
how can i write profoundity when i am incomplete? i am not grasping at straws, cutting off air pathways to some, far away. the only one i deny is me. if i am a potato, then mash me perpendicularly, for misery hates angles like pain hates obscurity. my time is short, yet drawn out, as if every inkling of it has a scent of blossom masking the stench of weed-hood everybody can smell but me. and if i feign reluctance, just know that this role is perfect for me. i am living it. not hiding, but content in my ambiguity, at least in my own mind. the pattern i paint further separates me from what i ain't, which is what i want to be and that's how i come to know my incompleteness. i grow into the past because it requires little effort, then mow myself before i get lost in my growth, and before i know it, that direction satiates not my appetite, but my suicidal inclinations which dwell at the harbor of my destination. it's why i stay at sea. i fear the arrival. i'd rather rough it afloat than tread the concrete, simply because i am incomplete.
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"You put some udder cream on that shit?" ~EV 5/17/10