Reverse Mamasan @ Camden Theory

I had the pleasure of experiencing the reverse “Mamasan Trilogy” at Camden II (06-20-2008). This was one of the encore sets of the evening. Knowing the history of Mamasan; (Alive-Boy finds out his real father is dead, mother finds father in son, the boy finds safety in being alive. Once-Boy grows up with all this on his mind, becomes a serial murder and is found guilty of the crime. Footsteps-The jail sentence and his thoughts from prison.), I had a thought. Eddie said that this is a reflection into his own childhood experience, he also said that when we sing the words to Alive as a celebration it has a healing property for him. I think that the Mamasan in reverse is a signal to the crowd that we are healing the person that went through this rough time, Eddie, and we have helped him by participating in the show or shows. Anyone that attended the Camden shows knows that the energy level during those 2 evenings was high, Eddie commented on it several times. This is just a thought I had. I know that Mamasan has been performed in reverse in the past, possibly for the same reasons. Just a thought I had.