EV's Drowning Voice
Before you get out the bat out of your closet to beat the s**t out of me, let me explain.
Every time I listen to Pearl Jam – whether it is on youtube, DVD, or one of their albums - his voice drowns. That drives me FUCKING nuts!!!
The only time it does not happen is if someone interprets what he said – through a live interpreter, or if someone takes their time to caption the video. The latter has not been done. Yet.
I have to SEE the words in order to hear the singing. I noticed this with other bands as well. I can hear Red Hot Chili Peppers singing because *gasps* they actually caption their shows on their DVD! (Don't even ask me about lip-reading EV - he's not an easy person to lip-read! I bet the top class of lip-readers would run out crying because they failed to read EV's lips!
It’s just how my cochlear implant works. And my perception of sounds – I have to SEE the words in order to hear. I can’t really explain why but the best I can come up with is that because I grew up without sounds and relied on vibrations in music that when I got my cochlear implant, my brain is still wired heavily on visualization.
I’m sure some of you would say, “Well, have your hubby interpret…”
Ok, I love the dude very much with all my heart, but sometimes he can’t really sign and some songs are way too fast for him to keep up in signing. He does try and it does frustrate him sometime. It’s also hard to look back and forth between him and the video.
Another reason is that he’s always busy and I’m not going to compete for his attention with our four kids who equally deserve his attention.
How many times I’ve seen the new DVD - entirely? Twice. That’s it because hubby and I have different schedules. My favorite part is Boom – no interpretation needed there, so that is the only part I bother to play over and over. So much that he's actually my favorite member of the band.
Anyway, I’d really really reallllllllllly would like to see youtube videos subtitled. I’ve asked before on the board and still nothing.
I want to mention that MAC’s iMovie software is really easy to add subtitle to the videos.
I understand it takes time and effort, but you would be including people who are left out being frustrated not having that kind of access in order to enjoy music to the fullest.
I don’t think I’m the only one who needs that type of access. Anyone out there with me?
Every time I listen to Pearl Jam – whether it is on youtube, DVD, or one of their albums - his voice drowns. That drives me FUCKING nuts!!!
The only time it does not happen is if someone interprets what he said – through a live interpreter, or if someone takes their time to caption the video. The latter has not been done. Yet.
I have to SEE the words in order to hear the singing. I noticed this with other bands as well. I can hear Red Hot Chili Peppers singing because *gasps* they actually caption their shows on their DVD! (Don't even ask me about lip-reading EV - he's not an easy person to lip-read! I bet the top class of lip-readers would run out crying because they failed to read EV's lips!

It’s just how my cochlear implant works. And my perception of sounds – I have to SEE the words in order to hear. I can’t really explain why but the best I can come up with is that because I grew up without sounds and relied on vibrations in music that when I got my cochlear implant, my brain is still wired heavily on visualization.
I’m sure some of you would say, “Well, have your hubby interpret…”
Ok, I love the dude very much with all my heart, but sometimes he can’t really sign and some songs are way too fast for him to keep up in signing. He does try and it does frustrate him sometime. It’s also hard to look back and forth between him and the video.
Another reason is that he’s always busy and I’m not going to compete for his attention with our four kids who equally deserve his attention.
How many times I’ve seen the new DVD - entirely? Twice. That’s it because hubby and I have different schedules. My favorite part is Boom – no interpretation needed there, so that is the only part I bother to play over and over. So much that he's actually my favorite member of the band.

Anyway, I’d really really reallllllllllly would like to see youtube videos subtitled. I’ve asked before on the board and still nothing.
I want to mention that MAC’s iMovie software is really easy to add subtitle to the videos.
I understand it takes time and effort, but you would be including people who are left out being frustrated not having that kind of access in order to enjoy music to the fullest.
I don’t think I’m the only one who needs that type of access. Anyone out there with me?
JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Post edited by Unknown User on
especially during the gigs with the various sound quality of the venues (I often discover stuff on the bootlegs I didn't pick up on at the show).
mind you, some of the time I think even Ed doesn't know what he's singing
if you want a video captioned, let me know...if i don't have the video you'll have to get it to me...but i can do this if you want.
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
Hey! Thanks SO much for responding in this thread!
I’m sorry for the delay – but I am in the middle of studying for final exams and writing papers for the courses Western Geography and Philosophy of Ethics. Wow, I had no idea when I picked those two courses, it gets you thinking a lot about the problems in the world! I think that if everyone applied their critical thinking skills when following the three principles of beneficence, justice, and autonomy….we’d show more respect and come up with solutions. The way I see it - many people are ethic egoists. :(
On top of that and everything else, I got my tooth extracted and taking painkillers while studying! Great timing….
Anyway, Liam – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! {{Liam}} Seriously!!!! Please do not feel like you have to hurry up – but do it when you can and I will be patient. Just let me know if it’s doable and you are working on a video.
Any video would do! But if it is possible at all, I’d prefer starting with the studio versions so I can focus on the band without any interference from outside. Otherwise, any video is fine with me! My concern is getting permission to “edit” the studio versions. I’d hate to see an account closed on youtube for that.
I must warn you – do NOT use Window’s MovieMaker program. I tried that and for a merely 30 seconds video, it took me over an hour to subtitle it. That program is not easy to use. If you use MAC, iMovie has a great subtitle feature! I’ve seen my friend doing it and it’s really easy! I’m currently trying the trial version of CyberLink's PowerDirector Version 6. It’s, well, not as bad as Window’s MovieMaker but it has a pane window on the left and the video on the right. I think it’s something you have to get used to before getting comfortable with it.
I’m going to get me a MAC the next time I get a new laptop!
Oooh, there’s a great new organization that was just created this year, called “Project ReadOn” where they provide closed-captioning for the deaf, hard of hearing, and foreign language communities – or those who simply do not wish to turn on the sounds. Visit them at http://www.projectreadon.com and if you have a website or blog, please consider adding them as an ad to help them out.
I had tested them to see if they would caption PJ video by first submitting the censored PJ video that 10c had put up about two months ago and finally got a response from them last Wednesday!!! Here it is: http://www.projectreadon.com/index.php?pg=home&PHPSESSID=dcda06ad470b3997967345b48b83166a
I was very happy when they sent me an email about that video! Of course, I’m curious to see if they’d caption other PJ videos…. Hehe. But that could take months if they do. They screen all requests and pick out certain videos for now. They are still new so it would be some time before they can get more funding and volunteers on ANY and EVERY video.
They’ve started captioning the political debates, but some deaf and hard of hearing people were complaining that they were politically biased because there weren’t any captioned videos from the Republicans and the co-founder Jack Wood of Project Read responded with this comment at a deaf blogger’s site http://www.deafdc.com/blog/shane-feldman/2007-07-24/cnncom-refuses-to-caption-us-presidential-debate/#comment-85820:
“Hey everyone, we are indeed providing captions for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards and Tom Harkin. Interestingly enough, we have contacted but have not received any response from any of the republican candidates to provide captioning for their videos.
Also, we have a new version of our player being built right now that addresses the sync issues as well as the pop up window, the new version will have a embedded player which fits nicely right underneath the video itself. A demo of this new iteration will hopefully be available on our site in the next couple of weeks, however, in order for this to work across the board we have to work hand in hand with the video host site. To date, only Revver.com has expressed interest. Please help us help you by contacting video host sites such as YouTube and let them know that there is a viable solution out there.”
Ahhh, Republicans really do care about the minorities.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Hehe.... don't feel sorry for me. I'm just frustrated with the access problem. The solution is OUT there and it just pisses me off to the end how hard I have to work getting it - when it shouldn't have to be that way.
Whether it's captioning or the interpreters. Don't get me started on the lolla interpreters. I have not really let that go yet.
But anyway - back to you. Your description sounds similar to Music For Rhinos - perhaps you'd like to get in touch with him? He's a GREAT friend of mine!
I'm hoping that they would caption the SVT video because that is one of his favorites!
As for getting cochlear implant - congratulations! But I hope you do a lot of researches and talking to different people. No two people with CI will have the same experiences. It's customized for each person.
But for most, it works better than hearing aids. But it's expensive.
Batteries are more expensive than hearing aids. Mapping sessions are not always covered 100 percent by the insurance, so there's the cost of getting your CI re-programmed.
The warranty for ONE CI is expensive - for my CI, it costs close to 500 dollars for 3 years. It's even more for Freedom CI.
In the beginning you would be programmed frequently until you find a program that you would feel comfortable with. And it also requires some training on how to use it - unlike the hearing aid where you can just pop it in and change the volume.
As your brain waves change, the program needs to be re-mapped (or re-programmed).
It's not perfect like a hearing person. It's funny when I tell people that I can hear between 20-40db with my CI on, they assume I'd understand everything and can speak well now. Hearing and comprehending are two different things.
If you have auditory memory of speech discrimination, you will do well with CI - even better than those like me.
As for music - well.... this is a gamble. For many people who have heard music prior to CI, they HATE it for a long time. They either have to learn to appreciate it in a different way, or find new kinds of music.
I don't know why because I've never heard PJ before I got my CI so no complaints here. I wore hearing aids and loved to listen to music with my hearing aids but I lost my hearing aid on a beach and couldn't get a replacement due to lack of coverage by insurance for 13 years. By then, my hearing went over 120db in both ears and even the most powerful hearing aids were useless.
Freedom CI is new and better than the previous models and that'd be what you would getting if you went for it. I got the older model - Esprint 3G. I'm so pissed 'cause Freedom came out two months AFTER I got my CI. Oh well.
Regardless, I'm working on getting a 2nd implant so I can experience "surround sound" but I'd have to prepare for a long fight with my insurance. But... thanks to Michael Moore's recent film documentary, "Sicko", more insurance companies are willing to cover for bilaterial cochlear implants.
When you do go for one, I'd LOVE to hear about your experiences and I'd hope you would feel comfortable enough to post them in the AET forum!
Sorry for the long posts....I'm on painkillers.... lol
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
That's funny, Pegasus!
At the Cincinnati show, the interpreter did a HELL of a job interpreting that song and it got me laughing SO HARD!!!
I can't even sign that song - it's way toooo fast!
But she really did it!! She was really sweating and when the song ended, we all laughed so hard!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I struggle to hear the vocals @ live music they are always drowned out lol. But i know pj inside out so it makes it easier
good luck with your campaign
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
He's really a GREAT dude!!!
Even after 16 years, including 14 yrs of marriage - that dude does not bore me....
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Thanks for the heads up - I'll email them and let them know!
I know...that's why I was laughing so hard and even Bobby was really impressed with her, considering the fact she wasn't a PJ fan.
It worked out really well because she worked with me BEFORE the show, listening to certain songs I told her to listen to and then discussing what the concepts meant to me.
That really helped her and it really made the show enjoyable for all of us involved.
Unlike the *cough* others *cough* who wanted no interference and to be bothered with my inputs, or even bothered to ask me any questions - but their own educated guesses and using their interpretations.
But anyway, she did a hell of a job! It also helped her a lot to follow the song by watching and lip-reading Bobby (my hubby) when he was singing along with Lukin.
It was a great teamwork.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
i'd actually caption the DVD though...not for uploading to the net.
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
You couldn't have picked out a better song than "Smile" to caption!!! That was really a nice surprise!!
It made me smmmmillllleeeeeee!!!
I've listened to it twice already! And I'm going to some more after I complete my homework!
How long did that take you to caption it? What program did you use? Did you find it easy to use?
I wish you could upload it to the net so it could be accessible for others, but I understand though. I would not want to see you getting in trouble for it.
But damn, thanks for making me smile and giving me the goosebumps!!!!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
*Yellow Ledbetter in particular*
You don't have to run and hide away
It's okay, it's okay
I love you anyway
2007: Pearl Jam concert in Düsseldorf (21. June)
2007: Chris Cornell concert in Kristiansand (2. July)
2007: The Who concert in Kristiansand (4. July)
Did the captioned "Smile" help at all?
Don't it make you smile....:D
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
i don't mind subtitling dvds for people, but i don't want to rip entire dvds, subtitle them, and upload them to the net...particularly official dvds. i'm going to subtitle my video from the video contest and i'll post it when i'm done.
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
Thank you and I totally understand - I'd feel the same way about the official DVDs. Would be nice if we were allowed to, but it'd hurt their sales. I don't think a few would hurt them - but rather as a bait for others to buy their DVDs!
I look forward to your contest video! I saw it when it was up before....
Thank you and I'm going to look into that subtitle program when I get out of school next week.
Thanks again for making my weekend!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Can you check this captioned video to make sure they got every word right? Not missing a single word??
They have been very wonderful to work with! They were quick to fix the error in the other video! They've got GREAT attitude!
Anyway, here's the video at projectreadon:
I've bombed them with a lot of PJ videos...
Also Sleater-Kinney, radiohead, to name a few...
So bomb them with what you like!
They said they didn't want to put too much PJ videos there because they want to keep things "interesting" over there.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
The fact is that even EV doesn´t get exactly what he says.
That's what make him so unique...and also us, PJ fans.
**Que Porra estávamos pensando?** EV São Paulo 03/12/05
The same I thought before. It's asolace that Americans don't understand him like we:)
But music and feelings are universal
I've forgotten how great this video is! I am enjoying listening and watching it right now with the captions!
Apparently some people have started sending more requests for music videos to be captioned, according to John's comment:
"Here is another music video from Pearl Jam. We've been really impressed by the number of requests we get for music videos, we've even made a special 'featured' section just for music!"
Thanks, Project ReadOn (PRO)!!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII