In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers)...........
AND SERIOUSLY... what is up with these CHILD LABOR LAWS?!?!?!
Damn moochers eating cheese bought with WIC vouchers and drinking juice purchased using god damn food stamps... living in Section 8 housing and buying toothpaste with TANF money when their lazy little asses should be out there WORKING!!!!!!!
Certainly a five year old can do LIGHT factory work, conveyor belt kind of shit, right? Farm work... Answering phones... various cutting and pasting positions... And a twelve year old... well shit... the job market is wide open!!
HELL!! In many other countries they do it... It was the way for many years in this country and look what a great super power we are now! AND let's be real... if their lazy little asses had jobs... guess what? WE *PROBABLY* WOULDN'T HAVE 40 MILLION UNINSURED CHILDREN IN THE COUNTRY!!!!
Aerial you are quite the critical thinker!!! *KUDOS*
What the hell are you getting at?
You equate child labor with personal choices?
Thanks for the Complement same to you
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers)...........
AND SERIOUSLY... what is up with these CHILD LABOR LAWS?!?!?!
Damn moochers eating cheese bought with WIC vouchers and drinking juice purchased using god damn food stamps... living in Section 8 housing and buying toothpaste with TANF money when their lazy little asses should be out there WORKING!!!!!!!
Certainly a five year old can do LIGHT factory work, conveyor belt kind of shit, right? Farm work... Answering phones... various cutting and pasting positions... And a twelve year old... well shit... the job market is wide open!!
HELL!! In many other countries they do it... It was the way for many years in this country and look what a great super power we are now! AND let's be real... if their lazy little asses had jobs... guess what? WE *PROBABLY* WOULDN'T HAVE 40 MILLION UNINSURED CHILDREN IN THE COUNTRY!!!!
Aerial you are quite the critical thinker!!! *KUDOS*
What the hell are you getting at?
You equate child labor with personal choices?
Thanks for the Complement same to you
if i choose to smoke two packs a day around him... MY CHOICE!
if i choose to let him ride in the back of a pick up truck... or my car... without a car seat?... MY CHOICE!
if i choose to help keep me and my children off the public dole... by having my child aid in supporting the household... MY CHOICE!
(a compliment for us... is a compliment for you! )
In my day parents smoked in the house,
we rode in the back of pickup trucks,
we rode in the back of station wagons (can you imagine a rear end collision?)
there were no car seats
We did not wear helmets
we ate bacon
lots’ of hot dogs and
...and guess what? Most of us are still here,( baby boomers)...........
AND SERIOUSLY... what is up with these CHILD LABOR LAWS?!?!?!
Damn moochers eating cheese bought with WIC vouchers and drinking juice purchased using god damn food stamps... living in Section 8 housing and buying toothpaste with TANF money when their lazy little asses should be out there WORKING!!!!!!!
Certainly a five year old can do LIGHT factory work, conveyor belt kind of shit, right? Farm work... Answering phones... various cutting and pasting positions... And a twelve year old... well shit... the job market is wide open!!
HELL!! In many other countries they do it... It was the way for many years in this country and look what a great super power we are now! AND let's be real... if their lazy little asses had jobs... guess what? WE *PROBABLY* WOULDN'T HAVE 40 MILLION UNINSURED CHILDREN IN THE COUNTRY!!!!
Aerial you are quite the critical thinker!!! *KUDOS*
What the hell are you getting at?
You equate child labor with personal choices?
Thanks for the Complement same to you
if i choose to smoke two packs a day around him... MY CHOICE!
if i choose to let him ride in the back of a pick up truck... or my car... without a car seat?... MY CHOICE!
if i choose to help keep me and my children off the public dole... by having my child aid in supporting the household... MY CHOICE!
(a compliment for us... is a compliment for you! )
I take it there must be some on the MT that do not trust there selves to raise a child so, okay I accept you need help.....but the people I know personally are doing a great job just as I did.....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
I take it there must be some on the MT that do not trust there selves to raise a child so, okay I accept you need help.....but the people I know personally are doing a great job just as I did.....
i'm sure many trustthere selves plenty... (it's ok... education shouldn't be mandatory anyway... )
Should tax dollars pay for education but NOT health care for children and if so why?
What exactly is the main difference? If your kid ends up dead because they don't have basic health care... what good is the education?
And... btw.... You are the one who espoused the beauty of the simple life... back in the day when you were growing up with your parents smoking around you, riding in the back of pick up's and eating a diet of bacon and hot dogs...
If the government shouldn't be involved in whether or not a child is in a car seat... or wearing a bike helmet... if those are PERSONAL CHOICES.... why isnt the choice to have your kid work, instead of attending school, the very same thing.... Isn't it a choice made without regard to societal norms of what is in the best interest of a child?
If it's a personal choice to not use a car seat, or have your child wear a bike helmet, or see to it that your child receive proper health care... then why should it not be a choice to CHOOSE whether you want your child to go to work... or to be educated? Especially since the education system is paid for out of OUR TAX DOLLARS!
Think of all the money the country could save if we took all the lazy families and had the parents and the kids all working! They wouldnt need any kind of assistance from the government and between all of their minimum wage jobs... they could probably afford their own health insurance!! Sounds like a win/win for THE TEA PARTY!
I take it there must be some on the MT that do not trust there selves to raise a child so, okay I accept you need help.....but the people I know personally are doing a great job just as I did.....
i'm sure many trustthere selves plenty... (it's ok... education shouldn't be mandatory anyway... )
Should tax dollars pay for education but NOT health care for children and if so why?
What exactly is the main difference? If your kid ends up dead because they don't have basic health care... what good is the education?
And... btw.... You are the one who espoused the beauty of the simple life... back in the day when you were growing up with your parents smoking around you, riding in the back of pick up's and eating a diet of bacon, and hot dogs...
If the government shouldn't be involved in whether or not a child is in a car seat... or wearing a bike helmet... if those are PERSONAL CHOICES.... why isnt the choice to have your kid work, instead of attending school, the very same thing.... Isn't it a choice made without regard to societal norms of what is in the best interest of a child?
If it's a personal choice to not use a car seat, or have your child wear a bike helmet, or see to it that your child receive proper health care... then why should it not be a choice to CHOOSE whether you want your child to go to work... or to be educated? Especially since the education system is paid for out of OUR TAX DOLLARS!
Think of all the money the country could save if we took all the lazy families and had the parents and the kids all working! They wouldnt need any kind of assistance from the government and between all of their minimum wage jobs... they could probably afford their own health insurance!! Sounds like a win/win for THE TEA PARTY!
This is the best rant I have seen in a while.....
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Everyone says they don't want government to do X, but nothing is black and white.. it's all gray. So to sum it up, it's merely interpretation and personal perspective/morality decisions. Everyone in society believes something different, yet we have to make decisions and policies for the betterment of everyone. It's not a clear, set in stone answer to a very broad unclear topic, but it's the truth.
This is the best rant I have seen in a while.....
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
Fair enough... but I have worked in Child Welfare for twenty years and am absolutely certain that in regard to child rearing; humans greatly benefit from governmental oversight.
That's not all i was trying to say... but I'll keep it to that.
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
Fair enough... but I have worked in Child Welfare for twenty years and am absolutely certain that in regard to child rearing; humans greatly benefit from governmental oversight.
That's not all i was trying to say... but I'll keep it to that.
Hey i've been looking for you and now i find you here ranting that's my girl
20-30 years ago bacon and hot dogs were better for you
the production of food in this country has changed so drastically over the lat several decades there are a lot of things that I won't eat
but I am sure that you don't want the government messing with your food production either
Food production is totally diffrent than raising a child...
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
This is the best rant I have seen in a while.....
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
But is there ANY circumstance under which you think it's reasonable for the govrnment to oversee the raising of anyone else's child?
Yes the case of true child abuse or neglect.....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
This is the best rant I have seen in a while.....
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
But is there ANY circumstance under which you think it's reasonable for the govrnment to oversee the raising of anyone else's child?
Yes the case of true child abuse or neglect.....
Please define "true child neglect". (In a way that can actually be used to clearly identify whether any given [in]action falls into that category, if it's so black & white.)
This is the best rant I have seen in a while.....
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
But is there ANY circumstance under which you think it's reasonable for the govrnment to oversee the raising of anyone else's child?
Yes the case of true child abuse or neglect.....
But without governmental oversight... how would anyone know or be able to identify what exactly constitutes true abuse or neglect? There need to be rules, guidelines and standards. How about the example I was making earlier? According to your beliefs and standards... Is it neglect if you don't send your child to school?
Is it neglect if your child doesn't have health insurance and therefore you do not bring your child to the doctor when he or she appears to be mildly ill?
Why is education more important than healthcare? Why is it ok to use your tax dollars to make sure every child has access to an education but not that every child has access to adequate healthcare?
20-30 years ago bacon and hot dogs were better for you
the production of food in this country has changed so drastically over the lat several decades there are a lot of things that I won't eat
but I am sure that you don't want the government messing with your food production either
Without any form of government oversight - and it's been seriously lacking lately thanks to the Bush Administration - we'd have a lot more incidents of E. coli and Salmonella poisoning in our food supply.
"It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it's yours, and then be willing to let it go." - Neil Gaiman, "Stardust"
20-30 years ago bacon and hot dogs were better for you
the production of food in this country has changed so drastically over the lat several decades there are a lot of things that I won't eat
but I am sure that you don't want the government messing with your food production either
Food production is totally diffrent than raising a child...
Wait. Honestly. Are you saying that the government SHOULD be involved in overseeing food production in the country... but should stay out of taking care of innocent children that are unable to advocate for themselves?
You dont believe that it's the responsibility of the governing bodies to set laws of the land to protect the most vulnerable of it's citizen's? (Because we all know there are many parents that are either unable to or just plain DON'T always look out for the best interests of their children.)
How can you theorize that it is NOT the responsibility of the government to serve as advocates for the children of its nation?
[Please define "true child neglect". (In a way that can actually be used to clearly identify whether any given [in]action falls into that category, if it's so black & white.)
I never said it was black and white.....
suspected physical harm, sexual abuse, mental abuse, or leaving a young child home alone are a few acts I would define as child abuse and call authorities. I can’t cover everything so don’t start the rant please..Most of the time a relative, neighbor or maybe a teacher would notice or even witness these things and call the police or child services.......
If I saw a child riding there bike without a helmet I would NOT call the police......
If I saw a child carrying a pair of scissors I would not call.....
If I saw a child getting a spanking I would not call....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
But without governmental oversight... how would anyone know or be able to identify what exactly constitutes true abuse or neglect? There need to be rules, guidelines and standards. How about the example I was making earlier? According to your beliefs and standards... Is it neglect if you don't send your child to school?
Is it neglect if your child doesn't have health insurance and therefore you do not bring your child to the doctor when he or she appears to be mildly ill?
Why is education more important than healthcare? Why is it ok to use your tax dollars to make sure every child has access to an education but not that every child has access to adequate healthcare?
Why do you go over the top with your questions.....of course about 98% of parents want there children to go to school........ and rules, guidelines and standards are pretty much common sense
No I don’t believe raising children should be governed by politicians.....I believe it’s the parents responsibility. Though I do believe there are SOME parents that do abuse children and when they are reported the authorities will step in......
My tax dollars have been going for others health all my life....
I don’t want to be MADE to purchase health care....Look there are clinics that take low or no income families...and that is good...there is no one that has gone without healthcare unless that was there choice....
But what exactly do you consider MILDLY ill?
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Sorry; I thought your (and others') point was that the government is CLEARLY sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong. So do you believe it's not black and white and there's a huge, debatable, gray area?
suspected physical harm... mental abuse, or leaving a young child home alone are a few acts I would define as child abuse...
If I saw a child getting a spanking I would not call....
How should the government clearly distinguish between spanking and physical abuse, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
How should the government define mental abuse, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
How should the government determine at what age a child is old enough to be left alone, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
But without governmental oversight... how would anyone know or be able to identify what exactly constitutes true abuse or neglect? There need to be rules, guidelines and standards. How about the example I was making earlier? According to your beliefs and standards... Is it neglect if you don't send your child to school?
Is it neglect if your child doesn't have health insurance and therefore you do not bring your child to the doctor when he or she appears to be mildly ill?
Why is education more important than healthcare? Why is it ok to use your tax dollars to make sure every child has access to an education but not that every child has access to adequate healthcare?
Why do you go over the top with your questions.....of course about 98% of parents want there children to go to school........ and rules, guidelines and standards are pretty much common sense
No I don’t believe raising children should be governed by politicians.....I believe it’s the parents responsibility. Though I do believe there are SOME parents that do abuse children and when they are reported the authorities will step in......
My tax dollars have been going for others health all my life....
I don’t want to be MADE to purchase health care....Look there are clinics that take low or no income families...and that is good...there is no one that has gone without healthcare unless that was there choice....
But what exactly do you consider MILDLY ill?
While I would love to take credit for GTFLYGIRL's excellent post, you are incorrect in attributing it to me.
20-30 years ago bacon and hot dogs were better for you
the production of food in this country has changed so drastically over the lat several decades there are a lot of things that I won't eat
but I am sure that you don't want the government messing with your food production either
Food production is totally diffrent than raising a child...
Wait. Honestly. Are you saying that the government SHOULD be involved in overseeing food production in the country... but should stay out of taking care of innocent children that are unable to advocate for themselves?
You dont believe that it's the responsibility of the governing bodies to set laws of the land to protect the most vulnerable of it's citizen's? (Because we all know there are many parents that are either unable to or just plain DON'T always look out for the best interests of their children.)
How can you theorize that it is NOT the responsibility of the government to serve as advocates for the children of its nation?
You may look at them as children of the nation....I look at them as MY children...I put the roof over there head I pay for there food and put clothes on there back...(lol you have me sounding like my dad now)
Advocating is fine....I don’t want the government using tax payers money and the time to create stupid laws such as forcing me to make my child wear a helmet....nor do I want them governing the way I raise my child.......
Off subject:
Here is another example of Washington and there ignorance
They passed a law saying cigarette company’s can no longer use “light” or “ultra light” on cigarette they think Americans are so stupid, that they really think they will get less cancer because it is described that way?....what a waste of tax payer money to pass such an ignorant law....
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
But without governmental oversight... how would anyone know or be able to identify what exactly constitutes true abuse or neglect? There need to be rules, guidelines and standards. How about the example I was making earlier? According to your beliefs and standards... Is it neglect if you don't send your child to school?
Is it neglect if your child doesn't have health insurance and therefore you do not bring your child to the doctor when he or she appears to be mildly ill?
Why is education more important than healthcare? Why is it ok to use your tax dollars to make sure every child has access to an education but not that every child has access to adequate healthcare?
Why do you go over the top with your questions.....of course about 98% of parents want there children to go to school........ and rules, guidelines and standards are pretty much common sense
No I don’t believe raising children should be governed by politicians.....I believe it’s the parents responsibility. Though I do believe there are SOME parents that do abuse children and when they are reported the authorities will step in......
My tax dollars have been going for others health all my life....
I don’t want to be MADE to purchase health care....Look there are clinics that take low or no income families...and that is good...there is no one that has gone without healthcare unless that was there choice....
But what exactly do you consider MILDLY ill?
[While I would love to take credit for GTFLYGIRL's excellent post, you are incorrect in attributing it to me.
my bad ...I was trying to answer all and mixed it up...
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
of course about 98% of parents want there children to go to school........ and rules, guidelines and standards are pretty much common sense
No I don’t believe raising children should be governed by politicians.....I believe it’s the parents responsibility. Though I do believe there are SOME parents that do abuse children and when they are reported the authorities will step in......
What I hear you saying is that you don't want the raising of YOUR children (and the children of people like you) to be governed by politicians, but you think the government should step in for the other people whose ideas about raising THEIR children is different from your idea of common sense.
Because the issue isn't about those "98% of parents [who] want there [sic] children to go to school" - it's about the other 2% who have different beliefs. Should the government require education for the children of that 2%? And, if so, then if 51% of the parents in this country believe spanking a child is child abuse, should YOU be banned from spanking your children?
My tax dollars have been going for others health all my life....
I don’t want to be MADE to purchase health care....Look there are clinics that take low or no income families...and that is good...there is no one that has gone without healthcare unless that was there choice....
But what exactly do you consider MILDLY ill?
Why is education more important than healthcare? Why is it ok to use your tax dollars to make sure every child has access to an education but not that every child has access to adequate healthcare?
Why do you go over the top with your questions.....of course about 98% of parents want there children to go to school........ and rules, guidelines and standards are pretty much common sense
Why is that question over the top? It's a pretty direct question... why do you value the education of children in this country so much more than their health and general well-being?
I don’t believe raising children should be governed by politicians.....I believe it’s the parents responsibility. Though I do believe there are SOME parents that do abuse children and when they are reported the authorities will step in......
yeah. ok. whatever. Do you truly not see the role of government, or for that matter the role of any governing body of any institution, to ensure that children are protected? Do you not see the responsibility of lawmakers to make and enforce laws and standards for PROTECTING AND ADVOCATING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE UNABLE TO PROTECT OR ADVOCATE FOR THEMSELVES??
Off subject:
Here is another example of Washington and there ignorance
They passed a law saying cigarette company’s can no longer use “light” or “ultra light” on cigarette they think Americans are so stupid, that they really think they will get less cancer because it is described that way?....what a waste of tax payer money to pass such an ignorant law....
Do you not believe in truth in advertising requirements either?? :?
Sorry; I thought your (and others') point was that the government is CLEARLY sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong. So do you believe it's not black and white and there's a huge, debatable, gray area?
suspected physical harm... mental abuse, or leaving a young child home alone are a few acts I would define as child abuse...
If I saw a child getting a spanking I would not call....
How should the government clearly distinguish between spanking and physical abuse, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
How should the government define mental abuse, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
How should the government determine at what age a child is old enough to be left alone, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
I just feel it's common sense..
How about a panel of grown abused children make those calls...
I feel I know about child abuse since I was abused from 5 to age just about every aspect..
so in a personal way I can see how ignorant not wearing a helmet is when trying to equate it to child abuse or neglect ...
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Off subject:
Here is another example of Washington and there ignorance
They passed a law saying cigarette company’s can no longer use “light” or “ultra light” on cigarette they think Americans are so stupid, that they really think they will get less cancer because it is described that way?....what a waste of tax payer money to pass such an ignorant law....
Do you not believe in truth in advertising requirements either?? :?
It does not mean less cancer it means less taste...
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Actually, she was still here until she died last Tuesday. She was 95 years old.
You equate child labor with personal choices?
Thanks for the Complement same to you
if i choose to smoke two packs a day around him... MY CHOICE!
if i choose to let him ride in the back of a pick up truck... or my car... without a car seat?... MY CHOICE!
if i choose to help keep me and my children off the public dole... by having my child aid in supporting the household... MY CHOICE!
(a compliment for us... is a compliment for you! )
i'm sure many trust there selves plenty... (it's ok... education shouldn't be mandatory anyway... )
Should tax dollars pay for education but NOT health care for children and if so why?
What exactly is the main difference? If your kid ends up dead because they don't have basic health care... what good is the education?
And... btw.... You are the one who espoused the beauty of the simple life... back in the day when you were growing up with your parents smoking around you, riding in the back of pick up's and eating a diet of bacon and hot dogs...
If the government shouldn't be involved in whether or not a child is in a car seat... or wearing a bike helmet... if those are PERSONAL CHOICES.... why isnt the choice to have your kid work, instead of attending school, the very same thing.... Isn't it a choice made without regard to societal norms of what is in the best interest of a child?
If it's a personal choice to not use a car seat, or have your child wear a bike helmet, or see to it that your child receive proper health care... then why should it not be a choice to CHOOSE whether you want your child to go to work... or to be educated? Especially since the education system is paid for out of OUR TAX DOLLARS!
Think of all the money the country could save if we took all the lazy families and had the parents and the kids all working! They wouldnt need any kind of assistance from the government and between all of their minimum wage jobs... they could probably afford their own health insurance!! Sounds like a win/win for THE TEA PARTY!
This is the best rant I have seen in a while.....
I don't want government to oversee the raising of my child ...thats all I am trying to say....
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Fair enough... but I have worked in Child Welfare for twenty years and am absolutely certain that in regard to child rearing; humans greatly benefit from governmental oversight.
That's not all i was trying to say... but I'll keep it to that.
Hey i've been looking for you and now i find you here
But is there ANY circumstance under which you think it's reasonable for the govrnment to oversee the raising of anyone else's child?
the production of food in this country has changed so drastically over the lat several decades there are a lot of things that I won't eat
but I am sure that you don't want the government messing with your food production either
Yes the case of true child abuse or neglect.....
Please define "true child neglect". (In a way that can actually be used to clearly identify whether any given [in]action falls into that category, if it's so black & white.)
But without governmental oversight... how would anyone know or be able to identify what exactly constitutes true abuse or neglect? There need to be rules, guidelines and standards. How about the example I was making earlier? According to your beliefs and standards... Is it neglect if you don't send your child to school?
Is it neglect if your child doesn't have health insurance and therefore you do not bring your child to the doctor when he or she appears to be mildly ill?
Why is education more important than healthcare? Why is it ok to use your tax dollars to make sure every child has access to an education but not that every child has access to adequate healthcare?
Without any form of government oversight - and it's been seriously lacking lately thanks to the Bush Administration - we'd have a lot more incidents of E. coli and Salmonella poisoning in our food supply.
Wait. Honestly. Are you saying that the government SHOULD be involved in overseeing food production in the country... but should stay out of taking care of innocent children that are unable to advocate for themselves?
You dont believe that it's the responsibility of the governing bodies to set laws of the land to protect the most vulnerable of it's citizen's? (Because we all know there are many parents that are either unable to or just plain DON'T always look out for the best interests of their children.)
How can you theorize that it is NOT the responsibility of the government to serve as advocates for the children of its nation?
I never said it was black and white.....
suspected physical harm, sexual abuse, mental abuse, or leaving a young child home alone are a few acts I would define as child abuse and call authorities. I can’t cover everything so don’t start the rant please..Most of the time a relative, neighbor or maybe a teacher would notice or even witness these things and call the police or child services.......
If I saw a child riding there bike without a helmet I would NOT call the police......
If I saw a child carrying a pair of scissors I would not call.....
If I saw a child getting a spanking I would not call....
Why do you go over the top with your questions.....of course about 98% of parents want there children to go to school........ and rules, guidelines and standards are pretty much common sense
No I don’t believe raising children should be governed by politicians.....I believe it’s the parents responsibility. Though I do believe there are SOME parents that do abuse children and when they are reported the authorities will step in......
My tax dollars have been going for others health all my life....
I don’t want to be MADE to purchase health care....Look there are clinics that take low or no income families...and that is good...there is no one that has gone without healthcare unless that was there choice....
But what exactly do you consider MILDLY ill?
Sorry; I thought your (and others') point was that the government is CLEARLY sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong. So do you believe it's not black and white and there's a huge, debatable, gray area?
How should the government clearly distinguish between spanking and physical abuse, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
How should the government define mental abuse, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
How should the government determine at what age a child is old enough to be left alone, in a way that won't inspire anyone to feel that his/her rights as a parent are being violated?
While I would love to take credit for GTFLYGIRL's excellent post, you are incorrect in attributing it to me.
Advocating is fine....I don’t want the government using tax payers money and the time to create stupid laws such as forcing me to make my child wear a helmet....nor do I want them governing the way I raise my child.......
Off subject:
Here is another example of Washington and there ignorance
They passed a law saying cigarette company’s can no longer use “light” or “ultra light” on cigarette they think Americans are so stupid, that they really think they will get less cancer because it is described that way?....what a waste of tax payer money to pass such an ignorant law....
Your mis-quote makes it difficult to tell who you are overgeneralizing about here.
What I hear you saying is that you don't want the raising of YOUR children (and the children of people like you) to be governed by politicians, but you think the government should step in for the other people whose ideas about raising THEIR children is different from your idea of common sense.
Because the issue isn't about those "98% of parents [who] want there [sic] children to go to school" - it's about the other 2% who have different beliefs. Should the government require education for the children of that 2%? And, if so, then if 51% of the parents in this country believe spanking a child is child abuse, should YOU be banned from spanking your children?
I think everyone knows that's not true.
Why is that question over the top? It's a pretty direct question... why do you value the education of children in this country so much more than their health and general well-being?
yeah. ok. whatever. Do you truly not see the role of government, or for that matter the role of any governing body of any institution, to ensure that children are protected? Do you not see the responsibility of lawmakers to make and enforce laws and standards for PROTECTING AND ADVOCATING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE UNABLE TO PROTECT OR ADVOCATE FOR THEMSELVES??
It is now becoming apparent that you and i live in two VERY different worlds.....
appears to be mildly ill was the question. APPEARS TO BE...
Do you not believe in truth in advertising requirements either?? :?
How about a panel of grown abused children make those calls...
I feel I know about child abuse since I was abused from 5 to age just about every aspect..
so in a personal way I can see how ignorant not wearing a helmet is when trying to equate it to child abuse or neglect ...
It does not mean less cancer it means less taste...