
Vedder health diet?

JosephKJosephK Posts: 217
edited October 2008 in The Porch
I was listening to NY Radio this weekend (either 92.3 or 101.9, I can't remember) and after a Pearl Jam song the DJ mentioned that after the solo tour EV has decided to take care of himself more and will stop smoking and drink only water.

Was this guy talking out of his ass or what?
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    G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
    Supposedly legit. Read the interview between him and Josh Brolin in Interview magazine. I don't have the link. Use the magic of google.
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    ED I can't believe you're doing one of those Hollywood trendy bullshit diet cleanse things! fucking water, salt and cayenne pepper! gee did your model g/f tell you about it??

    (i swear to god if i see you with a fucking cabala bracelet I'm going to loose it and trash all my PJ shit!) :D:D


    just eat organic fruits,vegetables,grass fed beef,non-farm raised fish and free range chicken...smoke herb instead of cigarettes and you'll be good!

    fuck everyone knows red wine is good for the hart so you're all set there!

    you surf and shit so you get exercise!

    I'm glad you're chilling on the cig's though..them shit will kill ya!!
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    LiteTheMatchLiteTheMatch Posts: 1,179
    just eat organic fruits,vegetables,grass fed beef,non-farm raised fish and free range chicken...smoke herb instead of cigarettes and you'll be good!

    fuck everyone knows red wine is good for the hart so you're all set there!

    you surf and shit so you get exercise!

    I'm glad you're chilling on the cig's though..them shit will kill ya!!

    Make sure that's Organic Herb ;)
    A child's rhyme stuck in my head...
    It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
    I've spent so many years in question
    To find I'd known this all along.
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    cleanses don't last forever...giving your system a rest is a good thing. I am pretty sure he stopped smoking for the cleanse... not forever. Leave the man alone!
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    Well at least he just smokes American Spirits and herb. lol Good for him but man it will be weird thinking of him has a non-smoker.
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    who cares.
    "No need to be void,...or save up on life...You got to spend it all....."
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    Staceb10Staceb10 Posts: 675
    As long as he keeps the red wine during shows I don't care.
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