Dream about Ed and Kurt

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited April 2010 in The Porch
One of the most surreal dreams of my life. In the artists way, i am learning about "coincidences" or syncronicity, and how those should be viewed as divine experiences as signs we are following our destiny. Many times, we think of calling a friend and they call us right that minute, or we think of buying a nice pair of jeans, and some friend calls up and says she bought some jeans she doesnt like and wonders if we might like them. We often write those off as coincidences and leave it at that. what the artists way and what i am starting to believe is that they are more than coincidences.

Anyways, I just finished my week of media deprivation. no music, no internet, no reading of any kind, no books, no tv etc... Anyways, I dreamt of this underground like under sand type tribute to kurt at some beach. It was honoring kurt and his life, and it seemed almost like some kind of funeral service thing. Anyways, Ed gave a speech commemorating and honoring kurt. and the speech, although I cant tell you what he said, was the sort of speech where you fall down on your knees and wail. it was the most devastating and powerful and amazing speech in human history. it was that kind of thing. ed, had songs he performed, he had a little video he put together and of course he had the speech itself. I felt gutted, i felt empty, i felt drained. it was as i said the greatest speech in human history.

So I woke up the next morning, wrote down this dream, obviously it jarred me. and then something clicked and I looked at the calender. It was 16 years to the day kurt cobain died. Beyond the setting of this thing in an underground sand lair or whatever, all of it is plausible. how many times has ed passionately spoken about things in speeches, or in song lyrics or whatever, and you are blown away by it all?

whats odd is, I havent listened to nirvana in months. I have a nirvana, or nevermind shirt but havent worn it in awhile, and i obviously havent been around any media, newspapers, magazines or the internet, that would have mentioned kurt and the anniversary of his death. i just turned 26 and have made statements to my parents about how 27 has always been an age I was scared to turn. both because of kurt and how important he was to me, and all my other heroes who died at the same age, but also in terms of astrology, 27 is a very auspicious year as well, saturn comes around every 27 years...

I spent alot of my week of media deprivation trying to draw the feeling of the speech.

Not sure what it all means. One hell of a dream
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  • MASMAS Posts: 630
    So what do YOU think it means?
  • MAS wrote:
    So what do YOU think it means?

    i think it is ammunition to use in my creativity. thats the only thing i can think of. i was essentially supposed to spend an entire week finding my voice, and doing things I had never done before. letting my own thoughts come to the fore. And the idea was that eventually, when the medias thoughts, when other musicians music, when authors books, when directors movies, when other painters paintings, when forums like this, are not part of your thought pattern that you begin to feel things and experience things, and then want to create them.

    I have always felt I had something to say, something to convey in creative form, but always found a way to lull myself into not acting on said creative pursuits. the last few years I have literally spent a ton of my free time surrounding myself with other peoples art. and thats been helpful and I wouldnt trade it. But what I found after this dream and this week, was a desire to do MY OWN ART. to express how I personally felt in that dream, how that speech made me feel, not how someone else felt.

    Other than that, I dont know.
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Posts: 4,509
    edited April 2010
    i believe people have the brain power for much more. this is an example.
    i have the future esp too at times. or whatever you want to call it.

    thanks for sharing. very interesting.
    Post edited by blondieblue227 on
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • j gastonj gaston Posts: 25
    just to mention, i pass by Kurt's house and park most days and was warmed to see this week that many flowers were left on his park bench. it's so nice to know that his spirit is remembered.
    /Users/j2sue/Desktop/Boston 5:17:10.JPG
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