The 411 on Newark



  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    any recommendations for a quick bite and drink just before the show, somewhere along the way from pennstation? maybe a nice bbq or roast pork sanbo and beer? thxs
  • RPAQ88RPAQ88 Posts: 14
    Hell's Kitchen, Arena Bar, Brick City Bar and Grill, Scully's, Spot Lounge. I believe they all have websites and have good food / drinks. Brick City is the closest to the arena - it's accross the street from the box office.
  • JacksJacks Posts: 10
    I received email yesterday from the Prudential Center that included
    confirmation that still cameras "of all sizes" are allowed. I called
    security to seek clarification to try to further increase the chances
    that I wouldn't risk having my DSLR and lens confiscated.

    If anyone else knows anything further I'd be grateful for a PM.
    All the security shift supervisor with whom I spoke was able
    to tell me was thAt he hadn't heard about any change in the usual
    "no cameras with removable lenses" rule

    I'm parked across the street and guess I'll be able to dash over to
    stow my gear if necessary. But I'm going to take a shot and
    bring my main body and real glass (f/2.8 70-200mm).

    Trying to be positive here . . .
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
    I called Bellos, and it's okay to bring my boys -- "They just can't sit at the bar." So we will try to come by later and meet some people, etc.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
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