my friend is a member of the freemasons....

mawfordinksmawfordinks Posts: 65
edited May 2010 in A Moving Train
Hi everyone. My friend has only just revealed to me that he is a member of the freemasons. I'm pretty naive to this, but have been told they have a chequered history. He says he's going cause his dad would have wanted that. Can anyone enlighten me? thanx.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • you may want to enlighten your friend!

    I can probably not tell you near enough in one post, nor anything more than you want to hear right now.

    The best places to start, imho are the following:

    the "Mystery Babylon" series by Bill Cooper is 41 hours of assault on the Masonic institution.

    A much condensed version can be found in "The Master's Carpet" which is a quick an rather easy read.

    If you want it straight from the horses mouth, but always with too much vagueness, half truths, verbose yet unclear language, deliberately misleading (and even directly stated as such) and sometimes out-and-out deception ... you can always check out Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma" which was (and arguably still is) THE book for masons, by masons.

    But if the above paragraph wasn't clear,
    one thing you should ALWAYS remember when reading ANYthing written by a mason is the following:
    Masons LIE LIE LIE. ALWAYS to the public when asked about anything relevant to their institution, and more than half the time to OTHER masons, who they may deem "unqualified" to hear the whole truth.

    If you want a synopsis in brief of what masonry is REALLY all about, here it is:
    It has NOTHING to do with "charity" which is just a hollow sham front to fool and deceive the public.
    it has nothing to do with male bonding, which is another flat out joke.

    It has EVERYthing to do with remaking the world in the image of that which is beneficial to Masonry and those who control its deliberately dictatorial (and stated directly to be so in some of their older literature) top-down structure.

    The CLAIM that they are remaking the world ("the rough ashlar") in to a New World Order based on Secular Humanist principles for the benefit of all mankind ("the perfect ashlar") but history tells the story differently.

    The preeminent philosophy of Masonry in action seems to be (and stated as such repeatedly in their literature) is the following: THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.
    It is an abhorrent philosophy which has lead to the destruction of cities, states, and countries, entire political systems, and countless masses of living breathing people ... all in some hopelessly vain struggle to remake an imperfect world in the imperfect image of man... although, they of course claim that they themselves are, or are in the process of becoming "perfected".

    It is a laughable fucking joke.
    They think that they are better than every one else, and that it is their duty to save the world from itself.
    They want a one world government that is some sort of fucked up Benevolent Dicatorship, or Benevolent Despotism, or something akin to the "Philosopher King" of yore ... maybe even a Theocratic World Council.

    That reminds me of another half decent book, with a good look at more than just masonry:
    Occult Theocracy.

    I could give you a list of OTHER books too, but all you really need is one to start,
    and you can probably find your way along with the rest, depending on WHAT in particular is your specific interest on the subject.
    But, The Master's Carpet was written by an ex-master-mason with a real bent against his former brotherhood.

    Oh yeah, speaking of Brotherhood.
    The masons, despite what they may tell you, seem to be an Aryan \ RACIST institution, with tinges of homosexuality and misogyny thrown in just for fun, i assume. (go look it up folks, there are strange quotes all over the place in masonic literature that hint at this) ...

    anyhow, hardly surprising from an institution that traces it's roots back to Phallic Worship.

    Got any more questions?
    Cause i could go on for decades!
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    I was also approached not that long ago about joining a Masonic lodge. My grandfather used to belong to one,but he quit going he said "when he started to see what was really going on" He told me that I should stay away from them.
  • DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
    edited May 2010
    Thought this might be a revealing insight in to "The Order".
    This is from some obscure book that Bill Cooper mentioned (reads this section of) on hour 20-something of the Mystery Babylon broadcast.

    It is someone writing to a friend about a candidate for office who is a mason.
    It pulls together a ton of quotes from masons themselves, for masons, from official, and well recognized, highly honored masonic authors ... this stuff is pretty hard to swallow from a "legitimate" organization.

    Oh, i know, i know ...
    they're "misunderstood", and these quotes are "out of context".
    Oh, poor me, i forgot my journalistic integrity.

    [note: you an "ctrl" and "scroll wheel up" to enlarge the size of the images if you can't read]


    ... Starting on Page 237:
    Post edited by DriftingByTheStorm on
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • load of dodgy scratch my back, i'll scratch yours bullshit.
    ...Pearl Jam, a group filled with pride, passion, and intricate musicianship. Their music is full of subtle textures, rich color, soul-searching power, imagery, and eerie dissonance.
  • pickupyourwillpickupyourwill Posts: 3,135

    It has EVERYthing to do with remaking the world in the image of that which is beneficial to Masonry and those who control its deliberately dictatorial (and stated directly to be so in some of their older literature) top-down structure.

    The CLAIM that they are remaking the world ("the rough ashlar") in to a New World Order based on Secular Humanist principles for the benefit of all mankind ("the perfect ashlar") but history tells the story differently.

    The preeminent philosophy of Masonry in action seems to be (and stated as such repeatedly in their literature) is the following: THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.
    It is an abhorrent philosophy which has lead to the destruction of cities, states, and countries, entire political systems, and countless masses of living breathing people ... all in some hopelessly vain struggle to remake an imperfect world in the imperfect image of man... although, they of course claim that they themselves are, or are in the process of becoming "perfected".


    sounds alot like a cult or another Holocaust if they are actually practicing hate crimes. I can't believe I was so naive to think that secret society murder wasn't going on in America--that I actually gave people the benefit of the doubt. my eyes have been a little more wide opened here these last couple months.
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    What political party do they generally support?
  • ed243421ed243421 Posts: 7,689
    unsung wrote:
    What political party do they generally support?

    fox "news"
    The whole world will be different soon... - EV
    RED ROCKS 6-19-95
    AUGUSTA 9-26-96
    MANSFIELD 9-15-98
    BOSTON 9-29-04
    BOSTON 5-25-06
    MANSFIELD 6-30-08
    EV SOLO BOSTON 8-01-08
    BOSTON 5-17-10
    EV SOLO BOSTON 6-16-11
    PJ20 9-3-11
    PJ20 9-4-11
    WRIGLEY 7-19-13
    WORCESTER 10-15-13
    WORCESTER 10-16-13
    HARTFORD 10-25-13

  • mawfordinksmawfordinks Posts: 65
    I always knew I could rely on Harvey Keitel for a proper answer. Seriously, thanks so much for all your input. I think I will have a word with him. But always I do not like to tell people what they should or should not be doing with their lifes. Anyhow if these people are racist then that is something else, isn't it!

    Thanks again. I will look at more info.
  • Thought this might be a revealing insight in to "The Order".
    This is from some obscure book that Bill Cooper mentioned (reads this section of) on hour 20-something of the Mystery Babylon broadcast.

    It is someone writing to a friend about a candidate for office who is a mason.
    It pulls together a ton of quotes from masons themselves, for masons, from official, and well recognized, highly honored masonic authors ... this stuff is pretty hard to swallow from a "legitimate" organization.

    Oh, i know, i know ...
    they're "misunderstood", and these quotes are "out of context".
    Oh, poor me, i forgot my journalistic integrity.

    [note: you an "ctrl" and "scroll wheel up" to enlarge the size of the images if you can't read]


    ... Starting on Page 237:

    Or you can go to Google Books: In The Coils, The Coming Conflict and click to the Contents tab for the section "Imperium in Imperio", starting page 236, to read online.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
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