For Sale: 2 Tix Bristow Mikes Side

I have 2 good seats/tickets that I purchased through ticketmaster to attend tomorrow nights event. I am devastated that I cannot attend now. My girlfriend is pregnant and shes dialated, this is the 9th month of our pregnancy and we are 3 hours from the venue, so we don't want to take a chance of her going into labor, so we have made the decision not to attend. I have my tickets and am wanting to sell them for face value. I have paypal and these tickets can be printed out via ticketmaster website.
Seat location: section 205, row N, seats 11-12
Total Charge: US $ 187.80
please email me directly <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Seat location: section 205, row N, seats 11-12
Total Charge: US $ 187.80
please email me directly <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
"Wave to all my friends"