jesus, be a human.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
*ps- the minister was not Guatemalan. He was not Latino. He was a WMA... born and bred.*
*edit* now that i'm thinking about the case... he had only molested one of the girls... not that it matters... just wanted to state the correct facts.... thanks