Both tpamsbt for limiting the location of Theovl316's lollipop to an anatomic orifice when we all know that with just a little pressure we can create a whole new orifice. And being a big boy, he will not cry or pass out.
Both tpamsbt for thinking I can send out invitations when they haven't yet specified the date, time and location for said party. I suggest Black Diamond's house this weekend, as he'll be away and the pool would otherwise be unused.
Both tpamsbt for not letting Black Diamond know what kind of beer to stock the fridge with. Do they that Yingling or whatever it's called in his neck of the woods?
tpamsbt for calling out BD for not wearing the Hanukkah cufflinks when he know that, in his role as BD's butler, he should have assisted them with putting them on.
tpamsbt because he should be hauling BD's steamer trunk to the Long Island Railroad station right about now. Clearly, he sucks for being such a slacker and posting here instead.
TP2AMSBT for suggesting there is more than one orifice that a lollipop can enter :shock:
I suggest we try that at the Tattoo Party.
And tp2amsbt for thinking they needed an engraved invitation.
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."