"3-2-1" aka "ab absurdo"*

Found my way into the foxhole last night
it was like reading Nabokov for the first time
intro like no other and Lolita's all over my mind
and then came sentences without rules
and I convinced myself I was free in expression
and then came sentences without rules and I,
because I am
because therefore and not,
I cooked the 'nade,
for me...
*ab absurdo:
"Said of an argument that seeks to prove a statement's validity by pointing out the absurdity of an opponent's position (cf. appeal to ridicule) or that an assertion is false because of its absurdity. Not to be confused with a reductio ad absurdum, which is usually a valid logical argument."
it was like reading Nabokov for the first time
intro like no other and Lolita's all over my mind
and then came sentences without rules
and I convinced myself I was free in expression
and then came sentences without rules and I,
because I am
because therefore and not,
I cooked the 'nade,
for me...
*ab absurdo:
"Said of an argument that seeks to prove a statement's validity by pointing out the absurdity of an opponent's position (cf. appeal to ridicule) or that an assertion is false because of its absurdity. Not to be confused with a reductio ad absurdum, which is usually a valid logical argument."
"Here's a token of my openness..."