I need a change

Oh,I need a change
I need a change so badly, I,
feel I could die, without one!
no truly, I'm feeling like I need to rip open my routine
mix up the world and rattle my daily cage
oh what would it take to re-arrange?
to go on like this feels like waiting for Good-eau (Godot)
(and I hated that show!!)
to crack out of this egg
is perhaps to walk out
and take a new route
instead of the one I've been taking in my sleep
I need a change so badly, I,
feel I could die, without one!
no truly, I'm feeling like I need to rip open my routine
mix up the world and rattle my daily cage
oh what would it take to re-arrange?
to go on like this feels like waiting for Good-eau (Godot)
(and I hated that show!!)
to crack out of this egg
is perhaps to walk out
and take a new route
instead of the one I've been taking in my sleep