tpamsbt because for that remark they will NOT be receiving complimentary backstage passes to the Avatar Rage show in my garage. And no preparty on the deck for you, sister. :evil:
TPAMSBT for only having a garage venue, and for being so niave that I wouldn't jump the fence.
tpamsbt for not handing out backstage passes to everyone here
And YOU Sir suck, for thinking any Riff Raff should get back stage passes!
All tpamsbt because they 1. dissed my garage and 2. envision disturbing my dogs by jumping the fence and 3. expect me to hand out garage passes to everyone on the board when I was planning to restrict those to true fans, while distributing driveway and lawn seats to the hoi polloi.
tpamsbt for not realis(z)ing that his Acronym makes no sense!
You suck for turning it into a spelling competition when the rules clearly state, sucking the biggest earns you the most Brownie Points, and not being able to spell sux.
And the person above me sux even bigger for changing thier Avatar so quickly I could not identify the hound.........
Ha ** does a victory dance **
..........Wait! ......What! .... :?
All tpamsbt because they 1. dissed my garage and 2. envision disturbing my dogs by jumping the fence and 3. expect me to hand out garage passes to everyone on the board when I was planning to restrict those to true fans, while distributing driveway and lawn seats to the hoi polloi.
( I befriend doggies before I jump fences )
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
reminding me of Dung Beetles!.....hehehehehe :twisted:
Avatar rage is alive and well.
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
You suck for turning it into a spelling competition when the rules clearly state, sucking the biggest earns you the most Brownie Points, and not being able to spell sux.
And the person above me sux even bigger for changing thier Avatar so quickly I could not identify the hound.........
Pheft.......childs play
btw, that's another good name for a band.