tpamsbt for not changing her username to Burtack. Which sounds like a noise one makes after guzzling champagne. "Burrrrrrtack. Excuse me." Which sucks.
bid·dy2 /ˈbɪdi/ Show Spelled[bid-ee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -dies.
1. a fussbudget, esp. a fussy old woman.
2. a female domestic servant, esp. a cleaning woman.
and TPA that for going through a sex change and comming up with such a sucky name like Engleburt
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
but you suck for knowing that I snore anyway!
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
lol...don't there are pics out there...LOL
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
bid·dy2 /ˈbɪdi/ Show Spelled[bid-ee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -dies.
1. a fussbudget, esp. a fussy old woman.
2. a female domestic servant, esp. a cleaning woman.
Tpamsbt for using the word VOYEUR, as that is my sucky sore point.................... :geek:
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."