Seattle to Vancouver....

Can anyone help me long will it take to drive including border delays etc.
Mapquest said 2 1/2 - 3 hours just driving this accurate?
Is the border a big hassel....or do you just show your passport and drive thru?
Please give your info!
Mapquest said 2 1/2 - 3 hours just driving this accurate?
Is the border a big hassel....or do you just show your passport and drive thru?
Please give your info!

How I choose to how I am.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's pretty accurate, but it really depends on the time of day. Expect the longer time frame. Once you leave the Seattle sprawl, traffic will flow pretty good for most of the trip.
The border can be a big hassle, but April is a good time to go traffic levels will be pretty low, unlike during the summer. If you have your passport then they may just ask you a couple questions about your intentions for traveling to Canada and then wave you on through. Getting back into the US can actually take longer, they get very detailed sometimes and do more car checks.
Im still hoping for a Seattle show on the 1st
So we would head north on the if we left Seattle around 1:00 we would be there in plenty of time!
Thanks again!!!
i WOULD NOT leave seattle as late as 1 on the second, you never know what could happen with line ups and traffic coming into vancouver, trust me. leave earlier
10am....11am...what time...tell if I wasnt jumpy enough right now (only about 20 min to go)
i don't know if its cause i'm canadian but going into canada is always a breeze, going into the states is a pain in the ass.
infact i've never had to show my passport coming back! haha
going into Canada is no prob, going into the USA can prove a lot harder
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sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
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work = work +1;
return 0;}
plan on 4 to 5 hours..... The border can be really bad at times, and this might be on of those times.
Everybody had a one line.....
Everybody misses Andy....
We'll be seeing him in no time.... Oh Yeah.....
We are Red, we are White, we are Danish Dynamite!
Anyway, if I remember, you have to go through a relatively painless customs process when you get to Canada. You fill out a form on the way. I got a ride back to the states last time so I can't speak to the return trip. Someone may be able to add to this.
the blaine truck crossing is NOT the same thing as the Sumas crossing. they're two different crossings miles apart
angels share laughter
ahhh! good to know!
You'd think I'd know that, haha....I've only been across the boarder about 2033 times.
well, I only know it because I've been across the border about 2034 times
angels share laughter
Well on my 2034 I'll know too! Awesome!
We're only able to stay until Santa Cruz....the train sounds great into Vancouver but we wouldnt have any transportation while in Seattle.
Are there alot of different crossings?
If so is the Sumas one the way to go?
Thanks again!!!!
Definitely use the truck crossing instead of the !-5 crossing. It can save you an hour sometimes. I would leave as early as possible. There is a lot of cool things to do in Vancouver, so if you are there way before the show, just park the car and walk around.
......better than missing the show...
Is the I-5 crossing the Sumas one?
The truck crossing you recommend is the Blaine?
Good thing Im not Driving....:) thanks