Pictures in Profile

alabamaalabama Posts: 101
edited May 2010 in Technical Stuff and Help
Okay, so maybe I'm a dumbass, but WTF is the deal with uploading pics to be your profile thing? I have been trying to upload the same damn pic that is on my FB to no avail. And I guess I don't really care that much because I don't post a whole lot, but seriously, I'm about to rip my own hair out over there something I'm just too dumb to get here? Tried everything. Some help would be appreciated, as I'm only 30 and would not like to go bald over a profile pic on the PJ website...thanks for any help offered...

- B
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  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    Its gotta be under a certain dimension limit and file size.
  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    See that's the says it's over the 30kb or whatever, but it's the same size as this other one I have that it keeps defaulting to? Or so it looks like to me? I'm just frustrated with it. Guess I should've majored in computers and not marketing but fuuuuuck, it shouldn't be this hard, right?!? :)
    Thank you for the help, Brisk., I will try and like adjust it tomorrow or something? Lord help! :mrgreen:
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    bamajam wrote:
    See that's the says it's over the 30kb or whatever, but it's the same size as this other one I have that it keeps defaulting to? Or so it looks like to me? I'm just frustrated with it. Guess I should've majored in computers and not marketing but fuuuuuck, it shouldn't be this hard, right?!? :)
    Thank you for the help, Brisk., I will try and like adjust it tomorrow or something? Lord help! :mrgreen:

    Ha times like these i thank that i have an interested in PCs and am doing a computer related degree. I take it all for granted but i see more and more than people in generally arn't as tech savvy as i thought!

    Ugh you could upload the image somewhere and gimmie a link in a pm and i'll try to resize it for you.
  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    Okay, I'll try that. But I may not even be able to put it in a PM? What a waste of a college God! I'm gonna try that though, so if you get a PM from me and nothing in it, you'll know it's just because I'm obviously not the surivial of the fittest and am getting ruled out by natural selection!!

    Thanks again honey, I do appreciate the help. And I promise, my stupidity is not because I hail from Alabama... maybe it's because I'm blonde... ??

  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    bamajam wrote:
    Okay, I'll try that. But I may not even be able to put it in a PM? What a waste of a college God! I'm gonna try that though, so if you get a PM from me and nothing in it, you'll know it's just because I'm obviously not the surivial of the fittest and am getting ruled out by natural selection!!

    Thanks again honey, I do appreciate the help. And I promise, my stupidity is not because I hail from Alabama... maybe it's because I'm blonde... ??

    :mrgreen: - upload it there and give me the link.

  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    Okay, I don't know about the upload to the link you posted? I'm confused? I did send you the PM, but i'm not sure if I can upload it to that other thing? I'll try though. My God, I'm truly sorry, and I really appreciate your help...and what sucks the most is, I can't cook either! I'm fucked!! :mrgreen:
  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    I uploaded it to, and I think this is the link?? Thank you again for your help!! I'm sorry I'm a complete idiot!!!!!! Love........... ... ia=mupload
  • alabamaalabama Posts: 101
    Okay, so apparantly the link works, so anything you can do with it is awesome...thanks for your help Brisk.!! I really appreciate it!!!
    And sorry I'm a total moron. Am enrolling in futhering education classes asap, I'm quite frankly embarrassed!

    Thanks again love!!
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