the mists of reality

Swirling mists shade the light from the eyes of a wandering child.
She is blinded by reality, seeing only palettes of her own imagination.
It is forever to be unknown; her mission, her duty, her purpose,
And yet forever to this day she wanders, her faith ever-ready.
Knowing would be half the battle, if she knew anything worth knowing,
And not knowing what to know is twice as dangerous in her mind.
This is all she cares to ponder, for life is too short to become entangled,
All that walking for a purpose unknown; forever alone in the mists of reality.
She is blinded by reality, seeing only palettes of her own imagination.
It is forever to be unknown; her mission, her duty, her purpose,
And yet forever to this day she wanders, her faith ever-ready.
Knowing would be half the battle, if she knew anything worth knowing,
And not knowing what to know is twice as dangerous in her mind.
This is all she cares to ponder, for life is too short to become entangled,
All that walking for a purpose unknown; forever alone in the mists of reality.