
(another poem about my chronic illness (Devic's disease). Written during my last relapse when an end did not appear in site.)
Thoughts of death a morbid cause
Let it all fall down
Let it crash
oh God
I wont die in the shadow
I’ll die in the sun
In panic
in public
Rearranged and undone
I feel it all coming
The fire burns red
A constant reminder
Of infinite dread
Let me be swallowed
In definite truth
I surrender
You fucker
I’m broken
And bruised
(another poem about my chronic illness (Devic's disease). Written during my last relapse when an end did not appear in site.)
Thoughts of death a morbid cause
Let it all fall down
Let it crash
oh God
I wont die in the shadow
I’ll die in the sun
In panic
in public
Rearranged and undone
I feel it all coming
The fire burns red
A constant reminder
Of infinite dread
Let me be swallowed
In definite truth
I surrender
You fucker
I’m broken
And bruised
If I knew where it was I would take you there. There's much more than this