I totally agree with the OP. I mean have a few, enjoy yourself, but seriously keep it in check. I got in a huge argument, I was standing on my chair screaming at the guy behind me pissing all over me and my boyfriend. Not once, but twice! His slightly less drunk friend tried to defend him. I mean seriously, it was right after the 1st encore and he starts pissing. Pulls it out and proceeds to urinate all over the place! If you're that drunk, do us all a favor and go home or at least to the restroom. You're not enjoying yourself, as exhibited by the totally nauseous look on your face and you sitting down with your head in your lap, and we're definitely not enjoying you.
Had some douche bag do the same thing in Newark. He seemed old enough to know better (was around 27-33 years old). But some people will never learn how to be decent human beings no matter what. Sad.
dear guy who fell on top of me + almost took me down with him,
and/or guy who had to practically get carried out by four security guards,
maybe one of you can explain to me why you keep wasting money going to pj shows that you'll spend in the bathroom and won't even remember in the morning? why waste even more money on countless overpriced beers at the venue, when you're just going to wind up spilling them all over or puking them up on your fellow concert goers?
why not do us all a favor and just get wasted in your own home singing off key, falling down, and passing out in the comfort of your own home? save yourself a couple of bucks and save everyone else from having your drunken bullshit ruin their otherwise amazing concert experience.
hey pj, maybe we can reserve a few sections at each show exclusively for the increasing number of drunken meatheads at the live shows? just put them behind the stage, they won't even notice!
dear guy who fell on top of me + almost took me down with him,
and/or guy who had to practically get carried out by four security guards,
maybe one of you can explain to me why you keep wasting money going to pj shows that you'll spend in the bathroom and won't even remember in the morning? why waste even more money on countless overpriced beers at the venue, when you're just going to wind up spilling them all over or puking them up on your fellow concert goers?
why not do us all a favor and just get wasted in your own home singing off key, falling down, and passing out in the comfort of your own home? save yourself a couple of bucks and save everyone else from having your drunken bullshit ruin their otherwise amazing concert experience.
hey pj, maybe we can reserve a few sections at each show exclusively for the increasing number of drunken meatheads at the live shows? just put them behind the stage, they won't even notice!
I agree. Save it for the After party Yea?...." Taxi..?"
The bigger question is amongst the puking, the loud and profane, and the classy "men" that sat behind my friends telling ed to "shut the fuck up and sing" is why I dislike drunk people. Alcohol is poison to the brain, to the liver and it is mostly used to escape psychic pain. What is so painful that these tee totalers have to hide behind booze at concert. How do you get it, if you just plain stupdi. I mean my teen watched drunks for the frst time and commented. "Why does alcohol make you act stupid, inconsiderate of others and frankly drunks make me nervous." And pot is illigal? It's a mad mad world.
the guy behind me pissing all over me and my boyfriend.
Did you say anything to an usher? The usher in my section thankfully was very good about keeping people w/o tickets out, would love to see more of that. I'm sure they'd be happy to escort out your pisser of a friend too.
Do they escort him out by the hand or the tallywacker? :?
I used to be that totally wasted guy at shows. I've been to way to many concerts that I don't even remember.
Falling on people, jumping seats, spilling beers..... the hole 9 yards.
I want to take this time to say I'm am truely sorry for this.
I've been sober for about a year and a half and I was at three shows this tour 100% sober and it was amazing, BUT
I couldn't imagine going to a concert where people werent fucked up, it's part of the experience, smelling good weed being smoked, people wasted, it's all part of the show- just don't cross the line and ruin some one elses time.
Newsflash!!!!!! drunk people at a concert are not a new thing. Why do people keep going to PJ concerts and expect to not find drunk people? On a good night the singer is getting drunk on stage, probably on some over priced wine. Should he stay home and sing in key?
That is a REALLY STUPID POST. I hope you are not a person of RESPONSIBILITY. You do drive or have any relatives?
Everything has chains, absolutely nothings changed.
8/12/92 - NJ, 9/28/96 - NY, 9/8/98 - NJ, 9/10/98 - NY, 8/23/00 - NY, 7/8/03 - NY, 7/14/03 - NJ, 5/4/06 - Ed Sullivan Theater, 5/12/06 - NY, 6/1/06 - NJ1, 4/12/08 - ED IN LA !, 6/27/08 - CT, 8/4/08 - ED in NYC !!!
This brings back memories of the '98 show at the Meadowlands when the dude right in front of us threw up all over the place just as Pearl Jam started playing Oceans to open the show. I remember it as the "Oceans of Vomit" show. I still can smell that smell.
He had his head down in discomfort the whole rest of the show, but he perked up ever so briefly as Pearl Jam closed with Yellow Ledbetter after a nod from his friend.
I agree 110%! What really pisses me off is when these guys have better seats than me. I don't get it, why not just hit the bar on the way home? Having a beer of two is one thing, but grow up. Besides getting so sh** faced you don't remember the show it can annoy the people around you to no end. I wish I had a $1 for every time I had to stop watching the show and move my crap for people to make the 100th trip to the drink line. I'm not against having a drink or two, but it makes me mad when it hinders my good time b/c they need their 10th beer. Usually, I'm pretty cool about it and understand, but I finally just started ignoring them so they would have to find another way around. So to all the drunks I have to say, "grow up guys it's not cool anymore, you're not at a frat party, you are at a public function surrounded by thousands of people who have paid damn good money and traveled long distances to be there, control yourself." (I apologize for the bad grammar in my rant.)
Newsflash!!!!!! drunk people at a concert are not a new thing. Why do people keep going to PJ concerts and expect to not find drunk people? On a good night the singer is getting drunk on stage, probably on some over priced wine. Should he stay home and sing in key?
That is what I was going to say...join the club. Have some fun and let others have their fun as well.
I totally agree with the OP. I mean have a few, enjoy yourself, but seriously keep it in check. I got in a huge argument, I was standing on my chair screaming at the guy behind me pissing all over me and my boyfriend. Not once, but twice! His slightly less drunk friend tried to defend him. I mean seriously, it was right after the 1st encore and he starts pissing. Pulls it out and proceeds to urinate all over the place! If you're that drunk, do us all a favor and go home or at least to the restroom. You're not enjoying yourself, as exhibited by the totally nauseous look on your face and you sitting down with your head in your lap, and we're definitely not enjoying you.
Oh my God! Did this really happen?? And he didn't get arrested or anything??
I thought the drunk guy screaming Obama I shoved on Thursday was bad...
I have 2 kids, work my ass off, so PJ shows are my time to drink, get drunk and enjoy my favorite band, but I don't cross the line. Getting pissed on, fallen on and shit like that, is just wrong. I may bump into you by accident, but will make sure I politely say "Sorry"
Here's one for ya......to the D/B drunk wearing the #16 avery shirt, who won the lottery first row that spent most of the show bs'ing and high fiving his friends in section 6. eventually he got kicked out cause i guess he was so infatuated with the ny ranger actually being there and wanting to be best pals with him. DUDE GET A GRIP. You wasted a seat a true fan would have given an arm or a leg for.(i would have only given my pinky) Hope puke came out your nose(the chunky kind)
Well.... I think the problem is worsened by the fact that here in the US EVERYONE has a reserved seat...
... so you can drag your a$$ to the bathroom, stand in line for a beer (ripped off by the venue, money-wise) and go back to YOUR seat.
I'd like to see that in Europe, at a GA show.
Want a beer?
You have been drinking for hours and need to take a piss?
Good for you, when you're done you'll be at THE VERY BACK.
P.S. the guys next to me missed The end, Lukin II and Just Breathe to go pee and buy another beer.
Bwahahahah, I don't see the point
Makes me ache, makes me shake...
...is it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
dear guy who fell on top of me + almost took me down with him,
hey pj, maybe we can reserve a few sections at each show exclusively for the increasing number of drunken meatheads at the live shows? just put them behind the stage, they won't even notice!
Maybe there could be a booze-free zone.
I have won the lampshade award myself, but only at local bars, never at a pj show.
YES - the behavior you describe is despicable. THOSE morons deserve a beat down.
but.........I drink before shows. Seattle I and II I walked to and from the arena. SLC, I had a designated driver. same with LA4 (thanks _____ !). Columbus, a friend came and picked us up. So, please, don't go all moral on me. PJ and booze give me a little break from all the shit I (and many others) have going on. Don't ask me "why do you NEED to drink?" I don't need to; I like to. I'm a happy drunk; have never ruined anyone's experience. Thanks.
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
the guy behind me pissing all over me and my boyfriend.
Did you say anything to an usher? The usher in my section thankfully was very good about keeping people w/o tickets out, would love to see more of that. I'm sure they'd be happy to escort out your pisser of a friend too.
I tried to find an usher or security or anyone working there. They were no where to be found by the 1st encore, when this all started happening. That's when we took things into our own hands. I jumped up on my seat, turned around and started screaming at the guy and pushing him. My boyfriend, the guy next to him and me basically threw him out ourselves. :evil:
Weird that we are complaining about drunks, when the very band that we are gong to see time and again is headed by a guy that goes through 1+ bottles of wine per performance... but somehow we classify that as OK and even applaud it (I.E. joking when Ed is going to fall off the speaker).
I agree that the actions of a few are extreme and these parties should be thrown out , but for the most part its just people cutting lose.
I personally don't drink a bit before, during ,of after any shows I have attended, ...but I am not going to judge people who want to mix there alcohol and music.Some just don't know when to quit at a few, but hopefully they remember next time.
Do what I do...just deal with it, this isn't a church service you are going to you know.
I felt bad for the poor girl in front of me last night (section 5) whose boyfriend was completely passed out. what a bad situation for her, having to somehow get this guy home. I myself don't drink at shows, mostly because of the cost, but also because I want to remember the show the next day. But I don't begrudge someone who wants to have a few. I just don't get people who get absolutely hammered though.
The drinking is not the point, it's the people who cannot hold their liquor (you know who you are,lol). If you can get a buzz and not hinder the good time of those around you, great. (nice picture by the way )
It also doesn't help that many venue's I've gone to do NOTHING to control the situation. Here in Toronto we have liquer laws that our venue's have to adhere to, to be able to continue service alcohol at future events. If someone passes out they are automatically ejected...same if they puke. If they show up at the door tanked they won't be allowed admittance to the show. If they are tanked they not allowed to KEEP SERVING THEM.
I've found there aren't laws like that in most US states so the building will only care about making a buck and serve people until they puke, pass out, or start fighting. As much as it is the idiots fault for drinking too much...the venue has to shoulder some of the blame for being irresponsible and/or having lazy ass security guards who only care about seeing the show and not keeping us safe!
Our venue's aren't perfect, people do get in who shouldn't and drunks that should be kicked out aren't always cause of either a) Lazy security guards or b) lack of security guards because they are busy with OTHER drunks that need kicking out or whatever. I work at both the ACC and the Molson Amphitheatre and the staff DREAD PJ shows because its such a heavy drinking crowd and on average there are more overly drunk assholes at PJ shows then at most other shows we have come through. Not a good reputation to have but I can see there is this culture of "since I don't get to go to many shows that I HAVE to get tanked when I see PJ"
I have a newsflash to those who say they are good, polite drunks...that may be true for some of you..but others you THINK you are not getting in our way or NOT affecting our enjoyment of the show...that you don't sway or whatever...you can be swaying and NOT EVEN KNOW IT in your drunken state. Most of us are too polite to say anything until you get really out of hand...doesn't mean we aren't stewing and willing ourselves not to punch you in the face. Is your real life really that shitty that the only way you feel like you can escape is to get tanked and only have vague memories of your rare night out??? Seriously! BTW we don't want to high five you our have you put your arm around us and talk to us..blowing your nasty breath in our face and getting your sweat all over our clothes.
Also why do drunks take the LONGER WAY out of a row?? I had a guy in Cleveland who was like 4-5 seats from the aisle and he kept coming out on my side which was like almost 8 seats for him to go over. I was getting annoyed by the third trip to the bar. My saving grace was that I was the aisle seat so I just moved up a step or to the side a step and could still see...still it messes with the grove I'm in or I have to stop taking the picture I'm trying to take.
Ahh well I know what I'm getting into when I go to a PJ show...even though I know I have to such it up to a certain degree, doesn't mean I have to like it.
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
My saving grace was that I was the aisle seat so I just moved up a step or to the side a step and could still see...still it messes with the grove I'm in or I have to stoptaking the picture I'm trying to take.Ahh well I know what I'm getting into when I go to a PJ show...even though I know I have to such it up to a certain degree, doesn't mean I have to like it.
while were at it... whats with the people that watch an entire concert through their camera... usually while holding it up in front of someone else's face
generally more distracting than the drunks... same argument too... you wanna "remember" the show? do it with your brain instead of youtube movies you could watch online any day
Had some douche bag do the same thing in Newark. He seemed old enough to know better (was around 27-33 years old). But some people will never learn how to be decent human beings no matter what. Sad.
The bigger question is amongst the puking, the loud and profane, and the classy "men" that sat behind my friends telling ed to "shut the fuck up and sing" is why I dislike drunk people. Alcohol is poison to the brain, to the liver and it is mostly used to escape psychic pain. What is so painful that these tee totalers have to hide behind booze at concert. How do you get it, if you just plain stupdi. I mean my teen watched drunks for the frst time and commented. "Why does alcohol make you act stupid, inconsiderate of others and frankly drunks make me nervous." And pot is illigal? It's a mad mad world.
Do they escort him out by the hand or the tallywacker? :?
Falling on people, jumping seats, spilling beers..... the hole 9 yards.
I want to take this time to say I'm am truely sorry for this.
I've been sober for about a year and a half and I was at three shows this tour 100% sober and it was amazing, BUT
I couldn't imagine going to a concert where people werent fucked up, it's part of the experience, smelling good weed being smoked, people wasted, it's all part of the show- just don't cross the line and ruin some one elses time.
03/22/94, 01/14/95, 09/24/96, 08/25/98, 08/26/98, 08/31/98, 09/01/98, 09/22/98, 09/23/98, 08/09/00, 08/10/00, 08/12/00, 08/20/00, 08/21/00, 04/11/03, 04/13/03, 07/08/03, 07/09/03, 09/28/04, 09/29/04, 10/06/04, 10/08/04, 09/28/05, 05/20/06, 05/03/10, 05/04/10, 05/10/10
8/12/92 - NJ, 9/28/96 - NY, 9/8/98 - NJ, 9/10/98 - NY, 8/23/00 - NY, 7/8/03 - NY, 7/14/03 - NJ, 5/4/06 - Ed Sullivan Theater, 5/12/06 - NY, 6/1/06 - NJ1, 4/12/08 - ED IN LA !, 6/27/08 - CT, 8/4/08 - ED in NYC !!!
He had his head down in discomfort the whole rest of the show, but he perked up ever so briefly as Pearl Jam closed with Yellow Ledbetter after a nod from his friend.
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
That is what I was going to say...join the club. Have some fun and let others have their fun as well.
Oh my God! Did this really happen?? And he didn't get arrested or anything??
I thought the drunk guy screaming Obama I shoved on Thursday was bad...
I wager $$ that those who posted a down review of PJ at MSG 2, could't get into it without alcahol.
... so you can drag your a$$ to the bathroom, stand in line for a beer (ripped off by the venue, money-wise) and go back to YOUR seat.
I'd like to see that in Europe, at a GA show.
Want a beer?
You have been drinking for hours and need to take a piss?
Good for you, when you're done you'll be at THE VERY BACK.
P.S. the guys next to me missed The end, Lukin II and Just Breathe to go pee and buy another beer.
Bwahahahah, I don't see the point
...is it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
Maybe there could be a booze-free zone.
I have won the lampshade award myself, but only at local bars, never at a pj show.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
but.........I drink before shows. Seattle I and II I walked to and from the arena. SLC, I had a designated driver. same with LA4 (thanks _____ !). Columbus, a friend came and picked us up. So, please, don't go all moral on me. PJ and booze give me a little break from all the shit I (and many others) have going on. Don't ask me "why do you NEED to drink?" I don't need to; I like to. I'm a happy drunk; have never ruined anyone's experience. Thanks.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
I tried to find an usher or security or anyone working there. They were no where to be found by the 1st encore, when this all started happening. That's when we took things into our own hands. I jumped up on my seat, turned around and started screaming at the guy and pushing him. My boyfriend, the guy next to him and me basically threw him out ourselves. :evil:
That was his cousin.
I agree that the actions of a few are extreme and these parties should be thrown out , but for the most part its just people cutting lose.
I personally don't drink a bit before, during ,of after any shows I have attended, ...but I am not going to judge people who want to mix there alcohol and music.Some just don't know when to quit at a few, but hopefully they remember next time.
Do what I do...just deal with it, this isn't a church service you are going to you know.
i like to think of myself as more of a taint
The drinking is not the point, it's the people who cannot hold their liquor (you know who you are,lol). If you can get a buzz and not hinder the good time of those around you, great. (nice picture by the way
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
I've found there aren't laws like that in most US states so the building will only care about making a buck and serve people until they puke, pass out, or start fighting. As much as it is the idiots fault for drinking too much...the venue has to shoulder some of the blame for being irresponsible and/or having lazy ass security guards who only care about seeing the show and not keeping us safe!
Our venue's aren't perfect, people do get in who shouldn't and drunks that should be kicked out aren't always cause of either a) Lazy security guards or b) lack of security guards because they are busy with OTHER drunks that need kicking out or whatever. I work at both the ACC and the Molson Amphitheatre and the staff DREAD PJ shows because its such a heavy drinking crowd and on average there are more overly drunk assholes at PJ shows then at most other shows we have come through. Not a good reputation to have but I can see there is this culture of "since I don't get to go to many shows that I HAVE to get tanked when I see PJ"
I have a newsflash to those who say they are good, polite drunks...that may be true for some of you..but others you THINK you are not getting in our way or NOT affecting our enjoyment of the show...that you don't sway or whatever...you can be swaying and NOT EVEN KNOW IT in your drunken state. Most of us are too polite to say anything until you get really out of hand...doesn't mean we aren't stewing and willing ourselves not to punch you in the face. Is your real life really that shitty that the only way you feel like you can escape is to get tanked and only have vague memories of your rare night out??? Seriously! BTW we don't want to high five you our have you put your arm around us and talk to us..blowing your nasty breath in our face and getting your sweat all over our clothes.
Also why do drunks take the LONGER WAY out of a row?? I had a guy in Cleveland who was like 4-5 seats from the aisle and he kept coming out on my side which was like almost 8 seats for him to go over. I was getting annoyed by the third trip to the bar. My saving grace was that I was the aisle seat so I just moved up a step or to the side a step and could still see...still it messes with the grove I'm in or I have to stop taking the picture I'm trying to take.
Ahh well I know what I'm getting into when I go to a PJ show...even though I know I have to such it up to a certain degree, doesn't mean I have to like it.
generally more distracting than the drunks... same argument too... you wanna "remember" the show? do it with your brain instead of youtube movies you could watch online any day
your avatar just completes this thread