Arizona Governer Bans Ethnic Studies In School

from NPR:
Arizona Gov Signs Ethnic-Studies Ban
By Frank James
With the bonfire of controversy over its anti-illegal immigration law still burning strong, Arizona got more tinder going on another controversy Tuesday when Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law a ban on ethnic studies in the state's schools.
The legislation was specifically targeted at high schools in the Tucson Unified School District with courses in Mexican American studies. Critics of those courses said they were used by activists in Tuscon to incite hatred, particularly of whites.
A fact sheet for House Bill 2281 gives the purpose of the bill thusly:
"Prohibits public schools from including courses or classes, which promote the overthrow of the U.S. government or resentment towards a race or class of people, and specifies rules pertaining to pupil disciplinary proceedings are not to be based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry. "
The law has certain exceptions, such as for native Americans, for instance. ... tudie.html ... -programs/
The alternet blog also contains a video about the origin and need for ethnic studies classes for minorities: ... c-studies/
My understanding is that they can't teach a Mexican American Studies class anymore (or any other ethnic group other than Native American Studies).
What do you call a government that starts censoring education and demands to see your papers? And some of these people have the nerve to paint Hitler mustaches on Obama :roll:
Arizona Gov Signs Ethnic-Studies Ban
By Frank James
With the bonfire of controversy over its anti-illegal immigration law still burning strong, Arizona got more tinder going on another controversy Tuesday when Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law a ban on ethnic studies in the state's schools.
The legislation was specifically targeted at high schools in the Tucson Unified School District with courses in Mexican American studies. Critics of those courses said they were used by activists in Tuscon to incite hatred, particularly of whites.
A fact sheet for House Bill 2281 gives the purpose of the bill thusly:
"Prohibits public schools from including courses or classes, which promote the overthrow of the U.S. government or resentment towards a race or class of people, and specifies rules pertaining to pupil disciplinary proceedings are not to be based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry. "
The law has certain exceptions, such as for native Americans, for instance. ... tudie.html ... -programs/
The alternet blog also contains a video about the origin and need for ethnic studies classes for minorities: ... c-studies/
My understanding is that they can't teach a Mexican American Studies class anymore (or any other ethnic group other than Native American Studies).
What do you call a government that starts censoring education and demands to see your papers? And some of these people have the nerve to paint Hitler mustaches on Obama :roll:
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm still amazed by people who say Obama is destroying America's freedoms and is trampling the rights of American citizens, yet they have no problem with a PATRIOT Act that gives law enforcement officials the right to wiretap phone calls and monitor emails without a warrant.
edit: What is wrong with getting rid of this?
98 CAA
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Yeah, I'm never sure exactly where the line is drawn, but it seems to be partly along racial lines. I think most people assume that the Patriot Act is only or mostly applied to Muslim or Arab Americans and so maybe they think it's OK since it's not affecting them? And along those lines, since white Americans aren't going to be asked for their papers in Arizona, they're not as worried about it. And now with this new law about ethnic studies, probably not a lot of white kids were taking those classes, so that's OK, too. What if you tried banning European History, though?
I've read about 10 articles now and can't find one that says that the classes were restricted.
How would you quantify those things?
Does simply teaching Mexican-American Studies "advocate ethnic solidarity"? A lot of people in AZ says it does.
Is a class in African American Studies "designed primarily for students of a particular race"? AZ says it is, apparently. And is it the fault of the black kids who register for that class if white kids don't? Does their class get cancelled then?
How would you quantify those things?
Does simply teaching Mexican-American Studies "advocate ethnic solidarity"? A lot of people in AZ says it does.
Is a class in African American Studies "designed primarily for students of a particular race"? AZ says it is, apparently. And is it the fault of the black kids who register for that class if white kids don't? Does their class get cancelled then?[/quote]
"The measure doesn't prohibit classes that teach about the history of a particular ethnic group, as long as the course is open to all students and doesn't promote ethnic solidarity or resentment."
"Sean Arce, director of the district's Mexican-American Studies program, said last month that students perform better in school if they see in the curriculum people who look like them."
That last part tells me these classes were restricted.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
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16 Phillie II
"The measure doesn't prohibit classes that teach about the history of a particular ethnic group, as long as the course is open to all students and doesn't promote ethnic solidarity or resentment."
"Sean Arce, director of the district's Mexican-American Studies program, said last month that students perform better in school if they see in the curriculum people who look like them."
That last part tells me these classes were restricted.[/quote]
I didn't take that interpretation away from that sentence at all. I read that and thought the implication was that Mexican students would perform better in school if classes were offered that taught Mexican-oriented studies - that they may be more inclined to perform better as a whole if they knew the school acknowledged the heritage of students that made up a large percentage of the population and played a prominent role in the state's history. On the flip side, it would be the same as saying white kids wouldn't perform as well in a school that didn't teach European history, or a school that ignored all of the contributions white people made to the forming of America. I didn't interpret that as saying the classes were restricted to those students only, but that they were available to all students, even if one certain segment of the population was more inclined to enroll in them.
I agree. That sentence is just acknowledging that an African-American or Mexican-American student would be more engaged in a history class if they saw some (or more) of their own history presented.
As for restricting classes, I'm looking for something that says white students couldn't enroll, not that they didn't enroll.
Because if white students are choosing not to enroll in an African-American History class, it's really unfair to judge that class as appealing only to one group of students and thereby creating an excuse to cancel it.
That is how I was taught in public school. I believe that is what this bill is trying to do. Instead of making seperate courses making one course.
98 CAA
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16 Phillie II
That's a fair point, but at the same time there are a lot of people who find it decidedly Big Brother-ish that the government has the right to read your emails if they wanted to. To them, whether or not you're breaking the law isn't the point - the point is that the cops can read every email you send and listen to every phone call you make if they want to, and your "right to privacy" has gone right out the window. You might get pissed off at the IRS one day and make an offhand joke about wanting to blow up an IRS office in an email, and then 20 years later apply for a federal job and find that email pop up and be used against you in the hiring process. To me, it's one of those situations where the intention was good, but it came with a lot of gray areas that are open to exploitation over time.
That's how my HS worked, too. American History was a requirement. And then maybe we had even a second history requirement (I can't remember anymore). And the classes like Womens Studies or African American Studies could be used to fulfill your elective credits.
I'm betting their American History class would cover the Civil Rights fight and history of slavery and Civil War, but there's only so much time in one semester so I totally understand needing a separate course for kids who want to learn more in-depth about African American history, for example.
You clearly don't work for the Texas Board of Education, do you?
Agreed if they want to learn more, but it should be taught outside of school. I understand it is important to learn about their culture, but I also agree with the way funding is, there should be a basic curiculum. If the student wants to go more in depth take a class in college or outside of the public school arena.
98 CAA
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06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
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jebus christ
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
I think people fail to realize that our history - the history we are taught in school - is white history, and it's male history. That's why classes like African American Studies and Women Studies are needed. Someone mentioned that these things are extra and should be taught only outside of school, but why do we think white male studies is necessary but all others are irrelevant? And how does that possibly make the other studies so unnecessary that they shouldn't even tbe OFFERED to students who want the well-rounded education owed to them by the school system? And if we're refusing to fund classes that are unnecessary or that won't appeal to everyone, shouldn't we also get rid of all foreign languages, all high level math and science classes, any extra literature classes that aren't required, band, etc.??
People seem to think this is okay because "The measure prohibits classes that advocate ethnic solidarity, that are designed primarily for students of a particular race or that promote resentment toward a certain ethnic group." But the question is how things like "ethnic solidarity," "designed for," and "resentment" are being defined. When my Chicano high school Spanish teacher, who was also the sponsor for MECHA, taught our class of mostly Chicano students to be proud of their Mexican American culture, was he advocating ethinic solidarity? Was the fact that Mexican American kids were more likely to take the Spanish classes as their foreign language elective indicative of a class that was designed for students of a particular race? And is acknowledging things such as white privilege promoting resentment toward a certain ethnic group?
And what about gender group? What about class distinctions? What about sexual orientation?
This is such total bullshit. Please refer to my thread about how society is regressing. :( :evil:
I said that they should mix everything and if more in depth is needed then it should be taken on their own time. I am sorry but you do not mess with math and science. This country is too far behind in technical education. History is an important subject but it would take the entire time the kids are in school to cover everything. They need to come out with a core curriculum and teach it.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
I agree that we shouldn't mess with math and science and that this country is too far behind in technical education. But we also shouldn't mess with ethnic studies and this country is too far behind in history and cultural education. With the set of values demonstated here, it's no wonder we have such great technology and use it to kill people from other cultures.
Not that they're mutually exclusive, but why exactly is science more valuable than history?
Also, you are aware that these course were being offered as electives, right? So this is the part of a student's education that kind of is their own time. I'm confused - do you not think students should have electives? :?
You say they should just mix in the history that needs to be taught with that which is already being taught, but try telling that to a history teacher. They barely have enough classes in the school year to teach what's already in the curriculum. If more is added, what that's already there should be taken away to make it fit?
I just really can't believe anyone has a problem with kids taking these classes as ELECTIVES. It's not like poor Johnny Whiteboy is going to be - gasp! - forced to learn about people who aren't just like him.
I just read this quote in an article about how 5 independent UN experts have denounced Arizona's immgration law: "The U.N. experts decried a 'disturbing pattern of legislative activity hostile to ethnic minorities and immigrants' in Arizona." This new law seems to support this as well.