Interesting theory on the demise of the honeybee

I got this link from a friend. I'd imagine this guy's a pretty big conspiracy theorist, but it's a new take on the crisis with the bees dying off. ... _blame.htm ... _blame.htm
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I'm so glad you brought up the cell towers. I love cell phones and all, but people are too often blind to the effects of all the crazy cell waves and extra shit like that existing in our atmosphere. just like with the amount of radiation that these cell phones and computers put off. so many people are in denial about it. these things of convenience also have consequences. just like the generations before us that invented plastic bags for the convenience yet failed to contemplate its effects on the environment--just like massive waste dumps for that matter.
there was a while ther when i wasn't sleeping well and i read that electronic equipment can affect your sleep ... so, i moved my clock radio above my head and i think it worked ... hard to say definitively but definitely, to your point, we don't often look at all the consequences ... especially as it pertains to the enviornment ... cancer is the second leading cause of death in america next to heart disease ... both of those things are attributable to things that are within our control ... but foresake in the name of progress and corruption ...
As a side note, I started putting my phone in "airplane mode" when I go to sleep at night. I just don't like the thought of that BZZZ tick BZZZZ tick ringing through my brain every five minutes.