there once was a woman by the name of Pat Christ
whom wasn't very Christian-like at all
she did love all children dearly--I will give her that-
and wanted the best for them...
but was an evil bitch boss to everyone else
a sad, sad person whom took all her anger out on
people that actually appreciated her, had sympathy for her,
felt empathy for her, stuck up for her at times, and
gave her the benefit of the doubt more times than
should have been granted
but she manipulated these kind employees with her power
of authority
several were let go because of false accusations, several lives
slightly ruined because of her selfish ways
luckily, I was not a casuality of her war and will never be...
because now I am on to her ways of manipulation and assumptions...
I know how she works...and I'm wiser, I'm stronger...I know how to survive
this hell that she puts the veteran employees through
and she will be retired as boss within just a few relief
is within clear, crisp, clean sight...a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel
we will endure her wrath as she fades into retirement...
and then its a clean break for everyone
sometimes I feel bad for her that her 20-30 years there is
being left with such an enormous negative legacy...
that people will breathe so much easier once she
has left the building
she started out as such a hopeful to the owners...
and has become such a bitter, divorced and widowed grandma
...very similar to the character in Pearl Jam's "Soon Forget"
...accept the grandma part
but it is comforting to know that she will be surrounded
by her many grandchildren in her retirement...
whom love her as grandma and know that she would
do anything for them
it is just unfortunate that her good deeds for her grandchildren
involved making lots of money to treat others so poorly...
but that was her choice
and hopefully she will understand that, and be forgiven for it
within this last phase of her life
maybe with time, her legacy won't look so negative afterall...
those devilish details always seem to fade from the picture
the further away we get...
until one glow of light remains...
a single yet complex human existence stripped down to its
pure, true, Christ-like soul we began, and as we will end
Yes, it is important to look at ones whole life. We are changing and growing, learning from life right up till The End. Like a good story The End is often the best part. Thank you for sharing.